The Danger of Solo Camping

The Danger of Solo Camping


3 года назад

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@hyfilmzz - 19.01.2024 15:18

I plan on starting to solo camp soon haven’t really camped before that much but I do love the outdoors. Sadly I have nobody to go with

@alwayslousmom8095 - 16.01.2024 03:30

I could never…

@AceGibson1959 - 15.01.2024 11:57

I have done solo camping for years. But I'm no dummy either. I solo in designated camp grounds where there are neighbors within shouting distance. One place I like to camp is Lake Jennings in San Diego. It's still camping but the ranger station is very close by and fellow campers are also close by. Never had a problem with drunks or aggressive people. i would NEVER camp at Lake Tahoe or Yosemite or any of the national parks. I've heard waaaaaaay too many horror stories about those places.

@THE-RIVER-RAT - 15.01.2024 04:18

Sounds like you're scared of anything. You can't live your life that way. You are going to Die some time whether you like it or not so there's no point in worrying about it. Now that's not to say you shouldn't take precautions But you have to live your life.

Not just live it if there's someone with you.

@howwwwwyyyyy - 14.01.2024 13:34

It doesn't matter who you're with if it's a grizzly,worst story I heard was a from a friend who was out camping with mate,in the middle of the night a grizzly dragged his friend out of his tent, nothing you can do, after a while he must have played dead,but the bear took him off, he couldn't just leave him so he followed it to a cave where it left him,he was still alive but with broken limbs ect and couldn't be moved, only thing was to go for help, but when he got back with help the cave was empty, must have been horrible for the man to hear something coming to the cave and hoping it was help, only to find it was the bear.

@Rxbukiru - 13.01.2024 15:58

The scariest experience I have had while camping was camping with friends in a national forest with 8 friends but on the last night it turned into just me and my friend and his girlfriend. They had their own tent and I did as well but I didn’t have a tarp or a cover for my tent which was super scary. The fact that I can see outside of my tent and that something can see inside of my tent was absolutely terrifying. As time went on in the night I started to hear a lot of gunshots and rifles going on and off in the distance every couple minutes which was really strange. This has went on for a good 2 hrs and then it went dead silent at 3am for good. As I was getting ready to go to sleep I started to hear footsteps around the tents and I just assumed it was my friend at the time but it wasn’t. I don’t know what it was or who it was but it rubbed against my tent a couple times and I was frozen solid in pure fear. I’ve never felt so much fear and adrenaline rush into my body before so I just laid still there without breaking the silence. After a few minutes gone by I decided to say “I don’t know who or what is outside my tent but could you please leave me alone.” And shortly after I heard the footsteps walk away and it was gone I made sure I yelled my friends name to make sure it wasn’t him but I didn’t hear a response back so I assumed that he was still sleeping with his girlfriend. I didn’t go to sleep until I knew for sure the sun was starting to come back up and to this day I don’t know what visited me that night.

@TheBostonRippah - 13.01.2024 02:44

Solo camping requires a few security measures....#1. A firearm or wrist rocket.
2. Night vision goggles is a nice fore multiplier.
3. An aztec death whistle is great for scaring people in the dark.

@guntrader5652 - 13.01.2024 00:43

Do you get bit by spiders? I don’t camp but I’m out just about everyday 2-5AM doing my cardio miles before the gym opens. 3 separate times this past summer. I never see the spider. I discover some pain or swelling on my lower legs & possible bite site, then later around 3-4PM the fever hits, chills, headaches, loss of appetite. I’m pretty sick for 18-24 Hours. Happened May, July & November. I suppose it’s a black widow I don’t know what else could cause this. Any Clue let me know Thanks

@lindasalas7828 - 12.01.2024 16:27

Exactly 💯

@mikee2482 - 12.01.2024 06:43

What about ghosts?

@user-js9qm8cf6w - 12.01.2024 02:01

They call them widow makers

@user-js9qm8cf6w - 12.01.2024 01:59

I would recommend satellite phone or beacon device or a baofeng with search and rescue frequency

@user-js9qm8cf6w - 12.01.2024 01:57

Thanks for the advice 👍

@sheepdog1102 - 12.01.2024 00:21

Great advice

@amyn6337 - 11.01.2024 22:44

I agree. The most simple and prophane things are the most dangerous. Just a handful of people will get attacked by wild animals or strangers. But hundreds and thousands of people get medical conditions or simply tripping over a stone or into a hole. That is enough. I even met an agressive deer out in the woods, i fell two times seriously, one time a stranger was following me and two times there were naked people out in the woods. One couple making love and one time there were 3 people taking professional photos with fireworks, smokebombs and everything naked. That was realy strange but funny. These people were even ashamed because we had kids withus. They hushed into cover really fast as they saw us😂. But i never saw a wolf and there are many around here.
Luckily i never go out without my two best friends... Sebastian and Mr. Smith&Wesson🤙😉

@rubychurch3466 - 11.01.2024 13:50

Why kill the bear! What an awful story.

@claramullen - 11.01.2024 05:48

There are risk in most everything we do. You just have to do your best to survive. I am 64 I camp alone iit is not the animals i worry about it is crazy humans that is why I carry protection and am a black belt in karate. Someone always knows my plans and I have a location device. If you live in fear your whole life you will not enjoy it.

@brianrittgers4611 - 09.01.2024 17:59

Dude has the fears

@randyinscoe5780 - 08.01.2024 20:44

There is no safe 😊

@Venus_19786 - 08.01.2024 04:53

Solo Camping in certain places need to be ban for public safety.

@MsRotorwings - 07.01.2024 22:05

Let me guess, your 30 year old kids still live at home because something bad might happen to them.

Baby steps, try letting them go get the mail all by themselves.

Nothing wrong with camping alone. Get a GPS tracker.

@user-wg8we4yz4j - 07.01.2024 05:38


@Browneye57 - 04.01.2024 22:57

Yeah, did a lot of wilderness off-grid type adventure-bike riding for about 15 years - we preferred a trio. That way if something dire happened, one could stay with the afflicted party while the other went for help. Still, a lot of riders went solo, and in pairs.
In later years, SPOT came along and that helped - we actually had a few rescues with them. For larger group events - 200-400 people, we would setup FSR radio repeaters to extend their range.
I recently moved to an area that has very remote (and no cell signals) within about 20 miles of the house - I just bought a ZOLEO satellite communicator and rescue beacon, so at least can let the wife know I'm okay, or I can summon search and rescue.
But if you croak before you can get to your devise, I guess you're SOL. I do use an automated tracking ping so parties back home can track activity. If you stop when you're not supposed to, or for too long, they can also summon help.

@dmitriy8732 - 04.01.2024 10:36

Bro, you are a good English teacher, listening to your story, I began to understand better. Your pronunciation is very clear and competent. It's great to listen to you. I subscribe and like.

@SeanP7195 - 04.01.2024 09:04

Years ago I was “camping” in Michigan. I was laying in a little poncho hooch (US Army style) and I woke at dawn to a fffttt fffttt sound inches above my head. At first I thought it was an arrow being shoot. Then I quickly realized it was bullets. Someone was shooting bullets inches above my head thinking it was great fun. Asshole

@frankbrown5321 - 04.01.2024 04:54

I'd say yes and no. Safer for 1 person to have the lowest lever caliber to deal with the highest level of threat in that area. I think it's irrelevant how many people are there except for the aftermath/rescue, and rescue is very important.. a mountain lion, bear, or snake can give anyone a lethal injury in second while they are crouched going to the bathroom in the woods.

@eliasmiller1894 - 04.01.2024 03:14

This was 10 whole minutes of this guy stating hypothetical situations he is terrified might happen. I refuse to let fear dictate my life.

@love68 - 03.01.2024 15:52

I have several rifles and guns. Keep your head on a swivel. Mouth closed, eyes and ears wide open. I still could be killed by bears, mountain lions, coyotes, etc... but I make it very difficult. Motion sensing alarms.👍😃🙏💛☯️🌞

@darrellblake799 - 03.01.2024 09:09

How many of the people making comments here also went in the helicopter with Venus Flytrap?

@pauljohnson7770 - 02.01.2024 00:07

Wow so many fearful people maybe stay home and watch you tube videos

@chuckylamb4398 - 01.01.2024 20:24

If you live alone you’re on your own anyway!! You can park at campsites with other people but still alone most of the day and night! Question is do you live or stay at home afraid?

@muleskinner1940 - 01.01.2024 09:26

Maybe u need to camp in ur own backyard and if something was to happen turn on a great big boom box with rock n roll music wake up the hole darn neighbor hood

@yourleftnut814 - 31.12.2023 11:40

Always set some security measures. I always surround my tent (20 ft away) with fishing lines tied to bells and other things that make noise

@steelthunder76 - 29.12.2023 03:39

Tell it to a truck driver

@latonyawilliams2891 - 27.12.2023 20:51

Thank you

@Whaiz-cr4wl - 26.12.2023 13:11

If you do Solo hikes/camping, always have someone know where you are..... I would always give my parents/wife or close friends info about my trip : route, planned campsites. If there was internet I would always check in at mornings and evenings, updating my location and plan. We would generally have simpe rule that if you don't hear from me in 24h, You call in the cavalry and start looking for me..... for rescue it is easier, because they have specific location to check and for me it is easy to survive, because I know that after 24h someone is looking for me and I have packed my gear in order to survive atleast 72h comfortably. The knowing that someone is looking for you can get you through the cold, hunger, pain..... it is depressing if you know that no one knows you are there and no one is looking for you.

@dougrobins4250 - 26.12.2023 02:49

I have spent years camping alone in northern BC , Yukon Territory and Northern Albert Canada in tent , truck campers and river boats. When alone all you need to do is be extra carful when cutting wood , hiking , fishing and anything else that you can hurt yourself doing anywhere. As far as bears ,cougars , wolf and wild things including people , it’s simple be prepared , carry a shotgun and use it if needed . I sleep like a baby and enjoy my self

@duanemiles1558 - 25.12.2023 22:45

You scare me too death. But as something I've considered about when traveling as a single. Even 911 has it's faults.

@hipo6352 - 24.12.2023 19:00

I want to learn to camp solo was watching a lot videos and reading books for sure. Training.everybody say dangerous and hard no water😢😮wild animals.

@minivanglamper - 23.12.2023 00:43 is too short for this constant fear...i choose to live , see, do ....i could be walking in the parking lot to Walmart and get run should i go to Walmart or no? 😂

@Sirrehpotsirch - 22.12.2023 08:05

Hmm. Can't live scared, brother. Ships are most safe while tied up at harbor. But that is not why ships are built. Take precautions, be smart, understand your environment, and don't take stupid chances. But you gotta live your life.

@1Troutguy - 21.12.2023 23:42

We can what if for anything. Keep going till you cant...

@jackinthewoodsii8653 - 21.12.2023 22:39

This is ridiculous, silly and irresponsible. Spreading fear about camping, GROW UP. You DO NOT need a firearm to go camping. Yeah, USA, 2nd Amendment, shoot everything and everyone, it's stupid and fear mongering. Anyone who is self sufficient can camp alone with zero issues. I feel safer alone in the woods without a firearm than I do on city streets.

@cooltechandmore - 21.12.2023 15:45

where was the campsite? in my 20 used to camp a lot in smokey's like cosby campgrounds

@JK-zl7vv - 20.12.2023 14:15

I think the biggest potential for death in the woods is a snake bite, your more likely to to get snake bit, over a bear attack.

@Crosswalker. - 19.12.2023 12:29

Thousands of people will die today in car accidents around the world, we still will drive tomorrow I guess 🤷‍♂️ that's life, we're mortal and one day we're all dead... Taking unnecessary risks is stupid, but to stop living because I might die? Nah...

@wayne9518 - 19.12.2023 07:00

I always try to go with someone I can out run😂

@davidjacobs828 - 19.12.2023 04:11

WTF ????
How the hell is this the bear' s
Fault ???
The bear was just eating his lunch and got shot ... ???
This is straight up murder for no reason....the guy was already dead ...

@guydawson7886 - 18.12.2023 20:42

Life is risky get over it. Be sensible but dont stop living by being scared all the time. Get out and do what you want to do.
