VBA to read contents from PDF File - VBA PDF Automation-3

VBA to read contents from PDF File - VBA PDF Automation-3


4 года назад

61,970 Просмотров

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@Wisui - 17.09.2023 01:49

Wow, your works are amazing. Thank you.

Champi - 05.09.2023 00:16

Wow! This amazing. Thanks to you Sir

Chandra Kanth
Chandra Kanth - 28.03.2023 17:47


Mahaveer Prajapat
Mahaveer Prajapat - 24.01.2023 15:46

Nice but data are not arranged so that i can identify.Thank You

zahid thakur
zahid thakur - 17.01.2023 13:29

Thanks for such a detailed and easy walkthrough. I was looking for something similar to automate a US tax form. I would like to update this form filed using values from different cells in Excel. One way I can think to do this using sheet.range function along with for to loop in all the rows for to update all data. Am I right, or are there any other suggestions?

Adrian B
Adrian B - 06.01.2023 23:07

Nice one!

Serdar Cavusoglu
Serdar Cavusoglu - 08.12.2022 00:00


J M TIWARI - 09.10.2022 09:10

Great. Can we read data from one pdf form nd fill the same in another pdf form ? Or can we copy data from Excel sheet and paste it in PDF form ?

home jonny
home jonny - 01.10.2022 14:05

Hello. Thanks for the tutorial!

Do you know if is it possible to get the coordinates of each word?

Dan N
Dan N - 27.09.2022 15:26

hi, this does not seems to work with Adobe Acrobat DC Reader. Can someone please confirm? I was not able to see the AcroApp when I declare "Dim aApp as Acrobat.???", the only option is cAcroApp.. Thanks!

Nora Lx
Nora Lx - 19.09.2022 11:20

How can I search for text in all pages?

saket004 - 07.05.2022 14:59

Hi - will this not work without Adobe professional?
Pls help out

John Wall
John Wall - 12.03.2022 02:34

Great video,
can someone help me? I’m getting a “Runtime error 91: object variable or with block variable not set” on line “For j = 0 to sel_text.getnumtext -1” I believe I have everything the same as the video just a different folder to a pdf (obviously)

Shehroz Pal
Shehroz Pal - 18.01.2022 18:31

Can you please link me to the video to format the text like the PDF?

Curious Jessy
Curious Jessy - 09.01.2022 21:02

Can you please upload a video for
Converting multiple pdf in a folder into JPG OR PNG and save in a different folder via VBA

Travis Carter
Travis Carter - 12.09.2021 08:00

This is SO cool. Thank you for taking the time to make this tutorial.

ravindra dubey
ravindra dubey - 02.06.2021 14:19

Hi sir
I am not finding the Acrobat library in Tools>>Reference>
Could you please help for this

Yvonne Crozier
Yvonne Crozier - 23.04.2021 03:58

This was SO helpful, thank you very much! Is there a way to detect if the text is underlined or bold in the PDF as you are reading through it?

Jeffrey van Riebec
Jeffrey van Riebec - 26.02.2021 21:25

Again a great tutorial.

can you please change this line

Debug.Print sel_text.GetText(j)


Debug.Print sel_text.GetText(j);

and then look what this will do. This is great for me!

I am trying to get it printed like this in an Excel file.

Can you help out?

Because I don't know if it is possible to read data from PDF line by line.
It is ok, if the complete TXT will be put into Cell A1, I will then use Excel to rebuild data into columns etc ( the same way I would do when importing a TXT file)

Aathi Deva
Aathi Deva - 09.12.2020 19:07

Great one!!!! i tried this but if we have a = symbol in pdf then it is not running

Anand Kajale
Anand Kajale - 11.11.2020 06:36

How to print horizontal

vineet gupta
vineet gupta - 05.11.2020 00:45

will it also work for scanned PDF files?

vineet gupta
vineet gupta - 04.11.2020 20:28

I could not find the code from any of the links..anyone has code please?

Shyam - 21.09.2020 10:23

Thanks for the code I run it but getting single single charecters in immediate window.
How can I get exact words only ?
How to get values next to perticular word?

Kiran Agarwal
Kiran Agarwal - 12.07.2020 06:11

i can show you image

Kiran Agarwal
Kiran Agarwal - 12.07.2020 06:10

use exact code like you...but constant showing error

LilKim MacDaddy
LilKim MacDaddy - 12.06.2020 21:51

Excellent video. Could you please show us to only extract comments and annotations from the pdf file.

vijay muthu
vijay muthu - 12.06.2020 20:11

acrobat reader is fine or need editor version to run the code

vijay muthu
vijay muthu - 12.06.2020 20:10

i get 462 error while running the code in line " Set pdf_doc = av_doc.GetPDDoc"

hilton maximiano
hilton maximiano - 04.06.2020 06:02

I don't have the acrobat 10 tape library in excel. you know a way for me to do the dowlonad. thank you !!!

Kiran Vedi
Kiran Vedi - 28.05.2020 18:46

I understand extraction of PDF text to Excel.
How to extract only comments from PDF to Excel. Instead of manually from PDF acrobat, can I automate it using VBA?

Jo Vil
Jo Vil - 28.02.2020 02:21

Hi I got "ActiveX component can't create object". why is that?
