Stationeers News: Inworld liquids/ITCH.IO/Dev announcements: atmos, terraforming, nuclear power ****

Stationeers News: Inworld liquids/ITCH.IO/Dev announcements: atmos, terraforming, nuclear power ****

God, creator of the universe

55 лет назад

4,778 Просмотров

(BETTER QUALITY VERSION: Water and other liquids are no longer represented by mist, instead we have actual (grid-resolution) LIQUIDS IN THE WORLD! Incl. electrical malfunctions and water mark check regarding wall-mounted devices.

The devs are CURRENTLY already working on the TERRAFORMING expansion! And some interesting atmospheric implementation changes are already in the game. For this and the TERRAIN REFACTOR (whose standard map size is currently estimated to be 8x8 km (GTA5 is 9x9)), there's a new Betas dropdown menu entry. All this is shown and explained in the video, incl. tips of how to deal with saving not working / Microsoft OneDrive interfering, Stationeers starting very slowly via Steam, etc.

We have a new tool: The LIQUID VACUUM, a hand-held device for sucking up and spitting out liquids. And we have a new door! The MANUAL FLOOR HATCH!

Stationeers is now on ITCH.IO! Please support them THERE - RocketWerkz loses ***50%*** on Steam and has to wait MONTHS for the money. Also, Steam keeps changing things around without notice, it's too much of a gamble for RocketWerkz, so they aim to move future launches to itch.

New DLC: 3 bobble heads! They are purely meant as a way to help finance the Stationeers project and only give you 1 decorative item each. They can be named and spraypainted. They are NOT like e.g. the Robot or Zrilian DLC, which functionally expand the game.

Official in-world water announcement:

Official electrical short circuit announcement:

RocketWerkz on YouTube:

The mentioned recent News episode about the TERRAIN REFACTOR:

Leaf Corcoran, creator of ITCH.IO, a 2016 presentation:

The free "Everything" file/folder search tool that should be on every Windows computer in the world:

Okay, the last part is a proof-of-concept demo from the new early-work-in-progress game which is intended to be the thing that would have come after Kerbal Space Program 1. - - During the making of this News video, the impression still was that this all is kinda hush-hush. That's why the scrolling dotty image at 13:49 (left bottom) would have to be blurred extremely so that you can kinda discern that it's showing a Kerbal in space.


This video took stupidly long to make (35 days!), so these "News" are rather old already. I can't point to a single cause. I wanted it to be polished, since I just got the DaVinci Resolve Studio license. There were multiple topics to cover, they mutated over time since the dev team's works was unusually affecting, so I had to do a few rewrites (which sucks when you're in the middle of things). Etc.
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