What New Air Force Cadets Go Through On Day One At The Academy | Boot Camp

What New Air Force Cadets Go Through On Day One At The Academy | Boot Camp

Business Insider

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Fabiano Lima
Fabiano Lima - 24.09.2023 21:30

then, go kill in the name of oil!!!!

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 24.09.2023 07:17

i love the air froce.

Dave Rodriguez
Dave Rodriguez - 24.09.2023 05:51

Seems quite tame compared to the videos of Marine Corps basic.

AtalixZero - 24.09.2023 02:26

Army 2003-2007, combat medic attached to an infantry unit.

Basic training shark attack was intimidating, nerve racking and stressful. But it made sense. Looking at the senior cadets with mirrored glasses trying to look like Maverick was a little... humorous. Would be hard to be properly intimidated with people that seem to be cosplaying.

I was not expecting that when I watched this video.

Bambi's Tracks Too
Bambi's Tracks Too - 24.09.2023 02:06

love the "screamers" they look silly not "scary"

Michael - 20.09.2023 17:21

Most people equate leadership to being an unrestrained asshole..it has it’s place in boot camp to break down then build up a military trainee. But those who are clueless carry on with it outside of the training environment and create toxic workplaces

Luca Scavolini
Luca Scavolini - 17.09.2023 12:01


Rod Butler
Rod Butler - 17.09.2023 02:52

Air Force academy graduates are some of the next Generals in the Air and Space Force. They have a great opportunity if they don’t screw up.

Wolfgang Jungheim
Wolfgang Jungheim - 16.09.2023 01:37

Jau, lang ist's heer (1968) ... hier verlor ich auch meine schönen langen, gewellten Haare ... Noch nie habe ich so viel gelacht, wie damals, beim Bund ... tut jedem gut, die Disziplin, ein wenig Pause vom Hippyflair ...

Mr ARSOFU - 14.09.2023 22:29


Paul Williams
Paul Williams - 14.09.2023 20:22

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Cadets trying so hard to be DS. Its hilarious. Leave the training to us Non-Coms.

Nexu - 14.09.2023 16:38

/: so air force bc is nothing but people saying “good luck” and people smiling. While marine bc is people cussing, yelling, telling people “you’re not gonna make it just quit” and people looking like what did i sign up for 😐

allen sacharov
allen sacharov - 13.09.2023 09:30

The morons who are upper classmen doing this indoctrination are just that, morons. In the services, drill instructors must attend drill instructors school before they are placed in front of recruits.

8-Bit Co-Op
8-Bit Co-Op - 12.09.2023 16:02

LOL 6 weeks. As a Marine watching these Boot Camp video I just laugh at how east they are. I know I know they dont have to be as physical as Marines need to be but none of what I have been watching has seemed stressful. My DI's where yelling in my ear...not hyperbole I had one on one side and one on the other and both where going ham right in my ear. Was good training. I dont remember ever walking anywhere it was marching or running. I will say this their Academy looks CLEAN.

Jeffei - 09.09.2023 23:39

Why is this guy from the royal guardian angels yelling at people? Loose the t uck

Lachlan Fraser
Lachlan Fraser - 09.09.2023 11:08

Chair Force

Ryan Cook
Ryan Cook - 09.09.2023 05:35


farpointgamingdirect - 09.09.2023 00:11

Wannabe zoomies trying to scare someone--THAT'S CUTE 🤣🤣🤣 Semper Fi!

reallylovingyou - 08.09.2023 09:33

Clowns screaming at each other for no reason...

Bloody Hill
Bloody Hill - 07.09.2023 04:22

why do they look like kids shouting on other kids and that fat dude jumping trying hard to be on eye level with the newbie hilarious.

John Sassany
John Sassany - 06.09.2023 01:54

OH, GREAT, A FAT ASS TECH SERGEANT with a DOUBLE CHIN? Not when I went through BOOT CAMP. So this is 2 Years ago? Now we have a Triple Chin JELLY BELLY MSGT in our ranks.

tony francesco
tony francesco - 05.09.2023 07:07

It was an honor to be in the Air Force . American military is a great place to be . Military service should be mandatory for all able bodied civilians . Military service is a great honor

Herrscher of Gaming
Herrscher of Gaming - 04.09.2023 22:43

I'm confused, what is the difference between this and BMT at JBSA Lackland AFB?

Stefan Krebs
Stefan Krebs - 04.09.2023 18:38

We do not have drill instructors since our army setup ist totally different (militia style). Every function has to start at basic boot camp, every soldier, every officer, every General. You have to go all the way up through the ranks. I went to initial boot camp. After succesfully finishing it I moved forward to NCO School. After that you have to go through bootcamp again but now as a Sergeant you will train the new recruits (with the support of Instructors) and act as sergeant. If you want to make officer you will then go through officer school and then again through bootcamp as lieutenant. So as you go up the ranks you always train your rank and at the same time your ranks bvelow you. I think this is a very efficient way. I stopped at Sergeant (Infantry) were you then get attached to a regular unit and take over your function and responsability in your unit and during future repeating courses. Seargeants are usually responsible for a half platoon or group.... Training is quite fast in the infantry. First day clothing and all additonally stuff, second day personal weapon and already dryfire drills. First life fire after four to five days on the range. From then on daily training and drills with at least 2 to 3 so called "shooting days" per week. After two month there will be 4 consecutive weeks life firing in the alps on platoon and company level with all bells and whistles....

Susanne S
Susanne S - 04.09.2023 17:03

Lol don’t look at the ground it’s not going anywhere

Atomic Habanero
Atomic Habanero - 04.09.2023 14:55

That's cute

WConn100 - 03.09.2023 03:23

Anyone notice the BS? The Cadets are wearing masks but the Cadre are not? The NCOs are not? The Generals are NOT? Kinda defeats the purpose, does it not?

MJ doc
MJ doc - 02.09.2023 20:11

That's a proper don't-think-for-yourself brainwashing place.

Sleepless - 02.09.2023 16:46

Ah yes, the army, humans being treated like dogs, brainwashed to the point of being sheep and giving up their life for an illusion. What a world we live in.

nzgunnie - 02.09.2023 16:20

The insistence on over exaggerated yelling is just laughable, and contrary to good learning, where as an instructor you need to establish an environment that enables high level cognition. That is not achieved by the silly display of shouting that the US military seems to have convinced itself is useful.

O Bardo
O Bardo - 02.09.2023 15:30

Same to Brazil kkkk

JW1981 - 02.09.2023 11:46

Nice masks goofballs

tzackaria7 - 02.09.2023 04:59

sheeet, looks like girl scout camp to me.

Jim Beam
Jim Beam - 01.09.2023 20:53

Take your sunglass off. After you are even weaker.

Alhassan Kiwamdeen
Alhassan Kiwamdeen - 01.09.2023 20:21

Xander. Yes, sir?

You're on your own.

John WiiU
John WiiU - 01.09.2023 10:47

Good ol' propaganda

dave miller
dave miller - 01.09.2023 05:28

Recruit! That cot is a mess. Your duvet is off center and those slippers are not stowed properly. You owe me 3 push ups! outside with no air conditioning! This entire platoon will do without donuts tomorrow morning at breakfast! Do you understand me?

Trevor Gregory
Trevor Gregory - 01.09.2023 04:43

wht tf they wearing masks?

Specinix - 01.09.2023 02:54

how do they handle the "hard-ass" cadets? like the guys who are obviously not reacting to the cadre's screaming but also aren't following orders, those guys seem tough to break

Deirdre McNamara
Deirdre McNamara - 01.09.2023 00:44

Impressive except for the masks. They lost me there!!! America's military going along with a dangerous fraud??????? SMH!

Glen Campbell
Glen Campbell - 01.09.2023 00:21

More silly shouting and screaming 👎👎😳

Andrew Biden
Andrew Biden - 31.08.2023 21:13

boring / gay / you lose vs anything with white males only

Sheila Gadde
Sheila Gadde - 31.08.2023 07:47


Sam - 31.08.2023 06:11

Gender equality- there is no gender in war...shave the girls heads bald too. War a guy does a woman must do, in the military all are one and the same. No special treatment.

jt conley
jt conley - 30.08.2023 22:17

These were the top 10%??? We are SCREWED

Albanian Fox
Albanian Fox - 30.08.2023 20:55

Why do the boys have to fully cut the hair and the girls wont talk about equality pfff

White Goodman
White Goodman - 30.08.2023 11:57

Gotta turn em into jarheads.

Hail Schmitler
Hail Schmitler - 30.08.2023 11:33

Future gas station attendants.
