I Made a Fabric Minecraft Mod (Without Learning Java)

I Made a Fabric Minecraft Mod (Without Learning Java)

Nico is LOST

1 год назад

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Americanbadashh - 28.10.2023 11:37

Thank you for this. You reminded me of something I'd forgotten

Dzuchun - 22.10.2023 18:37

Java is insanely easy to program in. It was my first language to learn. And I was comfortable in java codebases, even while having no idea what heap/stack is 😂

Once again, it's practucal usage is INSANELY easy. There are a couple of sharp edges, you'll bump into, but they can be mastered in a couple of hours total.

Prease do not be afraid.

Timely - 03.10.2023 05:20

I love this video and love your Ambitions to help non-technical people get into technical stuff and things. for me I wanna make a simple mod to add a spesifc feature to enhance the experience for a mien-craft server I play on a daily basis. I searched everywhere but no one has created a mod for the idea I had which would be nice QOL for playing on the server I play on. Honestly coding may be difficult but you can build on it with one line of code at a time, so I can keep slamming my face into the wall till something sticks. My only issue getting into modding is setting up my environment IE the IDE and everything that needs to be done before you start coding. Im following a tutorial atm but I've encountered some strange blockages that I need to overcome to even start coding. setting everything up is so painful and I'd rather just start coding, wish it was that simple just code. anyways I started a bit but have to postpone my progress as the minecraft server I play on has an event I need to grind out. After this ill start making my mod, im making for me but ill post it on Modrith for others if they want to use it which I know for a fact many will. this comment is getting a little long so thanks for reading and I kept my modding idea vague bc it's a really good idea, don't want anyone stealing it hehe.

TheOriginYT - 16.08.2023 22:43

I expected a "I didn't learn Java so I did it in Kotlin" kind of thing

Myst1cS04p - 11.08.2023 12:43

IM THE 1200th LIKE

jimm - 05.08.2023 17:02

I also knew python and a bit of c# so when i wanted to make minecraft mods it was easy, I even learned the java standard libary in 1-2 weeks. (c# knowledge helped me out a LOT)

Lynden Sylvester
Lynden Sylvester - 04.08.2023 10:11

As a Comp Sci major who's learning how to mod, I can comfortably say that all you really need to know to get started is a basic understanding of logic structures and flow. You DON'T need formal programming knowledge. Also, DON'T rely on modding tutorials TOO much. The only way you will learn and get better is by trying something, failing, figuring out why you failed and how to fix it. Reading the API docs can help you have a basic working knowledge, but YOU have to be open to learning from your mistakes and taking unconventional roads. I'd highly advise commenting your code. Your future self will be thanking your past self for it. You may know what a piece of code does now, but when you revisit that same piece 6 months later... you'll want to read your comments to refresh your memory.

MrBlizzard - 03.08.2023 02:46

I thought it was going to be a mod using kotlin

Rmeix - 31.07.2023 12:23

hey i really need help withsomething if u do know how to code first what is a HWID second my friend made a hack (mod) where i need a password word to open it I do know the password but when i use a different account it wont work and says missing HWID its a fabric mod does anybody know how to remove it from the mod

Alex Stone
Alex Stone - 30.07.2023 00:05

I learned java by making minecraft mods back in 1.2.5 days

HereticHazel - 25.07.2023 20:00

This video is very true, but I'd just like to say this:
The first Minecraft mod i did was setting up third party messaging that went through my own server instead of the game server, and it was painful, on top of figuring out how java networking works and debugging it i had to write my own server software for it for the server side, i cannot recommend it

Skylor Beck
Skylor Beck - 02.07.2023 21:00

You and I learned to mod in the exact same way. Are you exploring code still? Would love to collab.

Zolar - 26.06.2023 21:10

Zoom o matic update where we can add more zoom levels with custom zoom values?

Spektree - 10.06.2023 08:04

i was hoping for more vscode gameplay tbh

Matthew Parker
Matthew Parker - 28.05.2023 05:56

I tried something similar. There was a mod that did exactly what I wanted, but it was for the wrong version. So I forked the repository, and updated the target version, built it and added it to a test world. And... it didn't work.
I did find a mod that did the same thing for the vesion I wanted, but next time I think I will have to actually have to understand a bit of how fabric modding works.

Max Frahm
Max Frahm - 02.05.2023 00:52

How did you make those animated graphs?

sersys1 - 20.04.2023 22:50

There is a simpler work around for this. Cut out the intro where you think you are funny and wasting everyone's time with your failed humour attempt and get to the point. I like your content but your babbling sometimes is unbearable. I wish every time you felt the need to zoom in and do a dramatic pause you just skip it entirely.

Sean Urbanczyk
Sean Urbanczyk - 19.04.2023 08:37

Hi. Algorithm comment here :)

Moonyl - 16.04.2023 18:30

ok zoomer and zoomify have zoom levels u use scroll wheel to change them, i recommend ok zoomer
