Dear MAP hosts...

Dear MAP hosts...


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@treeetooop - 07.11.2023 20:35

Because this is getting a lot of traction, let me make this clear. MAP stands for MULTI ANIMATOR PROJECT. MAPS are when animators come together to create a short music video or film.
Recently, disgusting people have been trying to make “MAP” stand for Minor Attracted Person. Let me be clear, this is NOT OKAY. Letting pedophiles use an acronym allows them to go undercover and become more welcomed through shorthand words that people may not know or understand.
Multi Animator projects have been going on for 15 years, so I am not letting our creative projects change because some disgusting people want to make their crimes more relatable. Call them what they are. They are pedophiles.

@user-uf5fr4dt7h - 01.02.2024 06:01

I love the first one

@AdelynLage - 29.01.2024 03:50


@SilasDoesVids - 28.01.2024 08:09

me trying to animate my roblox avatar (rainbow ass clothes)

@carisruiz2809 - 28.01.2024 06:52

off topic but honestly bramblestar (srry for spoilers for who havent read past oots) should be getting more hate. (ps long + spoilers)
leaves her for 2 whole arcs because she lied about “her” kits (which i kinda get) but he also treats her like a piece of trash apprentice that doesnt get their work done and fights,

the relationship was slightly toxic in the beginning, and he used manipulation to make her basically beg for him back

when they got back together the manipulation and toxicity began again

when ashfur took over bramblestar (srry again for spoilers) he was a terrible clan leader, but treated squirrelflight somewhat better than bramblestar did.

and he holds squirrelflight to a stander where she would have to be submissive in the face of both cruelty to the sisters and incompetence through the other clans is just wrong.

and something that happens rather abruptly when a conversation changes to the morality of squirrelflight is a switch between using our morals as a reader to using the morals of the cats in the universe

like her father, she breaks the code to do what she thinks is right (which is also, mainly the right decision). specifically the rule where “what leader says is law” make this hard because some leaders can manipulate it for their own well being.

you cant say they are equally bad too, because squirrelflight is disobeying out of pure good thinking and moral obligation. bramblestar gets angry at her, even if bad problems get fixed BECAUSE she did something that broke warrior code or didnt tell anyone where she was going (aka sneaking out) if you think this, you might be seeing this on a level of black and white if you consider all wrongs to be equally wrong and say “oh, well bramblestar is wrong but squirrelflight also disobeyed him to do the right thing” just isnt right at all (to me) i think that bramble is abusive, and squirrelflight is the victim of his abuse.

in squirrelflight’s hope, he is indefinitely supposed to be in the wrong but in every other instance of their relationship its strange. i mean its pretty clear that bramble is incorrect in multiple occasions, but in these occasions, he’s the protagonist and the intention might be to sympathize with him. If they realized how awful this entire situation is i’d imagine they’d never be keeping them together, or at least maybe they might write it differently.

like in starlight:
Squirrel doesnt trust hawkfrost, and he is bramble’s brother. squirrel belives hawk is overly ambitious and trying to get rid of mistyfoot who was deputy at the time (in riverclan.) this turns out to be correct and she also knows from her sister’s (leafpool) experience with him that he is probably bad news. Bramble disregards these pretty valid problems and jumps to the conclusion that squirrel hates hawk based on his parents. squirrel immediately denies by saying “if thats what you think, then you dont know me at all!” (chapter 4, starlight”)

he ignores this fact and belives the made up narrative in his head instead of the actual reasons present by his (almost) mate. having inherited “evil” from tigerstar is something that bramble worries about all book. he’s projecting the insecurities on squirrel who doesnt imply it.

he continues his angry streak because he’s on bad terms (THAT HE CAUSED) with squirrel for a while. then he starst training in “hell” (dark forest) and meeting his dead and evil father. hmm this is totally gonna make squirrel trust him more. you know, the guys he’s upset with squirrel for associating his family with. (something she isnt even doing)

squirrel tries to patch it up but bramble is too insecure about having a dream where he meets ts (tigerstar) that he pushes her away again. squirrel then confronts him about hawk who bramble now knows is ambitious and is met with ts and yet again he criticizes her for distrusting and being rude to hawk, so she breaks up. She says hawk is more than she is and walks away.

bramble belives that squirrel is the most important thing to him. at this point in their relationship he has already proven that he cannot listen/take her concerns seriously, and he has blatantly CHOSEN to keep his ts dream from her. throught his actions bramble has basically PROVEN to both reader and squirrel that she isn’t important to him.

if bramble doesn’t trust her, and squirrel doesn’t trust him, therefore there is not a single good reason for them to be together.

this is when ash (ashfur) comes into play. a former background character, before this, ash was basically not a person. squirrel has begun hanging out with ash and thorn (thornclaw) and spider (spiderleg), thats like a stubborn cat clique within tc (thunderclan)

ash seems to like squirrel, and the authors dont humor us with ash very much in this book (starlight.) his eyes might twinkle a bit while looking at her, but we never really get to see how she feels about him.

then at climax mud (mudclaw) admits that he worked with hawk to plot a coup. Bramble chooses not belive this and squirrel doesnt.

and when twilight starts bramble and squirrel are still broken up. bramble is being hostile to her and they fight. she AGAIN insists about this NOT BEING ABOUT PARENTS and INSTEAD about her being CONVINCED hawk is EVIL at this point as readers, we know she’s right.

and we theres more than enough evidence for both her and bramble to understand. after this she thinks well of ash, who in her opinion gentler than bramble. bramble starts being patronizing to both ash and squirrel making them agitated.

bramble takes very opportunity he can to put down squirrel or be passive aggressive. she responds with actual aggression and fights with him. he goes out of his way to insult both of them whenever he can and jumps on opportunities to punish squirrel.

of course this makes squirrel angry and she runs away after a scolding session over her playing moss ball with ash and runs into a fox. the three of them fight off the fox and bramble YET AGAIN scolds her. when it comes ti new prophecy specifically ive seen people complain that because squirrel reacts aggressively to bramble’s behavior that they are equally terrible. This thing unsettles me because if bramble was acting unfairly to her, she should let him do it. of course she’ll react to it, why wouldnt she?

he repeatedly punishes her for a misunderstanding that she has TRIED MULTIPLE times to clear up, AND he’s punishing her BECAUSE she’s HANGING OUT WITH ANOTHER CAT AFTER BREAK UP (which totally isnt a massive red flag.)

she also accidentally crosses into sc (shadowclan) which makes bramble start all over again only for ash to defend her. she tells him that she trusts ash not him, and he insults her again to imply shes that she wants a mate who will help her? or maybe he’s trying to say she wants an easy life? is he calling her an emotional gold digger? am confused in that part- really just shows he’s a massive jerk (insult: “thats what you want, is it? A loyal warrior to pad after you and smooth all the thorns out of your path? I never used to think you were like that. I believed better of you” can you see why im confused?) basically saying “you want a supportive cat, and not me, who never supported you or understood, i thought you were better than this” like what?? bitch you better be joking

bramb (bramble) become increasingly controlling as the book goes on, going out of his name to order sf (squirrel) around. even becoming more aggressive to ash who got an app (apprentice) on top of being frens with sf when bramb needs on for deputy and its not like its all flowers and sunshine with ash either, who reveals he’s prejudice against kp (kittypets) and protecting and babying sf more than she’d like. but… atleast he’s kind (ahem bramb)

when badgers attack camp ash is overprotective and tries to fight sf’s battles for her, but she’s more worried about bramb then ash during the attack. she realizes that she still loved bramb during the fight, for.. some reason? you mean the bramb who has been punishing her and treating her like garbage all book? you mean she lets go of her hawk opinion (who isnt mentioned after chp 20)??

the fact that he has been treating her poorly in almost every interaction is also completely disregarded by the narrative. oh and bramb has been visiting evil-leader-parent all boook like… wtf bro. hmm sf (doesnt) thinks hawk is evil by parentage therefore i am evil too. i should be more like my no good father.

theres way more things that i can add, but ive been uhhhhh typing this for like an hour sooooooooooooooooooo
and if i get to like 500 likes i MIGHT add more.

@EEeEEMusic-animations - 23.01.2024 00:56

why is this actually funny to me 😂

@user-bm9cb9ik6j - 20.01.2024 20:16

SAP stands for solo animator project.😊

@feverdreamnonstop - 18.01.2024 23:55

I like making complex character designs but I try not to make them TOO complicated cus I would draw them again and forget little details that bother me when I remember them

@xAstroverse_ - 17.01.2024 22:47

I thought u meant the other type of maps and I ain't talking about the type of map that takes you places ☠️😭

@PsychoVII_ - 13.01.2024 21:48

Skill issue/j

@Cu1zqy - 12.01.2024 22:11

Stripes, marbles & brindle= fatality

@Icequ4keOfPyrrhia - 12.01.2024 19:05

My designs are just simple because I don’t have the freaking brain capacity to make complicated things

@PoopyHead-tv6yj - 09.01.2024 01:55

Here's the meaning(s) of MAP :

MAP = my amazing pelicans
MAP = my address private
MAP = McDonald's again pookie
MAP = much about people
MAP = many articles probably
MAP = more amazing poop
MAP = maybe again perhaps
MAP = might abandon people

@lavender_productions - 08.01.2024 21:05

That first design was not horrible lol

@happyalkina - 08.01.2024 08:51

Okay you really made me laugh with this one haha

@TheDaneTV - 07.01.2024 13:11

The first time i heard of “maps”, i thought they meant literal maps (like maps of Europe you know what i mean)

@-Earthwcue - 07.01.2024 03:58

" and thats why i make simple designs 🤠👍 "

@-Nye_on_paws- - 06.01.2024 09:38

I quit a map because the host did 17 layers on each character 😀

@inukoinu.k9 - 06.01.2024 08:47

i miss when MAP was a common acronym in the warriors fandom and art community and not something else.

@tocotoucanwcue - 02.01.2024 03:28

Sometimes the map hosts will animate them

@AppleTheHybird - 31.12.2023 10:07

(Map host ) "Boop bop breee"


@PebbIebrain - 31.12.2023 06:21


@riannelaprise - 31.12.2023 06:06

this is why my characters are simple

@SnowyyOf - 31.12.2023 02:39


@k1ll3r_w03rm - 30.12.2023 18:02

Leaftail. When I used something else I got Hollyfeather

@aniboo8668 - 29.12.2023 08:25

how does one look at the word 'map' and think
oh! pedophiles
and ESPECIALLY when there's literally the words "character designs" "animation" "animator" and "draw"
there's even ANIMATED CATS

@MuslimCat623 - 28.12.2023 17:13

Leopard spots tho..Their real pain 😅

@chosentokill6148 - 28.12.2023 16:31

i remember the times when this map was the common term

@LittleTaxFraud - 28.12.2023 07:53

I can barely animate a simple sketch lmao

@Nosakima - 28.12.2023 04:43

MR KRABS Á̷̡̲̜͈͍͙̱̽͆̎͘̕͘Á̷̡̲̜͈͍͙̱̽͆̎͘̕͘Á̷̡̲̜͈͍͙̱̽͆̎͘̕͘Ȩ̵̠̬͇̫͕̾͊Ȩ̵̠̬͇̫͕̾͊

@_Waiting - 25.12.2023 19:38

True tho lmao

@Winter_Rose13 - 25.12.2023 04:48

How do you make MAPS? I want to try it after i get better at drawing

@Dev_Gear - 25.12.2023 04:30

Gmod furry role play server

@joewilson4121 - 25.12.2023 01:45

- -

@That_non_youtuber_wierdo - 24.12.2023 10:24

1.just simple
2. something changed but not much
3. everything at once that could ever live

edit: they are all pretty btw ❤


@ToyotaPrius15 - 24.12.2023 06:59


@TOOTHLESS492 - 24.12.2023 01:11

Decided to make rusty/fire(his aftername) into a really easy charater to draw and just gave em free will

@XxforestonpawzxX - 24.12.2023 00:42


@floriankratzer3653 - 23.12.2023 21:49

Woah woah woah What kind of map is it the bad one or the good one that is neither a human nor alive and is only here for directions?

@P3bble - 22.12.2023 20:54


@D3DBATZ_Art - 20.12.2023 22:14

Wow I feel nistogic for MAPs now 😅

@Ghost-go-boo - 20.12.2023 20:06

I feel like I don’t have to say this but it will anyway, but MAP stands for multi animator project,

@WC.WCUE_Fan4Life - 20.12.2023 02:13


@Ilovelittlenightmares1and2 - 17.12.2023 17:21

The way i design my oc, Mistypelt is so hard. You need to draw so many stripes-

But it's WCUE's fault for adding a option for stripes and it gives too many

@ITS_OLI2014 - 17.12.2023 17:05

My OC 💀

@Random_crap101 - 17.12.2023 01:05

Fr 😅

@RottingSunflower - 16.12.2023 23:30

Multi animator purgatory

@misfortune_m4gic - 16.12.2023 21:56

I worked on MAPs before when I was like 9 and it was always like this 😭

@soggy_toastedbread - 16.12.2023 17:25

i think it’s really important that your talking about this not just in a small sense, but expanding this conversation to stuff about listening to people’s perspectives and such before taking a side. as someone who had considered dropping the game because of the migraines and auditory sensory issues the screen gives me, we need to have lots of people talk about this and confront nintendo directly to talk about it.

@squidwardtentacles8659 - 16.12.2023 04:01

Vivziepops animators:
