Build a Small Business CRM in Notion - Full Tutorial

Build a Small Business CRM in Notion - Full Tutorial

Jerad’s Productivity Lab

3 года назад

68,924 Просмотров

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tariq yosef
tariq yosef - 23.06.2023 00:11

thank you very much 🤗

Vlada D
Vlada D - 02.06.2023 15:49

Good video! Thanks! I use Notion for my personal to-dos but for my business decided to stop at Flowlu. It's a low-cost one but has lots of features and automations for CRM and project management. And I really love that it has invoicing as well, because it works so good with a CRM

Syed Saqib
Syed Saqib - 27.05.2023 12:23

Hey Jerad, you are rocked, I was using Notion since couple of years, since last 2 months I am managing team on it. with link and relation databases it really helps me to more dive in it. I loved it. Great man

Trista De Leon
Trista De Leon - 04.05.2023 23:52

Is there a way to have a formula that will add 45 days since 'last contact date' and have that be your new due date to follow up and have that applied to the calendar view? I don't want to have to manually apply a new date everytime I contact someone. thanks!

ЕСПЧ-Навигатор - 18.04.2023 20:22

best video of CRM I saw. One thing is missing for me is how do you record how much you bill the clients? May be there is a separate video? I would appreciate a link

Zistek - 07.04.2023 10:43

This is an extremely great video which helped me out to work my own CRM, my deep appreciation for your sharing. Btw, how should I do to add a new database "Client Orders" to relate all existing databases? Thanks again.

private 3k
private 3k - 27.03.2023 09:44

Pls make the outcome in short form video this way u will have alot of traffic on this video.

Noel Horton
Noel Horton - 09.03.2023 09:31

Incredibly well done. Thank you! Any chance you have a second video for importing large databases?

MEETMEONTHE50 - 24.02.2023 18:05

I joined the mailing list on your site but I dont see the templates, can you assist?

Barbara - 17.02.2023 03:42

OMG! Thank you so much for this video. I'm trying to put a lot of information on my Notion but I got lost while copying templates! In my case, I'm an English tutor and I want to create pages for each student and link them to all sorts of information. I really needed to see the big picture of how to create these relations between databases and how to set different views with filters and sorts that will continue there if I leave the page and come back later. Thank you so much for this! It's a long video but it's worth it. Things got much clearer for me now!

David Duty
David Duty - 14.02.2023 00:41

I've ask twice to get tis template. I never got a confirmation email. What do I need to do?

Jake Finesilver
Jake Finesilver - 13.02.2023 16:41

BRILLIANT, thanks bud. I have a great understanding of notion but really appreciated not having to start from scratch lol.

Michael Shatravka
Michael Shatravka - 12.02.2023 23:21

super helpful!

Periteu - 24.01.2023 02:59

What about suppliers? Each project maybe you have some suppliers you want to keep track of for each project.
Is it best to have 2 different databases: one for clientes and one for suppliers?, or one database?

Taufiq Iskandar
Taufiq Iskandar - 04.01.2023 14:03

Is it can create on free user ?

Kate james
Kate james - 13.12.2022 04:28


Philip Curtis
Philip Curtis - 03.12.2022 19:36

awesome, thank you

nick hurley
nick hurley - 14.11.2022 23:57

Just buy a dam crm lol

CC - 09.11.2022 16:23

Wow! Thank you! Super helpful!

Studio Monty
Studio Monty - 02.11.2022 14:25

I wouldn't link a Task to a Client and a Project, this can open the door to inconsistencies, I can select a client a project that is not associated with that client. A project is already linked to a client behind the scenes, so I would leave the client field out of the Tasks table.

Bestprint factory toner cartridge
Bestprint factory toner cartridge - 15.10.2022 02:55

thank you

proBATIS - 01.10.2022 21:47

Thanks a lot

Boujee DA GOAT
Boujee DA GOAT - 14.09.2022 15:44

Awesome thanks!

Please make it look pretty

Stephanie Wrona
Stephanie Wrona - 09.09.2022 17:26

Excellent tutorial - thank you!

Vijay Sharma
Vijay Sharma - 06.09.2022 19:24

This video really opened my eyes to all the things I can do with notion. Thankyou!

Neville Creativity Mentor
Neville Creativity Mentor - 04.09.2022 10:38

I just want to say ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Phil Petry
Phil Petry - 21.08.2022 09:32

Great video thanks a lot , this will be the backbone of my business from now on :)

marcello42 - 09.08.2022 16:38

it's easier to just build it in python then since nothing works

Gary Wong
Gary Wong - 07.08.2022 13:21

Templates requested but seems no email come ?

Бесплатные уроки по чтению натальной карты
Бесплатные уроки по чтению натальной карты - 04.08.2022 10:21

I have a question.

Do you use personal CRM? For example, you have many contacts in different channels. And you need Smart Search helps you find the right person or a group of people in seconds.

All contacts from different channels are collected in one place: Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Don't forget to wish your friends and partners a happy birthday.

Do you use that personal CRM? And why?

chrispark11 - 22.07.2022 21:16

Nicely done. This helps learn to use Notion quite a bit.

Jaz King
Jaz King - 21.07.2022 16:38

Waaaa u are really genius. I have found u after so long. This is awesome man

Haytham AlmEdden
Haytham AlmEdden - 17.06.2022 00:17

Can I call the phone number by clicking it in notion to be dialled automatically with my phone app in windows,?

Conchúr 👋🏻
Conchúr 👋🏻 - 14.05.2022 16:29

Would this not have been easier to create in an Inline database first on one page and then convert them into pages after?

I have made something similar but made all of the databases in one page first and converted them after wards.

George Arndt
George Arndt - 14.05.2022 16:13

Nice Video. Thank you for sharing! How do you deal with anniversaries, I meean tracking them down (i.e. whose birthday is tomorrow) ?

Rico - 11.05.2022 08:13

Great tutorial. I learned a lot and you explained it very clearly. Thank you so much!

jutuba - 09.05.2022 18:34

This was one of the coolest tutorials that can save you tons of money once it's set up correctly. Currently I am still wondering 3 things:
1.Will you make another tutorial for the other templates? :-D 2.) Then how does it work best with the creation of invoices? Is there also a trick? 3. do you also know how to bring a new contact from Contact form 7 (wordpress) directly into this built templates? Thanks a lot !

Impact Producers
Impact Producers - 06.05.2022 05:45

Very clear! thank you

Jon Pickles
Jon Pickles - 03.05.2022 14:08

I’m really not sure anyone would want to create a CRM like this when there are so,e really great CRM’s out there specifically for the job including sales pipeline and graphical reporting. I guess if you are already paying a premium for Notion then the effort might save some money.

Graham Vu
Graham Vu - 03.05.2022 09:55

Excellent tutorial! Solves my small business problem immediately! By the way, I enrolled and completed your Notion course in Udemy before viewing this video. Without the foundation that I learned from your course, I might have difficulties in following this tutorial. Please share more practical usages of Notion from your experience.

Helene Lasset
Helene Lasset - 13.04.2022 15:53

very veru useful video! thank you so much

Haytham AlmEdden
Haytham AlmEdden - 04.04.2022 11:38

Thanks allot 💯💯

Jacob Fuller
Jacob Fuller - 25.03.2022 19:51

I hope the ability to put specific permissions on database views becomes possible soon. I don’t want my sales team to be able to see everyone’s clients, just theirs. I can filter to show just theirs on a dashboard, but they still need access to the original database. Until then, I am struggling to see how Notion can be used for a small business. What are your thoughts on this?

B. - 16.02.2022 16:29

Thank you, Jerad!

Domynique White
Domynique White - 11.02.2022 11:12

Do you ever show the clients their dashboard? Or use it to interact with them?

Karrisa Leonard
Karrisa Leonard - 09.02.2022 23:43

This video should have more views.

This is EXACTLY what I needed to understand creating & linking databases.

Thank you

隼市川 - 14.01.2022 17:34

Thank you for this nice video. I will share with my friends in Japan!

Jim Shingler
Jim Shingler - 05.12.2021 22:53

Tip: When you create the template, ... notice you can select the template name "New Client Template" from the filter drop down. Notion will then auto populate it with the proper value
