Financial Literacy & The Social Media Generation | Nelson Soh | TEDxGrandviewHeights

Financial Literacy & The Social Media Generation | Nelson Soh | TEDxGrandviewHeights

TEDx Talks

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Yana desu
Yana desu - 06.09.2023 10:35

When I heard that their parents passing down wealth --- I can't relate. Lol. But this is a very helpful talk! Restudying financial education again because I got carried away in the latter pat of 2023~

littlepinkpie - 05.09.2023 19:29

Great video

Patrick H.
Patrick H. - 28.08.2023 01:44

To be clear, working just for the money is not the issue. The issue is working for money for the show.
Becoming financially literate is about deeply introspecting the reason of your purchases and fully understanding the opportunity cost.
It does not mean you should never spend on things you don't need, like good cars or vacations.
It means if you are to spend, be honest to yourself about why you spend, and convince yourself that even if the debt deters you from other important life goals, you approve the spend.

Florence Barker
Florence Barker - 03.06.2023 01:11

Insightful content. Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.

Mohith Arikatla
Mohith Arikatla - 11.05.2023 07:19

Bro straight-up danced around for 13 minutes talking bout how I should be financially literate without giving any new information.

Jesus Over Flesh
Jesus Over Flesh - 28.02.2023 05:56

This was so good ! And extremely helpful I learned so much in this video it’s so important to be finically literate !!!

Niharika - 04.02.2023 04:27

Hey Nelson,
Loved the way u conveyed the speech, really motivates me everytime I watch. Looking forward to more such Ted talks.

PLUGGIN K - 13.12.2022 03:19

I'm a 16-year-old from Washington I'm going to graduate in a few months and i spend about 6 hours a day studying business and real-estate, what if i told you a year ago i was partying with hella people doing drugs and getting in fights. Kids nowadays are going down the wrong road, i had to self-dripline to become me with nobody's help but my own and kids cry when you call em the wrong pronoun. No hate only love i just hope there's more of me out there

Christian Samaroo
Christian Samaroo - 04.12.2022 21:51

If you where born in the 90s no parent is leaving massive wealth for there kids. The only thing you get from them is funeral expenses.

David Traxler
David Traxler - 30.11.2022 10:39

Marriage is more expensive than a luxury car. Do your research well very well before marriage.

Drew Conway
Drew Conway - 24.11.2022 23:54

Nelson’s hands have entered the chat

Suh Dongbin
Suh Dongbin - 21.11.2022 05:01

Yep. financial illiteracy is one of the biggest problems in the U.S.

Manny Campo
Manny Campo - 15.11.2022 01:45

Didn’t really learn anything . Good speech though .

comradeScallion - 25.10.2022 20:34

a lot of this has to do with america's cultural problem of conspicuous consumption, and how social media companies (and media companies in general) are financially incentivized to perpetuate it

JOVIAL'S CLUB - 20.10.2022 07:33


Oleg Aniszkiewicz
Oleg Aniszkiewicz - 17.10.2022 23:30

The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club
The second rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club

Cory M
Cory M - 14.09.2022 20:08

Was hoping for more substance. This is just a guy telling you it’s important to spend money wisely.

Harriet Ndungu
Harriet Ndungu - 03.08.2022 23:45

Much needed content!!! I needed this!

Dean Grey
Dean Grey - 13.07.2022 02:46


Codey Arends
Codey Arends - 04.07.2022 23:26

Thank you for this

Gwendolyn de Ashborough, PhD.
Gwendolyn de Ashborough, PhD. - 18.06.2022 16:48

What a wonderful Lecture. What has should understand is that the failure of a Marriage cuts net worth by 50 to 75%.

Toma saha
Toma saha - 18.06.2022 11:37

What a speech boss😍

Diamond Brain
Diamond Brain - 10.05.2022 16:23

I hope your message is seen by many of your generation and the younger generation too. Financial education is the only way and unfortunately sadly lacking in schools.

MARK JOSEPH MANGAMPO - 05.05.2022 12:21


Wambui Wanyutu
Wambui Wanyutu - 21.04.2022 11:58

One of my goals in my vision board is to start a school and i swear i must put financial literacy in every timetable from playgroup class to Grade 12.I must tesch those kids.

Lara Ethan
Lara Ethan - 20.04.2022 18:19

If you don't find a means of multiplying money, you will wake up one day to realise that the money you thought you had, has exhausted. Investment is a ladder to climb the financial wall.

Anna Garcia
Anna Garcia - 29.03.2022 23:16

This is one I'll share with my kids for sure. Such an important message for this generation. Thanks Nelson.

Just Be You with Katie Miller
Just Be You with Katie Miller - 28.03.2022 18:13

Wow, this was very impactful. I will be sharing this with my teenage son. Thank you for the insight

Uncultured Currency
Uncultured Currency - 25.03.2022 15:54

This was great and very informative!

kingJagm - 16.03.2022 02:34

An underlying problem in today’s society is lack of true passion and true purpose. How funny he discovered his true passion and purpose when he became financially literate. Even started a business!!!! That is success ladies and gentlemen. Self education of money will change your life.

David Knapp-Fisher
David Knapp-Fisher - 06.03.2022 23:31

Great talk Nelson; important and relevant for sure, and presented very well. Nicely done, and keep sharing this much needed message. Cheers, David

Colin Mah
Colin Mah - 06.03.2022 11:08

This is such a powerful and relevant message. Financial literacy is a subject that should be taught in schools... but isn't. I'll be sure to share this with my students :-)

Vince Kanasoot
Vince Kanasoot - 24.02.2022 04:00

Great job Nelson! I totally agree with you about how financial literacy needs to be taught at an early age, and how your career should be more about your passion above anything else. Keep up the great work!

Danielle Unsworth
Danielle Unsworth - 23.02.2022 05:00

Amazing perspective, we all need to keep sharing this!!

Jeff Borden
Jeff Borden - 16.02.2022 00:05

Good job Nelson. Understanding money really is key, and its just not taught enough in our schools. Great to see your passion and dedication to the subject.

Business Moral
Business Moral - 15.02.2022 19:32

Powerful message Nelson 💯. Financial literacy is must. We can't build wealth without having proper knowledge about finances.

Krista Loewen
Krista Loewen - 09.02.2022 23:47

Excellent talk, very relatable! Great advice I'll look forward to implementing in my life. Thanks, Nelson!

Jennifer Cheung
Jennifer Cheung - 09.02.2022 13:20

Great TED Talk, Nelson! Some really important things to think about, what's important in life and how to best set yourself up for financial freedom in the future! I'm now rethinking my need to buy an air fryer. Very inspiring!

Marie Tsang, CPA, CA | CAREER COACH - 03.02.2022 08:52

We need to start teaching financial literacy in schools!! Thanks for doing this.

Neil Maharaj
Neil Maharaj - 30.01.2022 07:39

Great message and really powerful insight for the next generation. 👏

Willie Mixco
Willie Mixco - 30.01.2022 02:54

Awesome talk/message Nelson!

Anthony Madramootoo
Anthony Madramootoo - 29.01.2022 21:41

Watching this has been inspiring and motivational. We need more people like Nelson! 👏 👏

Mark Oxford
Mark Oxford - 28.01.2022 05:58

Nelson, from the good old days at IF, to the TEDx stage, it's been a pleasure to watch you on your journey and achieve all the success you have. Keep it up the great work brother. Wishing you all the best and success in your future endeavors.

Michael Kim
Michael Kim - 28.01.2022 04:28

Amazing Ted Talk Nelson! Financial Literacy Is a Non-Negotiable! I love that quote! :D

Joe Coleman
Joe Coleman - 28.01.2022 04:08

“Our world’s future is depending on it”… keep spreading the word, Nelson! The world we are born into now is ultra complicated, ultra competitive… only with genuine, selfless teachers do we stand a chance. To share a phrase, “Non sibi, sed orbi .” This translates to ‘not for oneself, but for the world’. Great work 👏👏

Donald Mondragon
Donald Mondragon - 27.01.2022 08:18

Nelson, this is a message applicable to a majority of individuals in your generation. Financial literacy as you point out brings freedom and relief. Relief not just from indebtedness, but relief from worry, fear, and uncertainty related to paying bills and not being able to save and invest. You also address so eloquently the issue of FOMO, fear of missing out, and how social media has propagated FOMO. Social media breeds discontent, if we are constantly comparing ourselves to the "perfect" lives of others online. Spoiler Alert: no one's life is perfect no matter how good they make it look on social media! Well done, Nelson.

Dorothea Hendriks
Dorothea Hendriks - 27.01.2022 04:37

Thank you Nelson. What a powerful message! A message for all of us, and not just for your generation. It is absolutely critical that we all understand money and how it works. Keep sharing your story and keep spreading your words of wisdom.

andrew s
andrew s - 26.01.2022 19:23

Great message and delivery nailed to perfection Nelson!…a message we all need to hear that definitely resonated with me!

Jessica Kong
Jessica Kong - 26.01.2022 15:48

Powerful speech Nelson! Needs to be watched by everyone living the social media era as it is a harmful platform that impacts everyone unconsciously.
