Rust: How To Get The Smallest Hitbox (PATCHED kind of)

Rust: How To Get The Smallest Hitbox (PATCHED kind of)


5 лет назад

18,609 Просмотров

Edit: Family sharing has been disabled for Rust and won't be enabled for the foreseeable future. This method is still possible by refunding the game on each account after testing the model as the money goes back to the original buyer.

I'm not expecting many people to do this. Mainly it was made in hopes that Facepunch would make all models the same size when they saw there's a way to abuse the randomness of them. But it's there if you got an unlucky model and have a very big character.

Song is Find That Someone by Televisor. Fitting lyrics for the video I guess


#rust #hitbox #steam #exploit #facepunch #punchintheface #copyrightedmusicprobably #gaming #gamers! #gamersriseup! #bighead #biggesthead #small_head #whatamidoingwithmylife #im_lonely
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