Favourite HORDE BASE for single and multiplayer (7 Days To Die)

Favourite HORDE BASE for single and multiplayer (7 Days To Die)

King of the Zeds

1 год назад

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shadowalkerwho - 12.04.2023 02:08

The Rooster is one of my favorite early game POI's. In tight competition with the Motel Office Roof for cheapest initial Horde Base, with the advantage of having a roof over top but the disadvantage of being far less commonly available. As far as I can tell it only appears in the small towns, to my recollection I've never seen it in a medium or large sized city. The exterior walls are a mix of Concrete and Brick/Cobble/Flagstone, but mostly concrete along the main floor portion of the stairs. I usually build my first fighting position at the very top of the stairs so that I don't have to reinforce the gallery floor or 2nd floor wall right off the bat. In some mods the 2nd floor wall will be 1,200hp making it a preferable route to your cobble+ fighting position for the Z's. By using the top of the stairs I only need to reinforce the few wall blocks right beside the fighting position so that they don't opt for that as a short cut past the fighting position. Once you've got more resources you can create the fall back position and reinforce the walls if needed but I've honestly only ever lost the main position once and that was due to early Demos in a Darkness Falls play through and that took out the stairs as well.

A couple of notes on it, if you're playing a mod with spreadable fire the roof is wood! Also, if you're thinking of building on the roof you need to be mindful of structural integrity, there are no supports that go all the way to bedrock aside from the exterior walls and as mentioned the roof is wood so it doesn't hold up a whole lot of extra load without some additional supports. We found this out the hard way in a coop play through, my buddy built a magnificent farm on the roof of the Rooster and when the crops popped the roof collapsed. In trying to reinforce the structure to support the reconstruction of the roof garden we found out that the basement and main floor supports are NOT reliably lined up so simply extending the supports that hold up the gallery may not get you actual bedrock support all the way to the roof. A few of the gallery supports do connect through but most of them do not. Also, if I remember correctly one of the 4 walls (I don't recall which one) does not connect all the way to bedrock as the basement and main floor dimensions are different. This is generally not going to be an issue but if the Z's loose their path to you up stairs they will go for the supports and foundations which could be bad depending on whether or not you've loaded or reinforced that partially floating wall.

mehtarelingolien - 05.08.2023 00:01

The saloon seems to have a similar layout.

rassion - 11.06.2023 13:56

The blocks above the hatches should likely be replaced with something that a throwable can go through or possibly even all the top blocks. The reasoning for this is to be able to get a Pipebomb or whatnot a row or two back to increase their effective range.

Chris Merritt
Chris Merritt - 30.05.2023 10:14

I love to see that this game is still alive. I need to get my buddy hyped to survive and craft again!

Kevin Tenuta
Kevin Tenuta - 21.05.2023 14:46

hey, did you ever do the glock 3x3 challenge? i tried it with various ideas all made from steel but they kept collapsing.. but i had it set to 64 zombies... mostly they only last 2-4 hours... mainly its cos with huge numbers of zombies, they all pile up and cant get up one single path so they just randomly attack stuff.. to be honest i cant see how anyone could ever make a 3x3 work.. im assuming ur not allowed floating bases... and also, zombies now often attack blocks when they are floating.. im not sure what his rules are.. i think i could make it all night with the default 8 zombies.. its weird though how many blocks zombies dont see as a path and would rather just bash stuff.. im thinking the ideal base would probably go right to max height from bedrock and would have them just jumping slowly up steps and occasionally falling off.. some sort of combo of a step and a jump with a corner missing so they land funny and fall.. but, i honestly cant see any way around having large numbers bottlenecking and just bashing stuff... or random exploding cops & demos... a 3x3 seems to me to be just pure luck if u survive all night

Kevin Tenuta
Kevin Tenuta - 21.05.2023 14:40

i really like the look of the dead rooster.. i did want to make the roof my base once but i quickly realised they made it all out of half blocks so when u build up there everything is floating and looks weird.

G3Synth - 08.05.2023 06:31

You might wanna use the "railing" shape instead of bars. Railings will allow you to repair stuff on the other side of them. It might allow you to repair the railings that are facing the zombies while they're being hit on, where you wouldn't be able to do that with the bars.

Blaine Bickle
Blaine Bickle - 03.05.2023 18:18

I love this design. Simple, fun, and effective.

Joseph Wild
Joseph Wild - 25.04.2023 03:37

Why inside? You got steel fencing outside that building.

meatloafTHEman - 12.04.2023 16:31

I’m about to see how this one handles a darkness falls horde. I have one of these POIs right next to my trader. Looks like plenty of room for traps and turrets.

Thomas Graham
Thomas Graham - 12.04.2023 12:44

curious, I hit nexus and what is the exact mod for adding npc's? Saw 4 rebirth but none seemed what I was wanting

T Peel
T Peel - 12.04.2023 02:32

Thanks KZ. That POI always makes me laugh because of the damn chickens. Kind of like Bob's Boars with the hogs. As always, quite entertaining. Have a great week! Can't wait for the next Rebirth episode.

Aaron Harr
Aaron Harr - 12.04.2023 02:16

Love your channel, your ideas help me a lot this base idea is awesome thanks. Keep the videos coming. Loving Rebirth keep it up bro.

Champion_Ajax - 12.04.2023 01:44

Amazing and entertaining as usual. Your videos are so watchable and I hope you continue to made great content!
