Marshall Speakers have SERIOUS Competition! Orange Box Bluetooth Speaker Review

Marshall Speakers have SERIOUS Competition! Orange Box Bluetooth Speaker Review

Danny Pops

1 год назад

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@dpleja - 17.07.2023 09:01

Awesome review. How would you compare to let's say Sonos Move? I need something mobile for the house and garden, and I quite like both of these

@thevincehimself92 - 27.07.2023 23:52

Zzound actually own Marshall now, they bought them less than a year ago. But the marshall bluetooth speakers were made before the deal went through.

@tonytech5520 - 08.08.2023 06:23

Thanks to you, from now on, every time I see an Orange Box I will think about your first day in NYC 💩

@Spacetire42 - 14.08.2023 19:32

Was the piece of poop larger than the orange box?

@jhuyouknowwho9020 - 16.08.2023 02:42

Marshall does sound better too me

@MisterE103 - 23.10.2023 02:46

Regarding your trip to NYC, I live here and all I can say is "Welcome to Joe Biden's America", we've been flooded by illegal welfare migrants from the third world as well as a massive homeless problem and that's probably where that poop came from. You better watch your back as you can be attacked in the subway, pushed onto the tracks or stabbed without provocation as occurred recently with a (White guy) who was asked for money by a (Black) begger and was stabbed to death without his provoking the miscreant. We're fucked 🤮

@Grommet2007 - 26.10.2023 01:53

Doubling the wattage adds only 3dB output. Need about 10dB increase for something to sound twice as loud :-). And that's assuming the same speakers in the same cabinet. I think the efficiency of the drivers used in each speaker is going to quite an impact on how loud they can actually get. And a class AB amp these days? That's just marketing, as modern class D amps are very capable as well as efficient. A class AB amp might be easier to repair though.

@joebarniak - 10.11.2023 16:56

New York is a den of iniquity. I think I'll be fine going the rest of my life without ever being there.

@albedo0point39 - 12.11.2023 01:06

Why are companies still using barrel jacks and custom wall warts in 2023? No USB C power kills it for me… I just want to pack one power supply if I’m travelling with gadgets these days.

@markpousseur9441 - 14.11.2023 20:45

Where's the Stanmore 3?

@DS-cf1zc - 15.11.2023 01:13

Excellent speaker and sounds really nice, not sure about the shit ending. Quite literally.

@asselinpower - 26.11.2023 17:29

The acton III looks really great in brown.

@R3T4RDEAD - 01.12.2023 22:06

Bro threw in a life changing story at the end of a speaker review that no one asked for but I'm sure everyone listened too👀 then said bye like he didn't just hit everyone with a left hook that no one was prepared for😂

@jvf1117 - 12.12.2023 00:49

Your first time in NYC 😂😂😂😂😂

@Baranicus - 15.12.2023 20:43

I’ve been looking at getting the Orange box but saw this review and the Acton 3 definitely does sounds better which got me thinking about that instead . The thing is I’m looking for a portable speaker so still thinking about going back to the Orange.
Would you recommend another speaker in that price range that sounds great , looks cool but also is portable and has a lithium battery ? Sorry it’s such a specific question 😂

@lanceriffle4841 - 25.12.2023 21:46

Exellent AB of the bluetooth speakers. We have been using the Amplifi 75 for music streaming and love it. Whant to add another but they stopped production. The Kilburn II sounds the best on your comparrison but you know that live you may be disapointed. Have you looked at the Spark 40 as a bluetooth speaker? Lots of demos on it as a guitar amp but I can't find any featuring it a a bluetooth streamer.

@StayReal02 - 15.01.2024 01:16

Killburn 2 actually sounds much better than Acton 3.

I know you are a big fan of Acton 3 but that speaker just sounds hallow compared to Killburn....

Only match Kilburn has is against Tufton.

@ed61730 - 16.01.2024 22:54

Orange was a big part of my childhood, to be ale to have their sound in the future is all I ever wanted.

@LeviGarcia - 27.01.2024 11:55

At first I thought the vocals sounded kinda I listened to the original song to find that it was mixed with a weird vocal quality. Excluding that, I thought it sounded alright.

@sxxychocolate6233 - 13.02.2024 20:59

The Orange simply didn't sound great....not sure what the X600 was doing there...must've taken a wrong turn when entering the room....I have one...wish I didn't.

Klipsch sounded very muddy...Kilburn 2 sounded really nice. We'd really need to be where you are, minus the interesting dance moves! 😜

Brill comparison 👍 👏 👌 😀

@stevendavies3379 - 26.02.2024 11:27

Danny, ime torn between buying the orange box l or the jbl authentics 500, could you give me some advise please.

@stevendavies3379 - 26.02.2024 17:56

Thank you so much Danny, that’s made my mind up ,

@justinwarren3068 - 01.03.2024 21:46

Have you had a chance to listen to the larger Orange box?

@iamrevnow - 20.03.2024 05:46

Right to fix is Big, so glad to hear that!

@iamrevnow - 20.03.2024 05:53

That wasn't Poop smell, thats just NY. Its a pile of Crap and gets worse the closer you get to that cesspool nyc!

@sachininspright - 17.04.2024 04:58

It seems to have the British speaker polite sound. Less fatiguing. But still its more of a relaxed listening speaker than for intent/analytic listening. Which BT speaker (at any price range) would you say is the best for audiophile, intent listening? Balanced and dynamic.

@compl1cate762 - 30.04.2024 15:48

This is a very cool looking bluetooth speaker.

@ChitoEman - 15.05.2024 08:07

Positive Grid does all this and it is still a guitar amp!

@MaZEEZaM - 17.05.2024 06:56

You have a really great comparison between the different speakers except, you use a difficult choice of music. Before I looked the song up on Yiutube, I thought the vocal clarity on all of these speakers was crap but the original song has distorted vocals.

@MaZEEZaM - 17.05.2024 07:03

Wow, thats disgusting lol

@romerbass2813 - 21.05.2024 01:52

I can't agree to your resumee at all. Did I maybe have a bad monitoring listening to your recordings?

@nbl95 - 26.05.2024 00:29

No way, the Marshall has more upper mids and orange has more low mids just like the real amps wtf hahaha

@portadownblue3139 - 02.06.2024 12:33

I have just bought a record player with Dual Audio as I want to run the player though two speakers in a stack formation - the aesthetic is important in this. I’m going to use the Orange Speaker as you would a Head in a Head and Cab stack. If I were to buy a “cab” for my “stack” what would you recommend? I need a Marshal Bluetooth speaker that is bigger proportionally to the Orange that will compliment the sound. Any thoughts?

@lensandtunes - 03.06.2024 17:52

Is it just me hearing wrong or do these speakers lack midrange. I don't think the vocals can be enjoyed, specially on the Klipsch according to the sound. I think It's only Orange and soundcore are good at delivering midrange adequately.

@jonlee580 - 19.06.2024 03:25


@UliSa2 - 08.08.2024 21:19

The Acton 1st Gen. sounded the best hands down. But what did Klipsch do? It's all muffled, meh...! 😵‍💫

@Grim_creeder - 11.08.2024 00:11

And as always marshal has really weird mid range that sounds boxy 😂 even in speaker form

@noluck8613 - 11.08.2024 17:23

How would you compare it to the Tufton?

@lbrimble100 - 16.09.2024 21:39

Thanks for the review. However Zound have purchased Marshall so effectively they are Marshall

@mr.anderson7233 - 26.10.2024 13:02

Marshall sounds more clean n crisp - orange sounds grittier or muddied but not necessarily in a bad way

@12Kurdt - 13.11.2024 20:41

Marshall does sound better

@waldowsxxghostxx8577 - 18.11.2024 20:19

Can you review the orange box L Bluetooth speaker?

@ingi503 - 03.12.2024 02:35

Glad I watched the entire review. Definitely a bonus. Thanks! 💩

@MrCharleyBrock - 05.12.2024 13:05

This is a regualar Orange Box. So the question is which are the best between the Marshall Acton III and the bigger Orange Box L... what do you think?

@asselinpower - 09.02.2025 15:43

For a normal size living room, Stanmore III, Acton III or the Orange box ?

@disciple777 - 28.02.2025 18:11

How does the audio of the Orange compare to the Marshall Stanmore 3

@thebarak - 06.03.2025 21:18

Strange results. The Middleton sounds best here (to me) but it really is not as good as the Acton 3 in real life. The Soundcore sounds horrible in this test, but it is rather nice in person. So ignoring the video test and listening to what you say, the Acton 3 is still the one in this size category.

@larrydunn4626 - 09.03.2025 06:54

i like the midband better on the x600, then on the Marshal Middleton in 2nd spot, then the orange ... Marshall Acton IIi in 4th spot, then the Marshall Kilburn II in 2nd to last spot and the Klipsh just forgot there is actually a midband in songs. and most music is in the midband. I like the Acton III the most for a good job at balancing bass and midband from these sound clips

@ImlDRFWY - 10.03.2025 12:15

Idk man, Marshalls got it figured out. .
