Colony Start! | 150 Dupe Challenge | ONI Spaced Out

Colony Start! | 150 Dupe Challenge | ONI Spaced Out

Echo Ridge Gaming

2 года назад

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Leelah - 08.09.2023 21:59

YT recently suggested your ONI challenges and I’ve been loving them all so far ❤️ cheers!

Lightning Casino
Lightning Casino - 04.09.2023 08:29


Choco Mojo
Choco Mojo - 09.02.2023 12:14

I m gonna LOVE THIS disaster!!😁😁😁😆

Sven host
Sven host - 17.08.2022 07:22

Currently watching this series while waiting on the colonization one ! Love your work !

Mirovinna Wellington
Mirovinna Wellington - 28.04.2022 04:10

how long will it take to get to 150 dups?

Sushrey - 21.04.2022 09:29

Echo, digging oxylite up reduces its mass to half. This is same for every natural tile in the game. So, digging oxylite up wastes half of it. Most probably you already knew this, but just an fyi. Btw, I will really like to have a dupe named after me at some point in the series.
Edit-I was wrong. Oxylite is an exception. It emits the same amount of O2 even on being mined.

Chris Mitchell
Chris Mitchell - 06.04.2022 06:51

Don’t do hydras or stupid cheesy things. It takes away the actual struggle and fun of watching these videos, pls!!

Still throwing my name in for future dupes: Auxotrophic

See ya next week

NoMusiciansInMusicAnymore - 05.04.2022 01:11

I am enjoying how different you have to prioritise because you are going for a different game approach, are you planning on keeping everyone on the home rock or spreading, say, 20 per asteroid? also congrats on the milestone and the extra 150 new subs since announcing your milestone!

DummyHungry - 04.04.2022 19:06

I would recommend you turn all your sinks to face outward, it’s impossible to fully remove every single germ from the toilets because they make more with each use, washing your hands on the way in is sorta pointless

DummyHungry - 04.04.2022 19:02

Your dupes will use the bathroom during their downtime slots, you don’t need a “bathroom” slot at all. It’s better to have them working instead because they will stand around wasting the slot otherwise…

Also, duplicants do not wake up at the end of their scheduled sleep slots…they will sleep until they fully replenish their stamina…therefore you really only need as many bedtime slots as it takes for your dupes to travel across the map and make it into bed. Generally this is only 2 but as your map expands you may need to add another

Nicholas Treadwell
Nicholas Treadwell - 04.04.2022 16:45

Let's go!

Lady Ruff
Lady Ruff - 04.04.2022 11:32

I hated you were gone, so glad you are back, I was just going to watch like 2 mins of this video so it would be in my history and I could watch it when I got up from bed, but just couldn't stop watching it. You rock dude!

Curtis Parent
Curtis Parent - 04.04.2022 01:29

Looking forward to following this should be interesting

Nils Cibula
Nils Cibula - 03.04.2022 11:51

Great start! But I'm a litte afraid that the game will be very slow later on with above 80 Dupes. But we will see.

Highborn Jase
Highborn Jase - 02.04.2022 14:45

Great episode thanks

Highborn Jase
Highborn Jase - 02.04.2022 14:18

I always put the supercomputer to the left of the printer pod to give it the light bonus really gives a nice free boost to both sciences

Steven Wojtysiak
Steven Wojtysiak - 01.04.2022 17:27

Just started playing ONI back in January, and the entire reason I did was running across you channel. Was sad to see you stop making videos and am happy to see you start up again. GL on this challenge; my current playthrough is around cycle 400 and I don't even have 30 dupes... 150 is absolutely horrifying, for both me and my computer :)

Glenn Sullivan
Glenn Sullivan - 01.04.2022 07:16

This was an incredible start to this challenge... looking forward to the rest. You can do it!

Ms. Shā Shā
Ms. Shā Shā - 01.04.2022 02:58

A dupe every pod cycle is terrifying! .. I am so looking forward to it! XD

Fun stuff, tyfs! Hope you've been having a good week.

Beer Killer
Beer Killer - 01.04.2022 02:18

I’m looking forward to the series. I hope you can find room for a BeerKiller in your colony. When I build carpeted tile it costs me 200kg mineral and 2 thimble reed. I don’t see why you wouldn’t recover 200kg sandstone and 2 thimble reed by deconstructing it.

Ed - 31.03.2022 21:16

I play so slowly I would be the worst person to try a 100 dupe run. Any thoughts on how you're going to try and keep 150 of them busy?

Hamme82 - 31.03.2022 20:56

I really enjoy this channel, I hope one day you will be able to upload more often

John Mann
John Mann - 31.03.2022 14:07

So glad you are back Echo, hope you are in a good place man! B

artemonstrick - 31.03.2022 12:43

I have never been so excited for a new yt series!

Michael Deardeuff
Michael Deardeuff - 31.03.2022 06:37

This is going to be fun! Subbed.

Aeglos - 31.03.2022 02:25

Well Echo,
I definitely missed your content. I am sure this series will be better than the previous ones and it is more challenging. Also I love seeing you make mistakes :D You even make them seem cool.

JawssTech Plays
JawssTech Plays - 31.03.2022 01:29

Carpeted tile out of sandstone??? Never seen that...I guess i've already gotten value from this build.

KKs_Grandma - 31.03.2022 00:48

I am loving follow along with this but I have one question. Don't the dupes need a place to wash after handling the slime lung because I have noticed that every time they handle it they get the germs all over them and everything they touch.

The Mad Man
The Mad Man - 30.03.2022 23:37

Here is a comment for your troubles.

commonsense 200
commonsense 200 - 30.03.2022 23:37

I would suggest a puft ranch for the mushrooms you will be growing. One puft at 47.5 kg per cycle of slime should support up to 11 dusk caps.

Also, they may have buffed the micronutrient from 1 cycle to more than 2, so it would be worth the time double rate of production here.

GrimlockMaster - 30.03.2022 21:03

It's amazing how fast you can chew through the temperate biome when you have that many dupes! Seconding the suggestion of using submerged electrolyzers to assure continuous O2 production

Bahri Sean
Bahri Sean - 30.03.2022 20:20

thanks for bring us a great content

Oskar - 30.03.2022 20:00

I'm very excited that you've started making more videos! One thing I've found out is that disinfecting the toilets are a waste of labor. They just wash their hands on their way out anyway, and spend so long in the beginning disinfecting. Looking forward to this series!

Shaen-Claude - 30.03.2022 19:19

wow, the speed of this run is pretty daunting.. that printer just keeps spitting out more dupes. i guess food preservation will be important early on, to reduce wasting precious resources. Super excited for the next episode! Also, if you have shove vole on the surface, makes for a great source of free calories... create a floating island for the shove voles to run on, and surround that in a box. you can then keep them wild and they will auto-harvest for free meat.

Nagib Mahfuz
Nagib Mahfuz - 30.03.2022 19:13

Don't carpeted tiles require thimble reeds and a raw mineral? Meaning you can get 2 from each deconstruction?

MiniBasher Gaming
MiniBasher Gaming - 30.03.2022 19:13

New series hype train!

Nazgul - 30.03.2022 19:10

I thought I was Patreon member #4, so I was so happy to see a good pick for dupe #4, only to realize it was John Archer's turn. And then my pick ended up being the "doctor" with fake degree :D

Wittkopdotz Gaming
Wittkopdotz Gaming - 30.03.2022 19:01

You are gonna need a LOT of exploits to support soo many dupes

Nazgul - 30.03.2022 18:59

I am the world's worst doctor :`(

Velissarios Kokkinidis
Velissarios Kokkinidis - 30.03.2022 18:52

Thanks, I needed this.

James Guerinot
James Guerinot - 30.03.2022 18:48

I enjoy the beginnings. All the planning and thinking. 150 dupes is a ton of planning.

Wittkopdotz Gaming
Wittkopdotz Gaming - 30.03.2022 18:42

Nazgul being the "doctor" that is also not a doctor due to its traits XD

Wittkopdotz Gaming
Wittkopdotz Gaming - 30.03.2022 18:39

I would reccomend going with hydras, they never overpessure, this way you guarantee having 8 dupes/electrolizer

Doug Ingraham
Doug Ingraham - 30.03.2022 18:30

I too hate wasting the energy in those jumbo batteries. I usually disconnect them and put in a transformer to drain them into the grid.

I've never done it but there is no reason you can't make your great hall 2 high and 60 wide to maximize the number of tables. For your 150 dups this would mean only 3 great halls at a max of 57 dups per hall (2 tiles for the recreation item and one for the decor item). This saves a huge amount of space (and dup labor to setup).

Nagib Mahfuz
Nagib Mahfuz - 30.03.2022 18:25

I'm happy

Ganiaskee - 30.03.2022 18:24

I'm happy to watch another of your ONI serie!
