SOOUBWAY COMPILATION 1-4!! - TheOdd1sOut Reaction

SOOUBWAY COMPILATION 1-4!! - TheOdd1sOut Reaction

Wes and Steph

4 года назад

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~Debi_Shay~ - 20.01.2023 21:00

The one i worked at didnt have Swiss

Risu Wolf
Risu Wolf - 28.12.2022 02:27

One time I stopped by a gas station on the way home from work to grab something to eat. As I was checking out the cashier said, "Have a good day, [my name]" and I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out if I knew this guy from somewhere before remembering my work uniform has my name embroidered on the shirt so I also don't like people saying my name 😅

The Gross Demon
The Gross Demon - 03.10.2022 02:24

Yeah pot is definitely a gateway drug. Itll get you hooked on snacking and deep thinking.

Skill - 12.09.2022 05:10

it's like excuse me i need five olives with every bite XD
That's like me with a hamburger. I won't it bites if it doesn't have a pickle
and i remember one time i said extra pickles and this dude
put a lot on both sides. It made me so happy.

At dollar general we oddly only worked with one other person
or you'd be paired with a manager. Them in the back and you stocking and running the register
The recipe also printed slowly, so I know what he means with the awkwardness XD

Also i oddly only ever would get tuna on italian or pull pork [i forgot what it's called] since I was little.

My friend worked at the movie theatres, and once gave me a poster of the Pet cemetery that was hanging up. She also has one of the big dead pool ones.

Also that stuff with the closing, I fee that cause people at dollar general would still try and come in
or just stand there waiting for us to unlock after closing to let them buy one thing
that turned into a whole kart of stuff they ended up not wanting because they read the coupon wrong.

EmberThefox - 26.08.2022 22:00

He’s done a face reveal
Just so you know

NatureMations - 07.07.2022 08:14

Can someone explain the ''on the side'' thing I am so confused XD

DJ Hertz
DJ Hertz - 04.07.2022 08:45

The concept of the third eye has more to do with mysticism

東方TH | 자비꾼
東方TH | 자비꾼 - 01.07.2022 10:56

Funny thing is.. He is making the videos because he remembers them lol

cmcculloch1 - 28.06.2022 14:32

soooo is this guy a 9 yr old trapped in a mans body or ... is he just living his life doing a spongebob impression ? Came to watch the compilation vid and a reaction but its so jarring

Andrew Watkins
Andrew Watkins - 21.06.2022 19:11

I work at goodwill and it's a pretty chill place haven't had any Karen run-in at the place

Utonian - 21.03.2022 22:09

"As a a fast food employee, you're so expendable" LMAO not anymore

Utonian - 21.03.2022 22:05

Honestly, if I had to take money damp with sweat, I would like it to be boob sweat

Rawden - 28.02.2022 04:15

One of the stupidest experiences I've had working in food was the day my pizza place had a birthday party that reserved the backroom. That in itself was fine, they'd made the reservation like a week in advance and put down a deposit, we even had an extra server that night specifically to focus on the party, but after that party showed up, another lady shows up with a party of 20, birthday cake and all, and starts complaining that she was going to use the party room. Understandably confused, me and my boss asked if she had made a reservation and she just flat tells us no, but she was expecting to use it. It took us way longer than it should have, to make her understand that the people in there had properly reserved the room for 4 hours that night, and we weren't kicking them out because of her poor planning skills. Finally we get her to sit down in the main dining room at the back, then another group of 10 shows up wanting to sit together. We got that sorted out (thankfully they were more understanding), and mind you we still had regular customers coming in, so the dining room that night was packed to bursting. Then, out of nowhere, we get a guy that shows up saying he has a group of 25 and they want to eat there (naturally they had said nothing to us nor tried to make any reservations). When we told him we didn't have enough room, he got pissy and DEMANDED that we accommodate him with room that we didn't have. Literally ever seat in the building was full, and he was throwing a hissy fit because he didn't have the sense to check first and see if there was room. ON A WEEKEND! I felt bad for the guys wife, because while he was busy acting like a petulant child, she was standing off to the side, red with embarrassment, and trying to get him to stop being an idiot. By the end of the night, our cooler was practically barren. And of course the lady with the birthday party that didn't call ahead tried to insist she should get a discount for having to sit in the main dining room. We refused, as we had done literally nothing wrong.

Rei gepard
Rei gepard - 26.02.2022 11:38

her lip????

Anya the Panther
Anya the Panther - 23.02.2022 02:48

"He kinda looks like his character"
His cartoon self is bald?

VaMEr - 18.02.2022 18:33

Are you ok?
No that hurt you idiot
Are you ok?

VaMEr - 18.02.2022 18:07

in hinduism and buddhism chakras are gates in your body that can be opened to gain enlightenment
and 3rd eye in hinduism is a weapon of lord shiva which ussually opens when he is really angry

Jessica S
Jessica S - 17.02.2022 03:42


Jessica S
Jessica S - 17.02.2022 03:42

my name is jared

UnlicensedOkie - 22.01.2022 06:18

Really enjoy y’all’s channel
But damn Wes you gotta take that energy level down a few notches

Sanskar Sharma
Sanskar Sharma - 28.12.2021 18:41


Dylan Dreisbach
Dylan Dreisbach - 18.11.2021 03:38

Making places smell like bread or food is actually true. There is a ton of information on it, it’s not a secret. Panera do it a lot too. Though at restaurants they just remove ventilation to soft more smells inside.

But at grocery stores they do spray smells, and even make the packaging smell good. The bread isle always smells like bread, but the smell can’t get out of the plastic wrap. There was this thing where this South Korean bus company was paid to put Duncan donuts donut smells in busses. It’s a real business and there’s a TON of money in it. Smell is by far the strongest advertising for food.

EvO Playz
EvO Playz - 07.11.2021 18:33


Ben Stenson
Ben Stenson - 22.09.2021 08:39

Long if you 21 weed it's okay for you they said

Ben Stenson
Ben Stenson - 22.09.2021 08:39

Actually that's been debunked you more likely to get addicted to hard then drugs from cocaine more than weed

Jason T
Jason T - 11.08.2021 22:09

You have to understand it was a Chip poster you know like Lays/Doritos the top 2 popular Chip brands just like how Mountain Dew is the top Popular drink and most every young kid would have some display that has Mountain Dew on it in their room that basically says folks when they come into their room yeah i like Mountain Dew or i Like Dorito's

T Squad
T Squad - 01.07.2021 18:08

You guys just got a new sub🥳🥳

P.s~ plz react to more odd1sout and please react to let me explain studios💖💖

MasterCrafter101 - Minecraft & more
MasterCrafter101 - Minecraft & more - 19.05.2021 16:18

omg i didn't think this was an old vid... I got really surprised

AlHussain Alkazrauni
AlHussain Alkazrauni - 08.04.2021 22:36

You should watch “I dated my babysitter” by Alex Clark

Mallow Marsh
Mallow Marsh - 28.03.2021 12:15

“What are chakras and third eyes????”
“It’s a yoga thing”
Every Witch-in-practice/Wicca/Pagan: “......................whose gonna tell them?”

ice slayer
ice slayer - 26.03.2021 23:37

Wes always looked confused 🤔

SadnessOccult - 02.03.2021 15:50

I’m sorry to say but I think your boyfriends gay

enkeli19 - 08.01.2021 23:37

xD when you said you mix up the social and phone numbers I laughed really hard. It's a 2 number difference on my husband's.

Provolone also melts awesome... and AMERICAN ISN'T REAL CHEESE!!! I'm all cheddar all the way, orange cheese with FLAVOR!

My first job was at a place called Submarina that was very similar to Subway. I just remember that one of the managers said "I adore the way you are with children" in my first review. I picked up the habit of asking what kind of sandwich they wanted, then size and type of bread and cheese. Then if it was going to be toasted... once everything was taken care of I just worked my way down the line when it came to condiments and veggies.

A R C A D E Y A O - 24.11.2020 02:28

He said subway :0

Sheniqwa👠 - 21.10.2020 22:47

I didn’t need to know you had herpes 😂

Isom Tezino
Isom Tezino - 14.10.2020 05:01

elon musk

Ali Raza
Ali Raza - 13.10.2020 20:54


chahat ahuja
chahat ahuja - 10.10.2020 01:59

the quartering

Darhan Sadyrbayev
Darhan Sadyrbayev - 10.09.2020 15:16

wish you were here

Lukas Rehfeld
Lukas Rehfeld - 08.09.2020 21:23

twenty one pilots

Average Girl
Average Girl - 19.11.2019 09:06

Honestly if you guys didn’t react to this, I probably wouldn’t have ever watched the whole series by myself lol, so thanks

Sanne Hagenaars
Sanne Hagenaars - 09.11.2019 01:43

React to Tabbes

error_404_error - 08.11.2019 23:57

Just curious..... so Sundays, and at possible moments that Dolans drop new videos, is the ONLY time you will react to them? No mid week, or Tuesday Dolans reactions?

isabel a'beckett
isabel a'beckett - 08.11.2019 21:17

i love theodd1sout!! please react to him more :)

milourb - 08.11.2019 17:45

pls react to the new video of emma WITH steph its called: 'trying to skate for a boy' something like that

Ivy Karue
Ivy Karue - 08.11.2019 17:24

