5 Minute Habits to Change Your Life | Rangan Chatterjee on Health Theory

5 Minute Habits to Change Your Life | Rangan Chatterjee on Health Theory

Tom Bilyeu

3 года назад

115,741 Просмотров

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K H - 18.08.2022 01:10

So frustrating for me when I thought I was in perfect health and worked out daily and had a great life, UNTIL I DIDN'T. Then, I got sideswiped at 22 with autoimmune disorders that have made a mess of my life. EXHAUSTED, CAN'T WALK OUTSIDE, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, FIBROMYALGIA, ANKOLOSING SPONDYLITIS. So, I just found this doctor on here after researching fatty liver, which the doctor told me I now have, probably from the Remicade, which is a biologic chemo drug I read. So, the doctor told me nothing to do about it, and I am just now hoping to find answers on here to help. Prayers please everybody, that I can try to make dietary changes that will help. Hard with no executive functioning skills. Praying for those too! Lol GOD IS IN CONTROL.

Phyllis Campbell
Phyllis Campbell - 12.07.2022 16:47

Ordered my book today! Thanks, Guys!

Peter Olsen
Peter Olsen - 01.09.2021 12:11

I like this guy

Mansoor Narwade
Mansoor Narwade - 09.08.2021 03:02

Great stuff! Thanks.

Madhvy Raj
Madhvy Raj - 14.07.2021 05:34

Gut is responsible for mood and energy

DarkChoco Tony
DarkChoco Tony - 13.07.2021 16:28

Rangan may look disheveled and haggard but wow, his talk is full of useful substance delivered exceptionally effectively. I love this episdode. Easily one of the best. Even Tom was silenced for long stretches.

exposez - 26.04.2021 01:52

I would actually loved to hear more on how to get kids on board with ticking off healthy and good activities.

Jose Vazquez
Jose Vazquez - 08.03.2021 00:09

The five mins concept, luv it.
I will start this today TY👋🏼
Like Mohammed Ali Used to say...
“I am the greatest”

Betty Besong
Betty Besong - 28.02.2021 16:04


Kamran Karimli
Kamran Karimli - 19.02.2021 13:52

Tom! I follow you from Azerbaijan.I love your videos.Keep going!!!

Gab Brielle
Gab Brielle - 13.02.2021 14:13

Exercise ball : in front of TV. Bounce while viewing. At desk, you're using muscles to stay balanced. And it's a fun way to do push ups, crunches and all manner of exercises.

Gab Brielle
Gab Brielle - 13.02.2021 14:04

Tom: I love that you provide labels for each topic on the screen to fast forward to if req'd. Sooooo helpful! 🙏

G Squared Everything
G Squared Everything - 08.02.2021 06:16

This was a great listen! The concept of breaking things down to 5 minutes does really take away a lot of the added pressure and anxiety that come along with different tasks and activities.

Annette Irish-Frederick
Annette Irish-Frederick - 07.02.2021 06:06

Tom, hey. Love, the collaborations you bring. My eyes are somewhat under-efficient, so reading has to be very gentle for me, so books are kind of off-my-list. However, listening to your podcasts with a professional in the field of health and nutrition, I think I might be able (through hearing, and not sight) to try and put the pieces together. Relationship Theory? I've yet to and must check this one out! Great use of the camera, Tom! Keeps my attention!!!

knowledgdeseeker - 29.01.2021 01:46

Thanks Tom Biyleu for this wonderful episode. Big thanks to Ranjan for explain why the 5 min habit works and sharing so many actionable practical ideas.

J q u
J q u - 24.01.2021 13:37


Samuel Tremblay
Samuel Tremblay - 11.01.2021 22:09

I'm wondering if there is something new in his book compared to Atomic habits from James Clear. It looks very very similar...

John Schaal
John Schaal - 10.01.2021 07:27

Drop the dude and man, seems uneducated

srdjan sww
srdjan sww - 09.01.2021 17:07

Hey, Tom, the interview was nice, enlightening 🙂👍 ...but it's a pity why you stopped the guest about "positive -affirming habits" and keep to another chapter...you couldn't make a longer interview that we can hear everything that the guest was wanting to say...!?

Vin Gee
Vin Gee - 08.01.2021 09:02

The tasty croissant superficially wait because chinese rahilly whirl at a voracious dash. annoying, pleasant sagittarius

N E - 03.12.2020 16:26

Tthis guy is definitely speaking to the masses, has made me feel less alone and insignificant- which I notice is happening a lot when I watch these super achiever self-development channels promoting methods that are too much for me to apply to my own life. They ironically end up making my mental health worse from the stress of 'failure' or just the pressure of trying to carry out these recommended routines to tick wellness boxes because ultimately they don't actually suit me biologically nor fit into my lifestyle. It has been causing me such anguish and disappointment. After watching this I feel more motivation and kindness towards myself, but see there is a bigger problem here at the same time with the amount of contrasting and sometimes extreme 'wellness' information and advice out there, despite its good intent, which could actually be contributing to stress and anxiety/ depression for many.

95 Omega
95 Omega - 28.11.2020 17:53

These aren’t new ideas. Don’t want to criticize the guest as these are important, but I wish he was saying something more insightful.

Isibor Anointed
Isibor Anointed - 22.11.2020 03:22

I want to testify of how i got back my girlfriend after breakup, we have been together for 3 years, recently i found out my girlfriend was having an affair with another boy, when i confronted her, it led to quarrels and she finally broke up with me, i tried all i could to get her back but all to no avail until i saw a post in a relationship forum about a spell caster who helps people get back their lost love through spell, at first i doubted but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this spell via his email, he helped me cast a reunion spell and my girlfriend left the boy and returned to me within 12 to 16 hours, we are happily together again. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship, marriage and other problems via Email:  [email protected] or [email protected] you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347053160384 thanks so much dr landy

Максим Попов
Максим Попов - 13.11.2020 20:07

I wish to everyone find unlimited amount of energy stored inside you that will help live a life you always wanted.

Alicia Barker
Alicia Barker - 10.11.2020 10:32

Tom, I've been a viewer of your Chanel for years. I think that you're phenomenal and an amazing interviewer. However, this is the first time I've ever gotten the feeling that you were there but not really there. Can't put my finger on what felt off. Maybe I'm overanalyzing, because you were ever the consummate professional.

John G Miles
John G Miles - 08.11.2020 00:31

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keys randy
keys randy - 07.11.2020 23:58

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ceekei_ - 06.11.2020 06:25

This discussion resonates so powerfully with James Clear's "Atomic Habits"

Noha Elshatshat
Noha Elshatshat - 20.10.2020 12:36

Wow splendid thank you very much. Keep it up 👍

Claudia Kirsch
Claudia Kirsch - 18.10.2020 14:16


Bopo.Motivation - 17.10.2020 18:42

The only limit is your mind. Once you understand you are a limitless infinite being, everything will change. If you are watching this video then you are on the path to greatness and self discovery. 🙏

Angela Williamson
Angela Williamson - 17.10.2020 18:33

Great talk, I really relate to what the doctor highlights, the things that I want to do because I understand they a good for me ( so often voided) whether it's housework, exercise, phone a friend, go for a walk. is helped enormously by telling myself just do 5-minutes just do 10-minutes, otherwise I wouldn't happen, then what often happens is I do it for longer.. I feel so good afterwards, I do these things so much more consistently now. Particularly my strength training as I'm in my mid 50s.. I lost a lot of muscle which is coming back..
Thank you both.

EbonyInterests - 16.10.2020 22:43

Superb video! Continue the great work. If you get a second feel free to look at my channel 😁🙌✨

RhymeMakers - 14.10.2020 18:46

I feel like this talk was really good. It sparked a thought about how I grew up in the information age. Is it possible the age of information will start shifting to a new era? And what "age" is next?

Riley David Jesus
Riley David Jesus - 14.10.2020 15:45

I've been seeing more and more of this guy.

He's great!

TheMarcee87 - 13.10.2020 21:54

I needed this so bad!!! Thank you for your wisdom

Sunethra - 13.10.2020 20:31

Very good episode! Its just about letting go and being simple with ourselves at the end of the day. Which is really a struggle when so much is going on, but this will be a replay episode for me! Wonderful doctor featured on your channel!

Learning. Growing. 🌱
Learning. Growing. 🌱 - 13.10.2020 17:00

The heart is the first own formed in the womb. This is why they say satan attacks the mind; God examines and searches the heart.

Jill Field
Jill Field - 13.10.2020 10:33

Can I loose my blood pressure caused by stress,I am on a keto diet and taking tablets, I’m 78 and 8st 8oz

Riya Sharma
Riya Sharma - 13.10.2020 05:30

Adding to an existing habit - need to start listening to this channel while doing dishes instead of watching Wendy at night. 😄

A.O. Hamer - The Artist
A.O. Hamer - The Artist - 13.10.2020 00:46

Whoa, usually you have an epic intro for everyone. Who is this guy? Listened and learned to love him 💕 Just some honest feedback Tom: This one felt rushed and you seemed disconnected from him. Overall, wealth of knowledge 👑

Spanish Language Learning
Spanish Language Learning - 12.10.2020 19:50

I love the timeline INSIDE the video that enables you to go directly to the segments you most want to hear: and Tom is great at interviewing.

Lynn - 12.10.2020 15:00

Very great and positive insite advise ty

Blueing House
Blueing House - 12.10.2020 06:28

P.S. Thank you for talking about mental health. It is SOOOO important!!!

Blueing House
Blueing House - 12.10.2020 06:27

TOM! You are a Master! I watch a LOT of your videos and it was perfect that you just let him talk. You interjected just to keep it moving to cover everything. Brilliant. I could listen to him for another hour! Please have him back again and thank you for such enriching videos!!

Mohamed géo
Mohamed géo - 12.10.2020 02:18

the only guide has worked in v6.99 my concern it's RAZORVIEWS COM

Aurelie Aussenac
Aurelie Aussenac - 12.10.2020 02:17

the only guide have working in v2.67 my concern is RAZORVIEWS COM

Daniela Stangova
Daniela Stangova - 11.10.2020 21:54

Reminds me basics of behaviour change strategies that we used as Health Trainers, here in UK. Really great to see that Rangan puts these ideas into practise. Would not it be great if all GPs would need to go through behaviour change training? <3 The more simple smart goal we set with clients, the bigger chance they will take an action and also usually that small change kicks another positive changes. I also like how Rangan speaks, scientific evidence, but with the langauge that all can understand- that is also very important...Many times I recommend our patients to watch Doctor in the house series or his Ted talk...
