The only desired face subliminal that you ever need with DNA changing frequency

The only desired face subliminal that you ever need with DNA changing frequency


2 года назад

26,514 Просмотров

I post subliminals so I can use them for myself.
This subliminal contains not only powerful affirmations, but also brown noise and special solfeggio frequencies to morph your face like clay to whatever you desire. The affirmations are vocally recorded and stored in the highest quality because I don't like the text to speech voices, they sound too robotic to me lmfaoo 💀

What you get:
You’re guaranteed to get your desired face by using this sub
You will LITERALLY feel your face heat and change up while listening to this

#desiredface #beauty #beautysubliminal #subliminal #frequency #meditation #meditationmusic #brownnoise
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