I eat less than 30 grams of carbs a day. In that case, I should live until I'm 900. I joke. But yeah, I'm 41 and aside from hairline, I look pretty similar to how I did when I was 20. Keto is the way to go!
ОтветитьI love this Awesome channel thanks you Dr.Mike Hansen for sharing this video.
ОтветитьSo no fruit? 😩
ОтветитьYes so true. We need ZERO sugar as we make own.
Ответить, Vitamin. C.ands. College
ОтветитьThank you Doctor! I’m sure definitely staying away from sweets.
ОтветитьPeople will have vastly varying habits and will still look young, it’s 75% genetics in all honestly , the more you see your family age badly the more you stay away from the family traditional food and exercise , and start integrating your own optimal habits
ОтветитьMake relation with might look younger...but better not to make fun among mass...his /her lobby will never value you...+5/-5 best age group to go -5....women go +5
ОтветитьOnly 1000 views now, very sad. Very good and critical information. I would consider adding subtitle about health and nutrition, Dr. Hansen.
ОтветитьU r so cute doc thanks for infos....
ОтветитьWas the thumbnail a joke? If it was, I dont get the before after
Ответитьso what aboute fruits? Is the fructose in there bad as well? How much fruit is too much per day?
ОтветитьWaaaa😭😭😭 Not the barbecue sauce Dr. Mike!
ОтветитьSo basically there is nothing good to eat. Everything processed has sugar.
That's why I eat tons of veggies and fruits. 😉 and water.💧
7-15-2022 ? so is this what BA-5 did to you.
ОтветитьYour videos are very informative, thank you! Can you please be very kind as to make a video with the ideal amount of added sugar for an adult or child? For example: Can I have an ice cream bar on a summer night? Is a chocolate bar over the limit of added sugar per day please?
ОтветитьSeems almost impossible to avoid sugar these days. It's literally everywhere.
ОтветитьThe cover photo to this post is why I hate and despise aging. Look at the difference. Look at what it does and what it takes from you!
ОтветитьThe key is exercising to maintain a good health and slow down aging
Due to exercise I look younger than my younger brother who does not exercise
Thank u for the video
Also fruit ? Or only fructose in processed food?
ОтветитьI still have no idea what he is talking about.
ОтветитьI ate a tub of ben and Jerry's after watching this... Lol😂😂
ОтветитьAm I tripping at the first 2 seconds???
ОтветитьOff topic , but anyone ever tell you that you look like the boxer Danny Swift Garcia?
ОтветитьSpace travel (just being out there) DOES NOT change the rate of biological degradation. HOWEVER the restricted diet can slow down metabolism and decrease the rate a little.
Ответитьthanks again
ОтветитьDoes eating AGEs formed in food itself also cause the same damage in our body? Like for example the AGEs in roasted peanut butter?
ОтветитьSo, in other words, if we avoid eating at all, we could become immortal, no?
ОтветитьAny stuff labelled "Low Fat" actually has a lot of sugar added to them too.
ОтветитьWHAT ABOUT WHOLE FRUIT?? It contains fructose. I know it's better than juice, but is it better to not eat fruit at all? I'm freaking out.
ОтветитьLooks like before and after the vaccine pictures.
ОтветитьBell's palsy makes a person look older as well.
ОтветитьGod told us very plainly that man will live 70 or 80 years. Some live til 90. Almost no one lives to 100. After the vaccine it will be much less.
ОтветитьBetter watch this...
ОтветитьFruits and honey contain fructose but good for health
ОтветитьWhat if you don't care?
ОтветитьSoon even tap water is going to have sugar. I am fedup with food regulation bodies. Added sugar should be number one banned item in the food industry.
ОтветитьOk has anyone hear really tried not eating sugar and what was the out come I’m curious to see
ОтветитьNot yogurt 😭😭
ОтветитьYes sugar accelerate AGEs and glycation
Ответитьhow can such a enlightened doctor promote the corona vaccine.
ОтветитьI do agree the rest you said but the only thing i disagree don't resonate what you said is the sun not being good for us that it makes us older because i think the sun is good for us i do think we need the sun it's good for our body and hair too i think the sun does help to make us look young i think it's not the sun's fault at all i just think it depends on what foods we eat and drink too some do say make sure the food and drink is organic that is actually good for us that will help us to look young our skin looks healtheir i always think the sun is great for our health too
ОтветитьGreat video! Thanks for producing and sharing it
ОтветитьAdd Chapters to your videos
ОтветитьHow old are you sir?
ОтветитьSleep, exercise, sunscreen, hydration, and a face routine can go a long way
ОтветитьFirst thing
Shave your moustache
So everything has sugar so no eating