Fry em up | Beta Carrotina tier list rant

Fry em up | Beta Carrotina tier list rant


3 года назад

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Fry Em Up
Fry Em Up - 26.11.2021 07:28

Just seeing this now lol

Jared Mizzell
Jared Mizzell - 16.06.2023 05:53

What if the superpower gave every plant on the board these abilities instead would it be good

moshi - 15.06.2023 23:42

The first time, if you wanna go back and see my reaction to beta Carrotina when this hero was first announced and released what it would do. The first time I saw this I thought genetic amplification was op since I didn't realise that it conjures the card into your hand,ummm, I thought this would just play it on the field. Again 1-cost trick for a 2-cost plant that's random, so sometimes it's trash and sometimes it's amazing it could be anything from water chestnut to triceratops which is amphibious uh it can turn to double mint which is actually very good because it starts with the initial buff ummm, and it gets amphibious and team-up I thought this card was really really good, almost too good. Guys this just puts the card in your hand so if you think of what genetic amplification does for you, the total cost of your guy is 3, you've gotten to spend 1 for the initial trick then, unlike every other superpower in the game, you gotta spent two more suns to actually play the guy onto the field. So you are spending 3 suns for a 3-cost card. YOU'RE MEANT TO BE SPENDING 1 SUN FOR A 3-COST CARD, just look at Spudow's superpower that's a 3-cost card you get on the field by spending 1 but this one you spend 3 and again it's unreliable because a two drop is buffed by 1-1 is arguably a 3 cost card. Every once in a while it'll be a little bit op if it's a triceratops or like water chestnut that's not a three cost card that's not a 3 cost card that's a 2 cost card still um why would they make this has to summon the minion. This guy- this has to just- this should just put the minion directly onto the field and again, it's not super reliable and that would be a really solid 3 cost guy if you got to get rid of the amphibious or get rid of the team-up do that but like that's fine if it's a little bit too strong. But it's a 2-cost card that's buffed. I don't know what they were thinking by having this conjure. Even if you compare this to a good version of Beta Carrotina's superpower which is the iron border this puts the guy right onto the field. Even the other beta-carrotina's superpowers put the guy directly onto the field i-i-i. Was this a mistake? I don't know what happened to this superpower but this is just complete utter trash. Then again, if you are starting off with this then you are burning your 1st turn and then your second turn who knows what you're gonna get um you-if you get this late in games like in the middle of an attack phase this just doesn't do anything. If you could put the guy on the field you could block something with it but now you can't even block something with it. This is so trash. This is by far the worst superpower in the game. This must have been a mistake. Again if they wanted to promote this hero, why did they give her the worst superpowers?

Mike Diaz
Mike Diaz - 07.12.2021 06:57

What an angry fella, I wonder what he thinks about Starch Lord

Tanooki Boy
Tanooki Boy - 26.11.2021 00:08

"No no he's got a point"

Na Cl
Na Cl - 24.11.2021 13:54

Just, summon a 1 cost, Instead of conjuring a 2 cost,

Might get cucked, With 1/1, But the its just a 2/2 TeamUp Amphibious, Which isn't TERRIBLE

CreeperBlade711 - 17.10.2021 07:52

What it should do:
conjure a 2 cost plant, it gets +1/1, amphibious, and team up.
this plant is played in a random lane

Gregory Greg
Gregory Greg - 09.09.2021 10:36

If beta carrotina had more dinosaurs available this wouldn't even be half as bad

APON - 04.08.2021 23:36

Говорите нормально

Shape - 04.08.2021 07:27

Fry Em Up:Look Genetic amplification need 3 suns to play 2cost minion
Me:Then use genetic amplification on round 1 then

kidsIIIII009 - 27.07.2021 07:29

Me when I explain to my teacher how to make this equation in Math

Akishiho_Kiss - 03.07.2021 06:22

Beta carrotina would be a better hero if she had actually good supers. Instead you conjure a card, which will never be good since it’s a cost 2 (You can get something like a doubled mint, but lets be honest what’s your chance of getting one anyway”, no extra stats can change that. Her only good power is the one that conjures 2 tricks. The other 2 are just starchlord but only conjures once, and a cheaper but less effective whipvine.

ZombieXc13 - 24.06.2021 05:20

I think it would summon the Minnion like a hero block, you can put it down or put it back in your hand, 3 sun cost card and -1 sun

Pea Gal
Pea Gal - 08.04.2021 21:03

Betas super could have been a better egg or summoning
But the devs where lazy as crap

I_saidMeow 2
I_saidMeow 2 - 08.04.2021 09:24

He hates a lot beta carotina, it's still a good hero to use, with op decks. He also understimate starch lord

robert lupa
robert lupa - 02.04.2021 22:42

What if the super also reduced the cost of the minion?

Fili - 16.03.2021 15:14

Shamrocket is not annoying

Youji - 01.03.2021 21:36

Location: Dio Brando Mansion
Understandable, have a nice Jojo reference

JONDOE297 - 13.02.2021 11:28

Fry's idea of how it's supposed to work is actually better than what it actually does

SpookPeño - 01.12.2020 22:37

beta i was not as hype for when she came out
