5 Reasons I HATE Elite Dangerous

5 Reasons I HATE Elite Dangerous

Down to Earth Astronomy

1 год назад

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There is a lot of things I both Love and Hate About Elite Dangerous. Today i will share 5 things i hate about to game

Check out the first video in the small series about why I love Elite Dangerous: https://youtu.be/NH41oYoTbAQ

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D2EA,Down To Earth Astronomy,DTEA,Space Sim,5 Reasons I HATE Elite Dangerous,elite dangerous gameplay,frontier developments,elite dangerous review,elite dangerous odyssey review,Elite Dangerous,Elite Dangerous Odyssey,elite dangerous odyssey review 2023,elite dangerous odyssey review 2022,elite dangerous horizons review,space sim,elite dangerous 2023,elite dangerous 2022,down to earth astronomy,review elite dangerous


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Don Lamarco
Don Lamarco - 17.09.2023 23:10

Squadrons should be able to build surface bases/ orbital outposts in systems they have a certain amount of influence in.

TomFoolery - 08.09.2023 08:34

I'm newly back to the game after playing it in the beginning and it really does feel like playing a single player game. If I want to play with my brother it doesn't feel like we really can go do things together. You go to a zone and maybe fight some pirates or something. But, no wave missions where you fend off waves of attackers or defending a station from pirates or anything where he and I could battle against the NPCs for a time. Beyond that it also seems like FDev hasn't been developing for Elite in a very long time. Like you said, where are new ships? There are two ground vehicles and all you do is just use your scan tool on plants or collect materials on the ground? It's also possibly I'm not utilizing what the game has very well but I'm not sure.

Saint Voorhees
Saint Voorhees - 14.08.2023 07:00

I absolutely hated the controls so I never bothered with it.

Curtis Galper
Curtis Galper - 04.08.2023 14:04

Ever since Odyssey was shoved down player's throats, I have said FDev simply tacked a FPS onto their SPACE game.
Player's asked for space legs,
FDev said YES!
Then said NO!
Player's asked for ice planets,
FDev said YES!
Then said NO!
Players asked for Panther Clipper,
FDev said YES!
Then said NO!
And on and on and on and on.
Apparenty, it turns out it is really HARD to do ...

AniGa - 29.07.2023 10:52

Honestly, the reason there is no community stuff ingame is because of a very blatantly simple and simply blatant reason: Most players play in Solo. Yes, it's easy to forget for the "hardcore players" among us - but the average player doesn't like ganks, the average player doesn't do intricate background faction system stuff, the average player doesn't care for the pressure of piracy and stuff like that. And so... because the game totally lacks meaningful(!) consequences for things like ganking and piracy, or meaningful(!) incentives to play online... a vast amount of people simply don't bother with it.

AniGa - 29.07.2023 10:47

You are really giving a little too much credit here when, in many of these cases, it's blatantly Frontier being awfully misguided.
Too hard to change HUD colors? That's just not true, people have been doing it for ages - which means a method exists that they could adopt 1 : 1 and just shove in an actual ingame menu (or at minimum in the launcher, to get ahead of any "but that is done outside the game, maybe ingame it wouldn't work").
"Almost" seem like they're making it grindy on purpose? There's no "almost" about it; it's very blatantly and clearly designed to specifically be grindy, you can't accidentally do something like this.
And so on and on. If they wanted to genuinely improve the existing stuff in the game, they could and would - same as with the whole "make your own fun" cancer and the game lacking any real inherently repeatable content and inherently redoable goals - if they wanted to, they could and would. But they clearly don't.

Imo - 27.07.2023 20:01

ELITE was always about "a man (or a woman) and his (her) spaceship". It always was a mostly single player game where you might see other players. Frontier always tried to restrict the game in the way that player interaction will be as limited as possible.

Philo Beddoe
Philo Beddoe - 24.07.2023 08:22

I bought ED on sale & did so blindly...which was a mistake. The control layout for the ship is very awkward. Apart from the rudimentary training videos, there's nothing to really get me up & running within a reasonable time frame. The graphics are a bit crude & lack polish & just don't inspire me to explore. There is no story & when I first started out to explore, I spent 90 minutes in hyper pursuit mode & got nowhere. Even though I have a lot of free time to put into this game, I am very discouraged to do so, as this game is literally as vast as real-life outerspace(which is patently absurd)...considering how tedious, bland & desolate this game is. Though EVERSPACE 2 is an arcade-shooter at heart(rather than a space-sim) and perhaps, not an entirely fair comparison...EVERSPACE still puts Elite Dangerous to shame, as EVERSPACE is somewhat story-driven, has great hands-on exploration, great game mechanics, awe-inspiring graphics and best of all...EVERSPACE is fun, exciting and it's almost impossible to ever put down your game controller...as it's so immersive & fascinating...that you just want to play through until the ending is just one sitting. This was my impression of the first EVERSPACE....so with EVERSPACE 2...it brings things to a whole other level, being that it is an open world/space game. Just from watching the trailers on this game, I was able to extrapolate everything I needed to know about this game & I know I am going to have the time of my life playing EVERSPACE 2(once I get my hands on a PS5 console.)

John Smith
John Smith - 22.07.2023 08:12

If Odyssey was more integrated with the base game, it would cut into features shared with non odyssey games and require two versions of the base game experience and they dont want to make their development any slower and split up, like console was.

S. Beaumier
S. Beaumier - 20.07.2023 16:57

My issue with elite dangerous is they have a team that creates a lot of nice stuff. They they proceed to make it an infuriating, repetative, and tedious grind.

Philip Kerry
Philip Kerry - 18.07.2023 07:07

I've never played Odyssey and have no intention of ever playing it , I played the original ELITE when it came out in 1984 and for me the "CoD in Space " aspect of this expansion goes against the basic tenets of the game . I will continue to play Horizons and if they remove it ED will be dead for me and I will play no longer .

Ro Bert
Ro Bert - 13.07.2023 15:58

ED is the game with the least funtionality ever
i mean we cant even sort the module list in any way.
I dont expect anything from frontier

Graham Southey
Graham Southey - 01.07.2023 17:10

I hope will get to no more about the guardians other than going to the sites to grind for materials be good if that had ships come in the bubble and make the war bigger

Builder - 19.06.2023 11:17

Elite is a waste of time now...
Too long in the tooth and the planetside combat is disconnected and the total disconnect between the quality of your commander and the LEGO-like figures in the fascist "settlements are preposterous: "wait for scan or be shot" is worth and more blatant than in Star Citizen's flavor of fascism.
You might start to wonder if Klaus Schwab had instructed these game companies.. At least, in cyberpunk, which also has a fascist government, but crucially, the players get to fight against this fascism!

CMDR Mawortz
CMDR Mawortz - 18.06.2023 01:00

it could have been a great game but the devs gave up on it so quickly

Daverex - 12.06.2023 13:44

There are too many things that just reek of delusional or disconnected leadership, especially post-Thargoid arrival.
100% with you, they have a checklist of things they think the game needs and they rivet that feature in without considering if it's fun or interesting or will hold any normal person's attention for longer than a day after release.

Then the hardcore fans hear us complain and cry out to rally support to convince Fdev to make good decisions and the fans just boo and bawk and denounce us saying "Well if just don't like the game then go play something else" so happy with the bland unseasoned bangers and mash they've eaten their entire lives to realize it would taste 100x better with some spice.

Nimarus - 30.05.2023 09:30

I wish the transition from walking to getting into the ship was like clips I've seen of Star Citizen. Opening a door, ramp, or lift to get inside the ship. Actually walking around inside the ship to get to the pilot seat. Then selecting options to take off and fly. There's even options to turn on cabin lights.

Scotty 3 times
Scotty 3 times - 29.05.2023 20:29

The problem is and starts with P2P. Not made for 2023.

Fondl Mibals
Fondl Mibals - 28.05.2023 10:40

I think there should be a rare enemy ship that sometimes spawns in dangerous areas where its basically a boss fight cuz its hard to kill but if you manage to do it its a guaranteed good weapon like its engineered or something and has a unique projectile compared to other hardpoints.
I would rather spend a lot of time searching for and beating something like an extra extra large Federal corvette ror something similar than hours or days grinding materials to not get the effect i want from engineering.

Jun3d1 - 25.05.2023 07:32

"We'd love to see something, also, maybe, NOT thargoid related." --- Yes!

CMDR Tony Curtis
CMDR Tony Curtis - 22.05.2023 08:34

They focused on 5 other games that bombed. Dave Braben stepped down, Frontier Dev stock is in the toilet...Doesn't surprise me why Elite isn't doing well.

The Big Bad Wolf
The Big Bad Wolf - 18.05.2023 16:17

Honestly, as a totally new player trying to get into ED. It's very frustrating. The tutorials are great and all for the few things they teach you, but holy shit there are a lot more things to know to be able to do even basic missions and I managed to figure out SC pretty quickly (I'm just not interested in it at all).

thomas doubleyou
thomas doubleyou - 17.05.2023 14:44

the game is dissapointing from the start on andthe update tells me, it wont get better. Well, let them try to sell stuff in arx store.

Yanna Tarassi
Yanna Tarassi - 15.05.2023 06:36

YES to all of this.

Cmdr Effie Trinket
Cmdr Effie Trinket - 14.05.2023 19:04

I can’t believe the Devs still think that ship interiors are not necessary, or wanted by players, or why there is still no VR in Odyssey. Frackin stupid!

Mechanought - 13.05.2023 09:35

It's the same problem that ED has always had. Mile wide, inch deep.

Chair - 13.05.2023 05:10


ilaril - 11.05.2023 09:35

I expected them to stay away from the fps-crap, but to give us other things to do. I was so hopeful when I started that there'd be more than one "car"/rover ro choose from, that you'd have specialist vehicles. Same with the fighters. In the end there didn't seem to be any real future in the game, as they'd just add things without thinking why or what's the gameplay going to be. Shame, really.

P2DW - 10.05.2023 21:01

Boring, trash game by trash devs.

Sultan - 09.05.2023 00:07

Personnaly , a big thing i hate on this game is: the ships cockpits are almost all the same (the ui)

TRAMSILIUM TV - 07.05.2023 13:40

Honestly, how much would elite improve if the players who attack other players randomly received huge punishments, for example that the forces of the system appeared and destroyed it immediately, it would greatly increase the presence of players in the open and they would interact with each other beyond destroying you the ship because my dad and my mom are cousins and I'm so normal, so normal

Lee Cull
Lee Cull - 07.05.2023 07:09

I still don't know why Odyssey is a thing. It's something I can do but have no reason to.

Drakey Fenix
Drakey Fenix - 04.05.2023 02:44

I fully agree with you on the Fleet carriers topic. I personally hated the fact that everyone could get them instead of them being a squadron asset. And as many predicted, every single star system in the bubble got littered with fleet carriers, which completely removed the specialty about them when literally anyone could get their hands on them with a little bit of grind.

ali akeel
ali akeel - 03.05.2023 00:01

i think you mean 5 things you hate, not reasons

UnBearified Bear
UnBearified Bear - 01.05.2023 17:20

So much untapped potential in this game.. I really enjoyed it - right up til I didn't.. post launch content has been abysmal

Some of the best sound design ever put in a game, too.. shame 😪

ChrisM541 - 30.04.2023 12:37

--> Remember, it's only a game - and a fantastic, unique one at that.
--> It's primary Mission Statement has not changed since 1984 - and I think you'll agree, rightly so.
--> However, there's no issue modernising things, and yes, there's always scope for introducing something new.
--> Perhaps too many are asking FDev to change it into something it never was?
I love your channel and all those superb videos you've made. Keep doing what you do!

Denmardiu - 30.04.2023 07:46

Yeah this is why i jumped to star citizen.. it may be utterly broken but it's so much more enjoyable than elite and even if it never gets fixed it's still incredible just to inhabit that world.

ZeevTheWolf - 30.04.2023 06:38

I left ED after the first month of Oddyssey when they said "nope, ship interiors won't come". Well, I remember the original dev stream waaay back before Elite Dangerous launched when they literally said they have the vision and dream for it and promise it will come one day... and then without fanfare boom, years of hope to have in-ship interior gameplay implemented, just gone in a second.
And everything else? Everything feels empty, the vast, vast space doesn't entice to explore more once you got passed the first explorer fever. It's more of a space truck jumping simulator. No aliens to discover, no fantastic things (beyond the indeed nice sights the game offers but I am talking about gameplay mechanics).
And the grind? Damn I definitely don't miss that.
To be honest, X4 Foundations in 2023 is SOO much better than Elite. Granted, its a singleplayer game but they look more into building their venture multiverse for multiplayer options but with all the different alien races, the politics and you being able to build your own empire is just amazing. Standing on your own station looking up into space and seeing massive battleships fly by that YOU built... just breathtaking. Elite Dangerous just feels repetitive and the capital ship combat is a joke.
Saying this as someone who had everything in Elite, multi-multi billionaire with every ship (I had three cutters just because I could and each had a different purpose so I didn't have to change outfitting). I used to love Elite and hoped they would build on it but it feels exactly the same like it used to back then lol.

Phoenix X
Phoenix X - 30.04.2023 05:02

what i would like to see is deployable player controlled settlements perhaps even under the squadron system; even if they are redeployable, like a sort of defacto fleet carrier but in base format, for example to setup on metal rich worlds and mine materials to send to your carrier, ive often found remote systems and wished as a player i could "exploit" the system for my faction/squadron like the powers do.. they could even expand the powers system so that if a player group became powerful enough it would become a powerplay faction

Phoenix X
Phoenix X - 30.04.2023 04:58

there is a way around the 32 key limit, but it means you need to make your own cockpit and use a SJ@JX Development Keyboard Encoder Board, ive started remapping some of my own project via a sj jx board instead of joystick encoders

weavle96 - 30.04.2023 01:11

Ship interiors really should have been added in the game with Odyssey, Frontier really doesn't have excuse anymore on that. Even if they were just simple interiors, it is better than what we have right now. Also, when I was playing, I tried to take two or three courier missions that went to the same outpost because that's efficient, but once I took one, the others locked because you "cannot take missions thatgo to the same location" which is incredibly poor design making simple missions even more of a grind for no reason.

CMDR Omega Mechanicus
CMDR Omega Mechanicus - 29.04.2023 09:30

I love ED

Trey Cox
Trey Cox - 27.04.2023 19:14

I’m trying star citizen today. I haven’t played ED since the odyssey update.

Axland Gamer
Axland Gamer - 26.04.2023 02:07

All those fantastic interiors we see from Odyssey would be much more cheered in owned ships.

3rd Cain
3rd Cain - 25.04.2023 22:19

wait you can meet ppl in game?

SlyNine - 25.04.2023 03:01

Elite has always been compartmentalized cookie cutter game loops. That's what I hate about it.

Chris Colbourne
Chris Colbourne - 23.04.2023 15:21

Omg, the dreary grind....and each part of it dissipated off in some random direction.
The engineering mats grind became too much. Too little progressive reward for the iceberg of work and time burning you have to chip thru.
That and the discontinued support for console, really was the reason I uninstalled for good.
The thought of another meandering pointless grind trying to build up mats for the whole Thargoid racket.
I have absolutely no interest in shopping for Thargoid upgrades or grinding all over for them, at all.
Fix a grind by making a different colored one.
Welp, hopefully starfield or star citizen will do better.
