I am 2 weeks now with no social media and I realize when I was on social media I was trying to make everyone like me not just on social media though I had fake friends that I would never associate with and then realizing that hurt and then I decided to break that friendship off because I don't need negativity and I don't need people downing me and that's just the get about it as in social media can play a big toll on your real life outside of the social media If you are addicted you're wanting likes you're wanting people to want you like you love you and not just on the internet anymore That's your mindset well it was and now I just feel obviously I have no friends right now and I am just learning more about my mental health myself in general and it's actually honestly I haven't felt more at peace and happy and a really long time even my boyfriend has noticed a huge difference so again just realize that it's not going to be addicting just on the internet it's also going to play a toll in real life too I don't know if people realize that so just beware that you could be friends with a person you were never supposed to be friends with and it sucks but things get better
ОтветитьIt's great! I lost my Ig several months ago and have been better not having it! Even though I wanted to make it my career.
Ответитьgood video
Ответить2 years off social mediato expain the whole thing on social nedia. Crazy.
ОтветитьLong live the Patriarchy!
ОтветитьGood for you, it was a good choice
ОтветитьPeople who suffer alot from social media has 0 self control
Ответитьi love this so much
ОтветитьTengo déficit de atención y no tengo como explicar lo que era mi vida antes de borrar redes sociales, sentía ansiedad todo el día, no me concentraba ni para la más mínima actividad, me sentía abrumada y sobreestimulada a cada rato, pero a pesar de todo me la pasaba de un lado a otro en las redes. Mi ejemplo más claro es que no podía ni lavarme los dientes sin sentirme completamente aburrida, necesitaba ver cualquier cosa. En conclusión: horrible. Y ahora, que ya llevo un año, aunque tengo déficit de atención me concentro más, me gusta tomar más fotos y videos de mi vida, cuando me aburro miro mis fotos del celular y me gusta ver lo linda que es mi vida sin ansiedad. Para mí eso no tiene precio ❤
ОтветитьGo girl!!! 🌹
ОтветитьI've deactivated my ig account for a few months now. At the beginning I felt a little lonely, like I had lost friends since I was not "watching" them on a daily basis. But I realized that if I want people in my life I can always reach out to them in other ways. That's how life is.
ОтветитьAhhhh I’m not even done watching but FUCK this is a hard reality check that i need and want but also don’t want to accept fully UGH
ОтветитьI use yt, pinterest, & fb
ОтветитьI want to start creating and stop consuming.
ОтветитьYou are wise beyond your years
Ответитьthank you so much for this. this is the best video on this topic ive ever watched, i really appreciate how honest you are with all of this. thank you ❤
ОтветитьUr life looks the same except more concerts.
ОтветитьYou would be dead without a patriarchy and the only reason your depressed and anxious is because we live in a matriarch
Ответитьim confused. when you showed your life after social media it was just concerts. many people cant afford traveling to and attending them.
ОтветитьJohn 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
People are sick.
ОтветитьBut you posted this on social media site….
ОтветитьI'm a hobbyist photographer who has done some commercial gigs and hope to do more and potentially go full time one day. But I really loathe what Instagram has become, and I see Facebook going down the same pipe. I worry that I won't be taken seriously by clients if I don't have an Instagram account... Which I think is a legitimate concern. I was well supported on IG, but I just didn't post regularly enough to curry favour with the algorithm.... So my follower count was meagre compared to users who only post cellphone pics and the standard of their pics was poor in comparison. But I don't like the idea of just posting posting every day to fight for followers it's not a game I want to play this is what irritates me about that platform. I believe your follower count should reflect your skills not your activity level.
ОтветитьI relate to that a lot. I deleted my instagram a year and a half ago , and i really don’t miss it.
My thoughts when I was scrolling ig was constantly comparing myself to others, wishing I had that hot boyfriend , wishing I was prettier or thinner, or a bigger group of girlfriends.
I better off without it, focusing on my goals, my happiness and my REAL group of friends .
Soooo… you’re still sharing your life online.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing your thoughts. I’ve struggled for many years with thought of deleting social media. I think the longest I’ve gone without it is 3 months. I always get this urge to delete everything but all I do is watch video about deleting it LOL
I also feel an urge to disappear and then make a “grand entrance” lol sounds like I’m delulu. Today I thought maybe I should just delete Instagram and keep Facebook. I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.
This video is encouraging. You mentioned a lot of points I haven’t thought of. Your aesthetic point! 💯 Thank you so much! X
Ответитьdeleted social media so that i could find a deeper understanding of who I am
ОтветитьVery good! 👏👏
ОтветитьSo you went to more concerts?
ОтветитьYou did this while broke?
ОтветитьThat oversharing piece is so valid. I am an open book but sharing with people I don’t know becomes oversharing when trust is not present.
ОтветитьI was off social media for a year and put it back 2 months ago. now im rotting in bed, anxious and I dont even know why. now I think I know why
Ответитьstill immature u seem like but ur improving
ОтветитьI almost feel this way, I don’t post I just doom scroll& constantly compare. I think I want to take a break and work on myself and be a better version of myself. Thank you for this! Instagram causes a lot of arguments in my relationship and I’m ready to be free 🕊️
ОтветитьYou look so much like my little sister, if she had darker hair. I had to remind myself you weren’t her.
ОтветитьLast summer I took a break from social media and the mental affects of not having tik tok affected me the the most for the best reason. Deleting tik tok was the best thing I've ever done. Over the summer I might be doing another social media cleanse
Ответитьi loveee your hair im showing this to my heairstylist next time!!!
ОтветитьYou’re adorable!
Ответить..but of course, then come back to tell about it. These people really are just using you for folloeings, views, and likes.
Ответитьhi! I'm Mica, from Argentina. I'm 23 and libra too :) I started using Instagram and Twitter at twelve, the second one being like a very dark app for that age. A couple months ago I deleted my tiktok acc bc it was so exhausting, I passed like 5 hours a day scrolling and scrolling. Now I have like this clock that when I'm in Ig and X more than 2 hours, sounds and alarm and I'm ok but I have days when I just turn it off and go back to the infinit scroll. In the later weeks I've been reading a lot, I always love reading but with socials I used to do it less so I'm going back with that and its really helpful. I resonate a lot with you because I dont know, I feel like we're kind of similar people. I want to write, like being a writer, and I want to have like a podcast or something like that because I like to share things and I like to talk a lot too, like every libra does, so I think your videos were really helpful for me. Thanks!! <3
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьI love your channel. I knew I had to do something when I started to get worried about the number of likes i was getting on FB. Wtf!