Realistic Fire | Pyro FX in Houdini | Houdini Zone |

Realistic Fire | Pyro FX in Houdini | Houdini Zone |

Houdini Zone

2 года назад

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AI Sonia
AI Sonia - 19.08.2023 10:53

too complex for beginers

Manish speks
Manish speks - 19.04.2023 17:51

I need to get contact with you how can I ? Sir

Adam Golding
Adam Golding - 05.02.2023 21:54

HI when getting to the wrangle in the solver, Cd.r does not show up at all and stays at the value of 0?

Sravan Jayarajan
Sravan Jayarajan - 11.01.2023 01:20

how can i get vdb vector merge node

Somthin Something
Somthin Something - 28.12.2022 10:35

Hey sorry to bother but i tried to use the code you used in the video but the infection doesnt move it just lights red a line of points and stays like that.
if it's not too much trouble for you could you pls tell me where could i have screwed up?
this is the vexpression I used :

@Cd = (0,0,0);

if(@infected == 0){
float dis = ch('max_distance');
int point = chi('max_point');
int found[] = nearpoints(0,@P,dis,point);

foreach ( int pt; found){
if(point(0, "infected",pt)==1){
@ifnected = 1;
@Cd.r = 1;
thank you in advance

뉴콘 스튜디오 NewCon
뉴콘 스튜디오 NewCon - 28.10.2022 11:55

is it an ai voice?!

Nick-Boson - 12.09.2022 20:10

How can I control the speed of spreading. The solver is taking it each frame right? But can I also make this time-dependent? thanks :) Its a really good tutorial

Nick-Boson - 12.09.2022 17:40

Houdini does´t take integers (@Frame) How to solve this?(14minutes)

Anurag Khairkar
Anurag Khairkar - 12.08.2022 18:06

@Cd = (0,0,0);

if (@infected == 0){
float dis = ch('max_distance');
int point = chi('max_point');
int found[] = nearpoints(0,@P,dis,point);

foreach( int pt; found){
if (point(0,"infected",pt)==1){
@infected = 1;
@Cd.r = 1;

Kyo Zhan
Kyo Zhan - 12.07.2022 17:54

"pyro bake volume" can't be render out in houdini 19,what had I missed?

yao Jason
yao Jason - 05.02.2022 08:24

Great tutorial, my friend! Can you tell me what your player is at the beginning of the video?thank you!👍🙌

Pizola - 26.01.2022 04:56

Excelent video and great channel overall

Sahil Ram
Sahil Ram - 24.01.2022 13:39

Thank You Bruh
