Golden Companions Choice Apology Gift / Mythic Mounts Insignia Choice Pack - Neverwinter Mod 26

Golden Companions Choice Apology Gift / Mythic Mounts Insignia Choice Pack - Neverwinter Mod 26


9 месяцев назад

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Northside - 19.09.2023 22:13

IMO only reward that would probably pleased majority. But it`s just my 2c. Good apology i admit even if it`s their interest. Thank you for watching, Northside

Vin Tazh
Vin Tazh - 26.09.2023 10:38

this is not acceptable I got the box and waited to open it later or say I chose any of the other and not the demon wings. So I did not get the demon wings and did not get the second mythic pack. So people that chose the mount got 2 rewards and the rest only 1. So this is most unfair

Michael Key
Michael Key - 26.09.2023 01:05

FK Neverwinter, I accidentally made a purchase thinking pack was one thing and it wasn't after a week of emails and screenshots they will not refund my 4000 crowns I AM DONE WITH NEVERWINTER AND ADVISE YOU ALL DO THE SAME 4 years I never asked for a refund , they can go to hell

Cc Sm
Cc Sm - 20.09.2023 02:22

8 weeks is excessive i wont claim the heros path now i have everything in it lol 😂 maybe they will make it unbound in the future who knows then i can claim and sell for 2mil 😅

Federico Argañaraz
Federico Argañaraz - 20.09.2023 02:19

I spend literally all my money for 90item level for demon wings 4slot mont and the exclusively. Gift is horrible disgusting and terrible. Ahhh cannot sell. 😡

Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir
Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir - 19.09.2023 22:30


Yes, I agree. The only real, genuine apology there could be: a Golden Companion Choice Pack.

And they can keep the Account-wide mount, and sell it if it drops from the lock box!

Bloody bizarre situation, though. How dumb can they be to let this happen? But they've done similar things before.


mj johansson
mj johansson - 19.09.2023 22:27

Well, that's kinda BS too. Now they get the mount for free and some other thing from the box. Did it say anywhere that Demon Wings were exclusive to that box? The other mounts are not.

Justice League
Justice League - 19.09.2023 22:20

Not worth getting to 90000 now because i have everything i was gonna get demon wings but not now so fck cryptic and fck this game
