Star Citizen - Infinite Loading screen fixes, 6 tips to help: Working patch 3.13.

Star Citizen - Infinite Loading screen fixes, 6 tips to help: Working patch 3.13.

The Tough Eggs

3 года назад

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Cocotete Cor
Cocotete Cor - 28.04.2022 21:40

Hi.. none of there doesnt worked for me.. i dont wanna reset the character yet..

PAINFUL - 08.01.2022 19:28

I can't even get in the game it just goes to a black screen when I launch the game ._.

NorthernGrim - 30.12.2021 12:19

Why does my game look like a frozen texture when I hyper jump?

Jasper Spencer
Jasper Spencer - 28.12.2021 05:07

the server switch worked for me.

Loup de la Zarza
Loup de la Zarza - 21.12.2021 17:16

Lost all my afternoon trying to play star citizen a little... Gonna retry all...

Ross Carlson
Ross Carlson - 19.09.2021 09:24

Showing gameplay is fine during commentary but if you're telling us about an error SHOWING us the error is FAR more helpful so we can confirm you're even talking about the same problem. Had to get a few minutes in to learn this is NOT my issue.

Gabe - 18.09.2021 09:46

what a shit game

FeelGood Grizzly
FeelGood Grizzly - 15.09.2021 08:49

Takes me about an hour every time i launch between the start up crashes and forever loading.

Brandomium - 14.09.2021 15:17

none of these worked :(

The Matrix 642
The Matrix 642 - 06.09.2021 11:50

Thank you so much the change graphic is the best way, I lost my equipment but not my new mustang

AlphabetG33K - 02.09.2021 19:40

came back like always every year or so and after having fun I got the infinite loading screen after logging out in bed. For me it was the switch to windowned from full screen and lower the settings. Strange but works

haha fuckoff
haha fuckoff - 22.08.2021 12:25

changing the graphics from very high and changing gender worked, arena commander didn't.

WoofmanDan - 20.08.2021 21:21

they really need to fix this bug it so game breaking to me.. come back to wait 25 mins for a ship because I cant log out in my bed.. Sad...

Jared Mccoy
Jared Mccoy - 20.08.2021 05:31

You are awesome for doing this video. Could you in the future explain r_displayinfo 1 When the entities freeze at 13213, I know I'm stuck in an infinite load screen. p.s bwin when it freezes. All Citizens will be informed with your help!

DoStuffZ - 09.08.2021 19:15

Just ran through the tips. Arena commander, tip 4, did it for me.

A sidenote: tip 3 the hangar was removed as per 3.13.1, when I rejoined after a long hiatus. Thanks mate.

What a save! RL
What a save! RL - 08.08.2021 05:16

Gender change worked for me out of all these

Jamie Bisson
Jamie Bisson - 04.08.2021 07:52

than you man you just got a new sub

centronox - 02.08.2021 12:25

Is there anyone out there that has the endless loading screen ON THE LOADING OF THE MAIN MENU. I'm so sick of thinking I found a work around and the first words have to do with the main menu actually loading.

Marcelo Meireles
Marcelo Meireles - 21.07.2021 14:05

I bed logged out. After I tested "all the above", many times, what worked was exiting to Menu from the Vanguard in Marina Commander.

FREESLAVE - 27.06.2021 00:52

I appreciate the video. As just a thought... to me the video would be much more enjoyable if there wasn't so much background noise over your voice from laser fire, etc. Best!

Dylan Gonzales
Dylan Gonzales - 26.06.2021 07:24

I threw my pc out my window into the trash works great now!

Mayy Kara
Mayy Kara - 12.06.2021 21:18

I got bsod when playing and infinite loading screen , i did gender swap lowering graphics same time and first try worked thanks

J G - 10.06.2021 14:35

I logged in on my C2s bed. Opened the first door out of the sleeping quarters and the whole ship exploded. Great times 10/10.

Mouse - 08.06.2021 22:21

For loading screen for me the picture is more zoomed and I don’t see any loading it’s all like cropped off

Mouse - 08.06.2021 22:17

I can’t use hangars there is no button

Jeremy Kothe
Jeremy Kothe - 05.06.2021 16:51

Logged out in my bed, game crashed... Infinite loading screens. Tried all six of these (except no option to log out in bed in arena commander), no luck. Surely, like any other MMO, just remembering where the player is (instead of needing a 'bed' logout to spawn in) should be the goal - otherwise how can you play casually when every time you start you have to... take multiple elevators, a tram, wait for your insurance to replace the ship that you didn't crash, wait again for it to be delivered, take another elevator and takeoff just to continue where you were? And the more I read the more I realise they don't seem to be even trying to fix it after years. I kinda feel you should stop making videos showing off the game without, in every video, including not just 'hey btw this game is buggy', but 'hey, this game isn't really playable atm'.

uliseto - 27.05.2021 06:36

I logged out of my MSR, got infinite screen.
I tried, lowering graphics, logging out of the client, user delete and entering and exiting arena commander 2 times, in tandem.
I waited about 3-5 minutes and it loaded me into a station.

Grayson Bilinsky
Grayson Bilinsky - 18.05.2021 14:13

It... Worked? Thanks!

Number01 - 30.03.2021 21:00

Thank you very much this evening SC crashed to desktop whilst bounty hunting. I did the usual things verified the game tried to log back in but infinite loading screen.
1) I changed servers it didn't work.
2) Loaded in my second account that worked fine so I tried my main account again but that didn't work.
3) Found your video 👍
4) I tried changing the graphics settings to low but that didn't work.
5) I left the graphics setting at low but I also changed the screen from Borderless to Full screen and tried changing servers again.

This worked for me so thank you very much. The last time I did a character reset it cost me 1.5mil to get my components back which were deleted.
