Staxioms vs Jimbob: Is Naturalism/Materialism Coherent?

Staxioms vs Jimbob: Is Naturalism/Materialism Coherent?

The Crucible Limited

1 год назад

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Mike ekiM
Mike ekiM - 13.09.2023 00:49

JimBob is FOS. Where can JimBlather show knowledge outside a brain (naturalism)?

Ryan - 10.08.2023 04:58

Jimbob sucks at frisbee golf

Kunk - 04.07.2023 13:26

Stax is a good sport, thoroughly enjoyed the debate.

PsilocybinSurfer - 18.06.2023 20:56

My mind is going crazy listening and I'm on 20 minutes in, how can this guy not see him agreeing to this proposed worldview negates the law of identity, and in turn choice. No choice, no knowledge, because all just "is", I mean jimbob layed it out pretty clearly. Have to give dude credit for staying calm though, an hopefully he provides some stronger counterpoints as the debate progresses.

anon.carpenter - 17.06.2023 06:00

Jimbob's stage of more frequent Peterson impersonations was great. My favorites were the "it's like" and the outbursts of "FAAAK"

Kiely - 13.06.2023 14:55

Oof, junior should have researched JimBob

No Narrative Ravens Content
No Narrative Ravens Content - 31.05.2023 21:47

I'd rather live under a Christian dominated value structure in my society, but I have to say that to claim that the value system isn't a subjective preference by an individual and society is absurd....
One chose these values probably using reason.... So, they are subject to one's reason as being preferable to other systems that one has judged wanting in comparison....
And to hyperfocus a religion on Logic also seems absurd. Especially when it has men walking on water, raising of the dead, demons being cast into pigs, and the most illogical thing of all... the God/Man!!
Not being critical of those things or saying that they aren't true facts, I don't know ( I can't reasonaby say that a claim of the type, " Caesar crossed the Rubicon " is more true... ) but they aren't logic based things. The base claim of the religion being the most illogical of all... the God/Man... which is p and not p at the same time... and I would say this illogic is more in tune with how humans go about things and make things work... and how the world is... and might be the point of the whole project?
And I'd say the proof is... the fact that it certainly seems preferable to base a societies values on a religion that, at its base, in its founding concept... is illogical....

Философия от Бэнни
Философия от Бэнни - 27.05.2023 04:13

"I conclude then that logic is a real insight into the way in which real things have to exist. In other words, the laws of thought are also the laws of things: of things in the remotest space and the remotest time. This admission seems to me completely unavoidable and it has very momentous consequences. In the first place it rules out any materialistic account of thinking. We are compelled to admit between the thoughts of a terrestrial astronomer and the behaviour of matter several light-years away that particular relation which we call truth. In the first place it rules out any materialistic account of thinking. We are compelled to admit between the thoughts of a terrestrial astronomer and the behaviour of matter several light years away that particular relation which we call truth. But this relation has no meaning at all if we try to make it exist between the matter of the star and the astronomer’s brain, considered as a lump of matter. The brain may be in all sorts of relations to the star no doubt: it is in a spatial relation, and a time relation, and a quantitative relation. But to talk of one bit of matter as being true about another bit of matter seems to me to be nonsense." C.S. Lewis - De Futilitate

Garey w
Garey w - 22.05.2023 03:17

He lost the debate in the opening statement when he proclaimed Joe Biden is a great president

Walter Schmidt
Walter Schmidt - 19.05.2023 13:15

Glad you are alive and well.

Esoteric - 18.05.2023 22:18

You need a Shameless shill timer. At X minutes you will hear a chime. Please finish your thought & then you shamelessly plug something without further notice .

Fight Film
Fight Film - 18.05.2023 08:02

Dude's mentally ill. Nice guy, but completely diseased brain.

Aaron Yost
Aaron Yost - 16.05.2023 17:51

Staxiom's worldview is incoherent, and it is being revealed to him in real time.

Tanner Terry
Tanner Terry - 16.05.2023 01:00

I’ve got a knock down argument for Andrew in the form of modus ponens:

If God created everything good, then wasp are good.

God created everything good.

Therefore, wasp are good.

Rekt Andrew. Rekt.

william carine
william carine - 14.05.2023 04:28

Stax will keep mualing this one over.

Yuri Zbitnoff
Yuri Zbitnoff - 13.05.2023 23:31

OG Snoop missed an opportunity to bust Staxiom because he asserted that he's a "skeptic". Staxiom is not even remotely skeptical. He copped to it in his opening by describing himself as a "raging liberal" and a supporter of Bo Jiden. That's not skepticism. That's belief. Staxiom is essentially the Religious Left. I guarantee he's not skeptical of the positions promoted by progressives. The "skeptic" position is really just an unbelief in Christianity accompanied by a wide range of other beliefs. This is why it's so valuable to assess the coherence of his materialist worldview.

Matej War
Matej War - 13.05.2023 19:34

There we go boys. A house with rights again.

Fresh Pelmeni
Fresh Pelmeni - 13.05.2023 16:01

Machine lies got dat flying carpet by the seams of his pants

Calcified Inner Baldur
Calcified Inner Baldur - 13.05.2023 16:01

Great job, Jim Bob. Showcased the insanity of materialism very well.

humdrum - 13.05.2023 05:16

Jimbob wrecks again. Shoutout to staxioms.

Mella Forta // mousai
Mella Forta // mousai - 13.05.2023 01:23

Stacking Axioms

Stoj s
Stoj s - 13.05.2023 01:23

Andew, worst time to stop the debate 🤣

Zidana123 - 12.05.2023 23:58

>has a worldview which, if carried out to its logical conclusion leads to existential despair
>doesn't like existential despair
>avoids this by doing his best to avoid carrying out the worldview to its logical conclusion
Wouldn't it be more pragmatic to just adopt a different worldview that doesn't lead to existential despair?

Eyes on the Watch
Eyes on the Watch - 12.05.2023 20:51

Staxiom's self-evident axioms are like the criminal world's 'somebody has to trust somebody.' In other words, the criminal world doesn't exist without one point of connection to the moral world.

Metaecdysis - 12.05.2023 20:19

This guy is really in a double bind with a system of belief.

Kevin Malcolm
Kevin Malcolm - 12.05.2023 20:11

Crucible main channel down?

Sneed Mcfeed
Sneed Mcfeed - 12.05.2023 18:52

Both debate opponents somehow lost in their opening statements. Staxiom says something about axioms and Jimbob goes off on a misunderstanding of epistemology. We give names to patterns of thought, but they don't exist outside the brain. If they do, demonstrate it.

Rich - 12.05.2023 17:46

Staxioms did not understand the consequences of his beliefs and admits he doesnt live that way and pretends its not the case.

Rachel Wilson
Rachel Wilson - 12.05.2023 17:37

“ I’m flying by my own pants, I got the magic carpet” -The Machine Lies 2023

Tanner Terry
Tanner Terry - 12.05.2023 17:30

So a point of critique for JimBob.

First when he’s saying I have to mathematical systems A and B, and one could hold 1=1 and the other could deny it, he’s using the classical laws at a meta-level. He is identifying system A as system A and system B as system B. He’s also presupposing system A cannot be both system A and system B at the same time and in the same sense.

Second point would be that you can use transcendental arguments to point out the transcendental nature of the laws of logic when people ask you to prove them.

Transcendental propositions will be presupposed both in their affirmation and in their denial.

Tanner Terry
Tanner Terry - 12.05.2023 17:19

Wish I could have called into this debate. Staxioms would have been fun to talk to.

Rachel Wilson
Rachel Wilson - 12.05.2023 17:04

Andrew what have you done to PF Jung? 😂

Samuel Alexander
Samuel Alexander - 12.05.2023 15:44

Raging atheist, raging liberal. Supports Biden 100%… yikes

Samuel Alexander
Samuel Alexander - 12.05.2023 15:37

Jimbob is a force and a masterful debater. Great stream brothers 🙌

Slowboy Whiteboard
Slowboy Whiteboard - 12.05.2023 13:27

Staxioms got smoked. I'm glad he took it well, since his opening argument was just that he was a raging liberal. I didn't see a whole lot of rage here.

Donatus - 12.05.2023 12:44

Great debate! Easy dub for JB

Matthew James B.
Matthew James B. - 12.05.2023 10:42

Jimbob gets wrecked again.

Toenuckles - 12.05.2023 08:59

Jimbob out here taking thoughts captive 🥂

JustinMF - 12.05.2023 08:48

Really great debate. Good job Jimbob.

Slick Rick
Slick Rick - 12.05.2023 08:17

Jimbob literally won the debate in his opening argument

FortheloveofOrthodoxing - 12.05.2023 07:45

I really enjoyed this stream debate. Staxioms you were a great opponent and one of the best good faith debaters out there. Enjoyed your responses and curiosity towards what Jimbob was saying. You were straightforward and easygoing attitude.

PARKER Mize - 12.05.2023 07:19

Wow, JB. I'm impressed. I feel like you've been good at debating but this may be your best one. Or I'm understanding the way you argue more.

evan513 - 12.05.2023 06:48

Frank objectively better than Sly. NY and PA are both shit holes. Eye of the tiger mfers.
