Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a Disappointment | Part 1

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a Disappointment | Part 1

Captain Astronaut

3 года назад

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@tonyp9161 - 29.01.2024 01:23


@steffen6987 - 24.01.2024 19:58

He is not even giving the game any credit for improving the battle system, or for the amazing story, that's just crazy to me. Xenoblade 2 is my favourite game of all time.

@frosticle6409 - 24.01.2024 07:51

I played the game at around 13-15, never noticed the oversexualization except on Dahlia to be absolutely honest. The game is one of my favourites honestly. XC3 is better though for sure.

@Chronoflation - 23.01.2024 09:43

Lol, that opening alone has me liking this video. I have a mini husky and he does the exact same thing 😂🤣

@derekmundo6084 - 10.01.2024 20:52

Today Garfield were going to eat nothing but Raisins

@shadow_ryu2826 - 08.01.2024 11:32

I really love this game, but rex's design is the worst.

@shirakorimio1363 - 06.01.2024 07:22

You don't deserve that many dislikes, you're honestly very spot on.

@FirstLast-yc9lq - 05.01.2024 18:37

This is the game I ask people if they like it or not when they recommend me other games. I avoid those recommended games.

@itsasecrettoeverybody - 05.01.2024 02:54

I love rex and the story and the voice acting... It's so anime...

@supervf1 - 03.12.2023 13:50

I guess I too am the minority, I HATED this game, the stupid field skills and the way you level them up, AHEM…..affinity, is downright irritating!!!!!

@MeteoricCat3278 - 29.11.2023 04:09

Ayyy! I'm not crazy! I don't like XC2 because to me it turns a game series that was smart, took itself seriously, had a ton of intense and wowing moments... And turns it into weirdly sexual, awkwardly voiced, girl collecting with unrealistic body proportions which I'm normally okay with, but NOT in my Xenoblade Chronicles game. And it just makes playing and showing this game with any mom or dad in the room very awkward, you know what I mean? xD In conclusion, it doesn't feel like a Xenoblade game.

Edit: Never mind, Astronaut said exactly everything on my mind about this major downgrade of a sequel. 😂

@ruhanahmed1718 - 31.10.2023 23:54

xc1 is one of my favourite games of all time, i absolutely despised xc2 in the majority of its aspects

@aliwaleed2004 - 24.10.2023 17:12

I resonate with this so much. I love XC1 and XCX, but no matter how many times I try to get into it, I just don't enjoy XC2 for a lot of the reasons you listed.

@jenniferpratt3007 - 17.10.2023 02:03

Mr Spacman:this game is so over sexualized
Me being an MHA fan:welcome to he club brother though your might be wors and that SAYING SOMETHING

@yamez7922 - 16.09.2023 23:34

This has to be the only L take I've seen from this guy but oh well, You can't win them all

@TheKanckesco - 10.09.2023 18:05

Man, I just finished XC2 (Yeah, in 2023), and this was a massive disappointment. XC1 was for me the game that rescued JRPGs when the genre was dying.
I hate everything you mention, except for the pyra/mithra critic, or the oversexualization (I don't like nor dislike it). Everything I like from this game, comes from XC, and probably was better before. There's no single thing I felt like an improvement. On the other side, almost every change they made, felt like a step backwards.

And FFS, XC was massive and it has a lot of time wasting stuff, but it was optional and less annoying. This game is tedious as hell, I was seriously thinking on dropping it the first 15 hours, cause its filled with tedious mechanics.
Every time I loot a damn flower I had to see those stupid "botanic lv. 1" animations from my blades, or that shitty abilities to unlock a treasure that I found while exploring. The whole blade abilities implementation feels worst than using the HM on Pokémon red, a game 20 years older.
I can keep listing stuff I disliked from this game, but it would be enough for a whole new video, so overall, I "liked" the game, but HELL I was frustrated and annoyed. If I wasn't a fan of XC, I'd had dropped it on the 2nd day.

EDIT: Gosh, I just realized you have a 40min 2nd part of this vid 😂. I was wondering why you didn't mention a lot of huge failures of this game.

@XanthinZarda - 04.09.2023 09:43

Rex is a harem protagonist who ended up iseki'd in the wrong game and genre.

@exo_eve7575 - 02.09.2023 06:14

Fully my opinion but i avoided XC2 100 percent cuz of the art style and fan service designs that cant be changed. Going from XCX it was like a different franchise and i wasnt feeling it. XCX had its fair share of skimpy costumes but there was a lot that werent and also all the characters were adults (cept for lin obvi but luckly she was censored and wears appropriate attire) and all the adults LOOKED like adults so it didnt feel werid. XCX felt like a adventure like a mission for survival while XC2 felt like an SAO Isekai anime and i hate it... i dont play video games to feel like a reddit pervert.

@FlammySpritz - 31.08.2023 09:04

After I watched it yes I agree with everything ;__; Except I'm the loser who actually had fun in Twilight Princess tutorial level so running around some home base type place doing nothing was fine for me lol

@FlammySpritz - 31.08.2023 06:38

Before I even start, I'm going to say I was also disappointed with this game - I really loved both XC and XCX but when I saw the trailers for this one I felt trepidation . Something about it put me off. And then I played it - weird overworld gameplay that seemed outdated from the outset, a boring unlikeable protag, I thought the blade gimmik was a downgrade...
There were some things I liked about it, and an artist I liked released new music during my playthrough that I listened to a lot while playing which basically gave it instant nostalgia-factor, but it's still my least favourite in the series and I have no desire to pick it up again ><

@Nintentips. - 23.08.2023 06:23

I agree with a lot of your points in this vid but I do think this game stands above x for Xenoblade games

@darcy7257 - 22.08.2023 00:50

The female designs are some of the best parts of the game

@TheLeftySwordsman - 20.08.2023 01:32

I disagreed at first but after the 12min mark you started spittin facts.

@AniGaAG - 11.08.2023 20:47

Seriously, even just getting rid of the gacha, getting rid of mandatory field skill checks, and spamming less Blowdown on every second enemy? That alone - just by removing design elements - would push this from mediocre to at least pretty decent to me, even if you left the flawed story and everything else untouched.
Just by removing things that the designers put in... urgh...

@BestgirlJordanfish - 08.08.2023 17:29

X is better than 2 so fucking based

@dachking6657 - 27.07.2023 04:25

Speaking as someone whose favorite game of all time is XC2, I will be the first to admit that it has genuine problems and it’s absolutely not for everyone. The main problem I’d say is that it has a really, REALLY slow start bogged down by bad and incessant tutorials and storytelling that is just genuinely, objectively bad at points…unless you have later context
(first viewing of bath scene: cringe
second viewing of bath scene: wait I was supposed to know about THAT back then? damn no scene without purpose I guess)
However, I will argue that the world building is the strongest in the series (huge claim that I will still make confidently), has a great cast of characters that is still my personal favorite, and a really, REALLY deep combat system that is (again) still my favorite. Also Zeke von Genbu: Bringer of Chaos is only in this game, which is a definite plus in its favor

@ajflink - 26.07.2023 07:28

People say that it's never the voice actors fault. It's the director's. I can think of a some English voice actors who do a terrible job at voice acting by failing to do the acting part.

@BronzeLincolns81 - 24.07.2023 17:26

Thanks for pointing out the absurd thirst trapping in this game. On top of the fact the dialogue really plays it up.

Torna the golden country makes up for it.

@iamLI3 - 12.07.2023 23:30

>rex's character is dumb because he's written as a child
because he is a child.............

the only thing you were right about is that you did indeed not play the same game everyone else did lol....

complaining about the put your hand on my chest scene by saying that made you realize you are not the target audience for this game is just you saying that you are indeed not the target audience for this anime game because you are not an anime fan , as this is a common place aspect amoung anime of power being drawn from/contact with the girl's chest.....

>unlike xenoblade 2 octopath travel is a good game


@Delby5 - 09.07.2023 12:35

Sorry 2 years late but yeah 100% agree on to the next vid

@Type_Midi - 06.07.2023 16:49

Its so telling you think botw is one of tbe best games ever made

@Enrikuh - 06.07.2023 10:28

Tourist: The Video.
Just tourists who complain about Xenoblade 2.
Go play Fortnite or Halo.

@dan74695 - 05.07.2023 14:14

What was your reaction when Pyra and Mythra were added to Smash? Lol

@johanandersson8252 - 03.07.2023 18:48


@Minorcas13 - 30.06.2023 13:10

I finally had to chance to finish XC1 and was hyped for the series, cuz everyone told me 2 was "so much better" and I'm only like 5 hours in and I already hate most of the game, everything feels like a downgrade in 2 and Rex's outfit looks dumb as shit

@astreakaito5625 - 27.06.2023 14:37

Honestly loving jrpgs this much without being a weeb is just asking for troubles my man. I would suggest at least quitting the SJW rhetoric you sometimes use. This game has many issues but the female character design isn't one. Their writing, certainly.

@galaxystarroad - 27.06.2023 02:48

Paper Mario T-T

@LurkingLarper - 25.06.2023 11:14

NGL, I tried to get into this game twice, but I stopped each time around the 3-4 hour mark. The game starts way too slow and Rex is insufferable as a character with no agency and bad design. I'd much rather play as Pyra and cash in that titty game promise fully. Heck, they only let Pyra and Mythra in Smash since no one likes Rex. Only makes sense. I want to like this game, but terribad protag-kun and abysmal pacing make it almost impossible to get into it. The music's pretty banging tho and I like all the pretty colors.

@Naterdoo1 - 22.06.2023 04:09

So hilarious that one month after the release of this video, Pyra/Mythra was confirmed for smash. Had to look it up after hearing those smash bros comments.

@riftshredder5438 - 20.06.2023 18:26

It's funny because even her voice actress poked fun at her size
