Weak Spot Skins • Is This Legal? ► World of Tanks Mods

Weak Spot Skins • Is This Legal? ► World of Tanks Mods


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@DezGamez - 21.04.2019 23:20

We really need this as a system in the game, like in War Thunder - 3D Models, would love it! And of course, skins alone are not going to make you better player, but I want to see it in the game available for everyone! ;)
How was your weekend btw?
I enjoyed mine... Yesterday was my 100% away from PC day, feelsgoodman! 🔥

@HeinzGuderian_ - 14.01.2024 16:29

4 years later, the clown skins are still legal. I tried using them once but they ruined the game for me. I like looking at camo on tanks, not this mess. All of the areas are essentially the same on all tanks so just aim where you are sure a crew member or module is and fire.

@simeonmeszaros1656 - 02.11.2023 15:55

what mod is this pls tell me the link for it thx

@koneko_toujou5781 - 17.10.2023 23:10

is this still legal?

@alieNussss - 19.03.2023 15:29

This is hack. Players like that need to be perm banned !

@johanpeters3155 - 22.02.2023 17:43

What Mod is the name of this and where do I find it?

@the_redshire815 - 05.02.2023 19:34

in the garage, maybe, yes, but in the game, DEFINETLY NOT. it would just bring down the skill ceiling even more.

@nimenea - 23.12.2022 17:09

there was a mod years go . i use it but was irelevant. it didnt help much

@MoonLiteNite - 12.08.2022 06:20

I just got into this game. I played warships for about a year back in 2016.
This was actually the first mod i got. I am not going to send 40 hours / week for 3 months to learn locations on each tank. So had this mod on for a few weeks, learned how and where different weaks spots are on tanks.
After a while, mod went out of date, and never reinstalled. Was a great way to learn the game without studying stupid 3d models.

edit: and as shown in this gameplay, you really can't even use it during a fight. You see the info on your teammates and learn the game passively at the start of every match. Although the mod version i had was weird, if i was too close to the tanks, the skin was fade off? but not bad

@kiransv8667 - 07.07.2022 08:18

Ur clan name

@prov_s195 - 02.07.2022 20:07

So could i get banned or not if i use this skinpack?

@addictedsGamingCorner - 13.06.2022 07:18

Dez it's been 3 years did you ever find out if this mod is legal or not?

@shipsailorYT - 15.04.2022 08:29

Is this legal or not ?

@dominikgrzywna2892 - 30.03.2022 19:23

thank so much and can you play fortnite

@shipex7838 - 17.12.2021 02:37

dez is this legal? can smn tell me ?

@gopherasoda2492 - 05.12.2021 22:52

Someone should make a mod which makes the game look like it was from 2012-2013

@systemsrenegade9888 - 18.11.2021 12:38

Anybody using these type of mods or any illegal mods is as weak as a bottle of stale piss same as people who spam gold in low tier battles stat padding.

@Kritzz- - 13.11.2021 00:39

Is it still legal in 2021 (soon 2022)?

@amongussuperhd7865 - 11.08.2021 17:17

This skin is kill you

@phooogle - 31.07.2021 22:13

Totally legal.

@aussiezx3017 - 18.07.2021 13:00

so my 57% camo rating is pointless if others using this mod now know who cheating and who not i test my camo lot tanks most prem tank spot me any were on my map vs none cheater don't spot me. they need cut down on these type mods why don't wot tank make own mod they let other use this fix lot cheater in game i think DAz could help on this work with them make game better.

@silentgamer779 - 08.05.2021 12:40

Mod link?

@scope3471 - 05.05.2021 22:47

ist that legal now in 2021

@rjshhooba9857 - 26.04.2021 20:24

Time to uninstall and stop pumping money in this hypocrit game

@setpopa5357 - 12.04.2021 19:41

Why are you having game in czech language?

@newjuhani - 10.04.2021 13:28

You use Aslain mod ... they have this sain mod too.

@user-cg9yu4gx2q - 09.04.2021 02:48

I am against it, people shouldn't have skins or weakspot indicators or modules inside the tank for critical hits in battle
they should know it by memory or by logic

Most of the time amorack is under the turret or in the back of the turret (thats common sense among more experienced players)

this clowny skins should be forbiden just like the others were forbiden in the past, using them would garantee a ban.

@tankistablitzczsk354 - 07.04.2021 20:09

Wot blitz ?

@SeToRe1991 - 04.04.2021 12:27

some years ago one of my clanmates got his ammo rack destroyed in WoT, he had only 1 round left (in the chamber) , everyone got the sign that his ammo rack got destroyed but he did not die, because his ammo racks were empty in world of tanks xD

@grouchymax6451 - 04.04.2021 03:42

Once, I one-shotted a full Hp IS-2 on my KV-1 the guy messaged me and called me a cheater, and I answered him "I honestly don't know how the fuck I did that..."

@dougrobblee - 03.04.2021 16:37

you cannot "balance" a war machine wtf - they're not supposed to be balanced, what r they thinking? I know all wargaming is interested in is their bottom line - we all know that! So just "WHAT" r they trying to do? ALL they r doing is making enemies by thinking we are believing that shit. This is a GAME people! You CANNOT make tanks "fair"!
Can anyone explain what wot means by "rebalancing" because how can you make guns equal?? It's insane.

"Balance" is just crap. With these nerfs and buffs, wargamming is trying to please everybody, and you know as well as I that you Can Not do that. Let's face it, all they are "worried" about is their bottom line and to hell with anything else.
Wargamming started with reality and quickly went to a freakie, fantasy game.
Is there a game, out there, that has tanks that are as they are supposed to be?
Let them be what they were; no more no less. – that’s what I would like to play.
You just cannot ‘make’ all tanks equal.
Trying to balance a game that, by nature, is NOT BALANCED! WTF – that’s ridiculous-jdr
Give me a tank game that has actual tanks that were in ww2 - no upgrades or tiers - just like it was - sign me up

@potkan_eu753 - 02.04.2021 21:22

where is he from ?

@juanjodpr - 02.04.2021 15:34

In theory it's legal in the garage but not in a battle, because with eagle-eye this mod is actually extremely brutal. With autoloaders the damage you can deal is really filthy, focusing on fuel tanks or ammo racks.

@topbanana4013 - 02.04.2021 11:52

is super zoom'in legal what many of the better players use? simple answer ban 3rd party mods make every player vanilla how it should be

@Reshtarc - 02.04.2021 03:54

I say no fuck them cheaters

@operative0 - 01.04.2021 16:09

this fucken bullshit, is it still in the game? i've had so many 1st hits killing my driver or gunner, commander

@L45T_Samurai - 01.04.2021 12:34

1-F.G. is3 fule tanks are outside on tank, so just think if u hit those fule tanks will it went on fire??? 2-F.G. commander hatch- if u pen commander hatch 99% u will kill commander------->>>>>coincidence ???? no need thoas clown skins, all you need some interesting in tanks, go to some museums, look at some blue prints and so on

@JeremySVK - 31.03.2021 11:39

In garage yes. But in the game? NEVER

@DepressedMusicEnjoyer - 31.03.2021 00:26

Czech language? o.o

@bikebudha01 - 30.03.2021 21:28

We don't need these 'cheats' in game, but we sure as hell need them 'in garage'. How the hell are we supposed to know all this stuff otherwise???

@Taz6688 - 30.03.2021 20:01

My own thoughts are it should not be in the game, that said many long time players will probably already know the weak spots off by heart, they should clamp down on the mods, I have been hit behind buildings and rocks, sloppy programming or cheaters, had so many engine fires and weapon disabled, something I did not get previously, main reason I stopped playing it wasn't fun anymore, every shot unable to pen, every shot I got went straight in, probably down to this mod.

@balinttuzko3576 - 30.03.2021 18:57

so can you get ban for using this skin?

@shaky8037 - 30.03.2021 10:33

I love @DezGamez, but this is discusting!

@geraldshirou7855 - 30.03.2021 07:45

I like the way you call these skins, lol

@Ashaweshk - 30.03.2021 06:13

how are you NOT getting ammo racked? if it were me as soon as im spotted not even 2 seconds BOOM im ammo racked

@FlyLeah - 30.03.2021 00:33

Would it really matter? Rng will usually cuck your shot anyways

@donbrea - 29.03.2021 22:09

it helps but not too much at distance or behind bushes. only situational.

@zebradgr8339 - 29.03.2021 20:20

This is just one more mod used by people that seek wn8 and wr .... and the reply from them is the same every time .... "why don't you use it also bla bla bla"... I don't use it because what is the point playing like that..?

@Duratan6 - 29.03.2021 17:12

