I hope she can one day she can return to her family and a normal life. May God watch over her and help her through this difficult time and seek help on the road to recovery. The amount of money she claims she is making just can't be real cause that would be 18 thousand dollars in month with that she would be living in a nice home and have food etc and with her kids that would also be 216 thousand in a year there is no way she is making that on the streets 600 dollars a day would also be a crazy amount of dr*gs to consume in a day .
ОтветитьOMG, this just came up on my feed. She's the lady with the twitch, probably torrettes and no one was catching it ... your audience kept blaming drugs for the twitching. Your last interview from a long time ago, she was pregnant, yikes.
What happened to her?
This is WHY any time I will see a WOMAN dressing provocatively in any way ... I'm going to give them shit about that and say ... GO AWAY lol
because I'm going to resist all that 100% ... I don't enjoy seeing this ... NOT ONE BIT
these girls have the wrong idea about what a GUY likes ... because NOT every guy wants a slut right? Yeah, I hate to use that word, but I gotta ... sorry </3
makes me glad I never got the bright idea to pay for SEX and ruin my ... "image" ... as if I care what others think or how they look at me lmao ... I'll just say this:
What man is going to want you later, ladies? NO MAN ... or maybe the black guys will lol ... they are easy to fuck ... but I'm a white dude ... I'm NOT easy to fuck ... in fact ... I won't even go there because my uhhh ... "penis" is pretty DEAD looking at all this sad prostitute stuff :/
ОтветитьThese "woman" make adult choices for themselves ... there are NO BLACK GUYS coming to me and interviewing my sad pathetic existence like these woman lol ... I'm almost "jealous" of this much ATTENTION these losers get ... I am NOT easily fooled by ... "beauty" ... especially beauty that has been hammered directly in its face by pure SHIT ... hate me idgaf .. I show no empathy here for girls who are just getting attention for themselves and seem all proud ... it's easy to be good looking but it's also easy to lose all that and LOOK BUTT ASS UGLY for the rest of your life </3
ОтветитьThis interview became sad and awkward in the first minute and ... I click away lol
ОтветитьHi cheyanne have you accepted jesus into your heart ♥ as your savior and lord yet where will you spend eternity that's all that really matters think about it your in my prayers angel from brick NJ Oops
ОтветитьHi cheyane
ОтветитьHi cheyane
ОтветитьHi cheyane
ОтветитьWhy is her body like that?
ОтветитьWot a mess!!! Hard to watch savage decline...
ОтветитьNeed lotsa$$$ for rehab....hope she finds 'Jesus'...poor weak misguided girl......
ОтветитьJust horrendous
ОтветитьProbably has AIDS now too 😢
ОтветитьA lot more awareness needs to be brought to AUTISM. I sense it over and over again. The rates to have this diagnosed must be reduced. My life made a HUGE amount of sense after understanding exactly what this means. Autism is considered a disability by the US Fed Government if this helps.
ОтветитьHuman waste .
ОтветитьThe bum doing the video is just getting his kicks filming these girls...They need help...Not a loon with a camera hoping he gets something...
ОтветитьIt feels so good to own whats between her legs for a few dollars and to get away with making a big mess for her to clean and feel❤❤❤she is exactly where she belongs, this is best for her🎉🎉🎉
Ответитьvery sad
ОтветитьHead up girlfriend. YOU CAN GET CLEAN!! Stay close to the WINNERS! Get to a shelter, church , family member, etc. Just LIVE IN THE NOW. One hour at a time. Sometimes 5 minutes at a time.
ОтветитьNutro rispetto per questa ragazza perché sono sicuro le stia soffrendo e ora mentre sto scrivendo spero lei abbia avuto 'illuminazione , guardate i suoi occhi quanto sono tristi e quanto vorrebbero riposare e vivere in pace
ОтветитьMi piace il momento del video quando la lavatrice funziona, un momento di relax e mix di strana ecitazione
ОтветитьComo um homem pode se aproveitar de uma pessoa doente e frágil como essa? Ela não sairá sozinha disso... Que Deus a ilumine.
ОтветитьHow much for a below job?
ОтветитьShe is beautiful,, in more ways than one,,,,I hope she finds her way....
ОтветитьIt’s such a shame because she’s an highly intelligent young girl I feel sorry for her she deserves better and with a young child on the way now maybe she accidentally got pregnant I don’t know but I’m not sure how that happened anyway I wish her luck and i hope she gets sorted out with her drug addiction and gets the help she deserves because her body won’t take much more of this drug abuse anyway let her know I wish her luck Steve Anderson 👍 🇬🇧
ОтветитьThat, my friends, is what you call the "dope dance"
ОтветитьI'd breed her
Ответитьangel of death
ОтветитьHigh as a kite.
ОтветитьIf she gets heroin then she should be able to get birth control so she want have any more kids.
ОтветитьShe's tweaking really hard. I feel sorry for her. I want give her a hug.
ОтветитьShes moving around a lot
ОтветитьCome to the Walden House in San Francisco.. saved my life🎉Blake
ОтветитьIm so glad you made it through. ♥️💪🏽 You made it!
I have my own fight, it's not addiction but medical malpractise case... Lets see how it goes, but im happy for you. 💪🏽
I don't know why any sane man would look at this woman, in her state, and think, "Yeah, I wanna tap that". Seriously, look at her. I can't understand a word she's saying. She's obviously got a brain under all that, but she just won't stop moving. It's incredibly sad. And roughly 93% of meth users relapse so that means that 7% of meth addicts actually get clean. I wish all the best for her, she'll need it.
ОтветитьIm saying this from experience of being a IV opioid user for almost 20 years, severely scared on both arms from wrist to elbows, had an infection in the bone in my dominant arm and had a 75 percent chance of losing it and only have a few remaining teeth. Luckily after many tries I have been able to stay clean for a year and a month or so, hoping I continue to want to stay clean. But what I want to say is addicts for the most part are really selfish ppl and will do just about anything to get what they want so if she really wanted to get clean she would do anything to to get clean just like she will do anything to get drugs because that is what she truly wants to do. I do not wish the life on anybody and I hope she does get clean because she is not living she is just existing. The one honest thing I maintained through my almost 20 years of addiction was the fact that I had no one to blame but myself I choose to start taken drugs I chose to stick a needle in my arm and I chose to get clean and hopefully keep choosing to do so. Nobody held me against my will and forced me to do so, as which I sure 99 percent of addicts were not forced either. I know that she was prescribed medication but she could have stopped and got clean before it lead her to this situation and I know for a fact she was not prescribed crack. I wish her luck
ОтветитьThis is so freakin sad… this poor girl is just a lost soul but I PRAY she can turn this around. May God put her in the right position or circumstances to get clean. I HATE that when he asked where she saw herself in one year and she said “dead”. Please God give her the break she needs.. we all need some grace or we can end up in a position like that. Let’s all pray for her please
ОтветитьIs that a weed plant behind her on the left
ОтветитьI want to help this lady. She sounds so hopeless
ОтветитьCrack movements
ОтветитьDon't do drugs kids!
ОтветитьShe's hot🔥