Inside Austin’s Massive Growth | NBC Nightly News

Inside Austin’s Massive Growth | NBC Nightly News

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@anthonyjenkins2304 - 21.02.2022 21:08

california socialist have destroy the black community in california!

@jerrydavis3548 - 24.02.2022 22:56

Yall check out boom town charlotte next

@tybarker5038 - 06.03.2022 19:27

I grew up in Houston TX and always noticed people from expensive places moving in. I lived all over CA for a few years and I totally see why. It’s a gorgeous state but that comes with a premium and living there full time keeps you way too busy to keep up. I made twice as much out there as I would in TX but it still didn’t help. And I suppose if you have a family to support, it’s even harder. Eventually they have no choice but to settle for Texas. More space for less money. But I find the culture of Texas pretty boring compared to California. Weather is too humid/rainy to really wanna be outside much so you spend a lot of time inside a house or car. California always had me at the beach or forest, simply experiencing nature without breaking a sweat. And Californians are much more chill for the most part which I like but others prefer the staunch conservativeness of Texans which is fine. Colorado is a nice middle ground for me, personally. Wishing all my fellow Americans prosperity and acceptance wherever they decide to set roots! I know it is hard

@ronaldmiears4554 - 15.03.2022 17:07

Rich people

@ianolexsak4054 - 15.03.2022 18:21

Low taxes.... HAHAHAHAHA!!! Lets be clear... low taxes for business. Property taxes are much higher here. I moved here from Seattle and pay double in property taxes at 3%.

@Lucas-hd7kz - 20.03.2022 13:48

Coming from France, I've always considered moving to Silicon Valley for tech business. Now that Apple and Musk are reaching to Austin, and considering how cool life seems there, I'll probably change my plans.

@DavidS22003 - 24.03.2022 05:44

people from texas love paying taxes . texas is the word taxes in Spanish

@nervseele8091 - 26.03.2022 16:01

stupid dems

@singingLeaf123 - 10.04.2022 12:55

Hate these California's moving to Texas making it liberal

@richiemochi - 12.04.2022 23:46

Austin new slogan "Keep Austin Pricey" and turn it into the next San Francisco

@23cla69 - 17.04.2022 09:10

Low taxes only means the working class pay for it.

@konstantinosvassiliadis6853 - 20.04.2022 16:03

austin is a progressive city in a coservative state and that has helped creating an environment open to everyone. you don't get that in blue states lately :(

@JensSchraeder - 28.04.2022 10:12

Dont California my Texas!!

@alvaroperez7879 - 02.05.2022 19:20

Austin was great to live with less population about 10-15 years ago. Less crime, less traffic, less Californians

@sniff4643 - 05.05.2022 02:12

notice how all the republicans in the video but they move to austin which is the most liberal city in texas LMAO!

@oinkpiggin - 06.05.2022 03:40

Who doesn't want Austin ? People enjoy the beach.

@danamuise4117 - 10.05.2022 19:52

If only Austin wasn't in Texas...

@artisaprimus6306 - 11.05.2022 21:40

Austin has always a progressive bastion in a conservative state. It's a good balance of both. The university attract students from all over the world, keeping Austin diverse. Traffic and housing costs are the down side. Not perfect, but what is.

@Make_Me_A_Sandwhich - 24.05.2022 16:49

That’s some big houses

@kennethgonzales5079 - 27.05.2022 09:21

Where's TRIBE Headquarters!

@kennethgonzales5079 - 27.05.2022 09:23

Have You Seen My Esports Headquarters!

@juniorcarmona323 - 05.06.2022 23:53

I wish all these Californians would just move to Colorado

@jonraborn5132 - 18.06.2022 21:08

Planned parenthood Austin tx.
Right to work state of texas Austin tx.
Planned parenthood Austin tx.
Womens rights Austin tx.

@jonraborn5132 - 18.06.2022 21:09

Austin tx.

@jonraborn5132 - 18.06.2022 21:10

Community first village:Austin tx.
Hogs eye rd. Austin tx.
Community first village:Austin tx.

@db90990 - 08.07.2022 00:05

Watch: SBN ota chnl 17.3

@jksynth - 27.07.2022 03:40

Arrest prince what an ugly guitar shaped building like a shoe.

@jksynth - 27.07.2022 03:41

Austin sucks now. No one should pay anything to live there.

@josephcarreon783 - 01.08.2022 08:25

To hot 🥵 citys

@deonrichardson5250 - 09.08.2022 03:41

Austin, TX 💯💯💯

@lenny42069 - 25.08.2022 02:17

Happy they are able to "do their lively hood" there.

@Aggie4life77 - 31.08.2022 05:35

News outlets love to talk about Austin, but this is literally going on in every Texas major City!

@Mayito_Tamps - 02.09.2022 20:38


@ChicoTheMan69 - 05.09.2022 04:04

Why do all these people moving here have to have a dog? We got people running up and down every street and a bunch of dummies swimming in town lake. It used to be against city ordinance to swim in it because it's dirty and underwater currents and hydrilla and stuff.

@lothean2099 - 15.09.2022 07:33

Turning Texas into the new California. Its only a matter of time.

@Sovereign_Citizen_LEO - 18.10.2022 13:50

Austin and Texas unfortunately is becoming too Liberal, and I fear someday it may become another California.

@jumboshrimp5193 - 20.10.2022 11:40

Austin is dead and gone.

@michaeltrower741 - 09.11.2022 06:30

summers are insanely hot

@mike7733m - 20.11.2022 01:42

It may be awesome that Austin is growing and all that all these people moving there are bringing more crime and trashing the city they have reported more trash and dumping on the streets and trash in the waterways around Austin since all these people have been moving there

@gomerhanger2285 - 11.12.2022 01:34

Progressive policies have literally ran all the black people out of the east side and out of the city.

@gomerhanger2285 - 11.12.2022 01:36

They decided on Austin because they see the pop demographics are less than 10% of black 🤣

@bradwynn - 01.01.2023 16:35

Austin Tx because no vaccine mandates

@DoniPogba777 - 02.01.2023 09:38

My cousins are living there...

@wenderella81 - 07.03.2023 23:50

I hate it here and I want out! Traffic is the worst I have ever seen. I shouldn't be in fear of losing my life driving 3 miles to work. It is out of control. Road rage is at it's worse.

@JockMan8979 - 30.04.2023 14:35

I spent a week in Austin. It was a good city. But I think it is really overrated HOMOGENEOUS

@x-men69-96 - 17.06.2023 04:18

Blue state vs Red state. You see in your own eyes. Still people keep voting blue

@888ssss - 03.07.2023 01:40

if its growth based on debt then its not growth. its a ponzi scheme.

@SkinnyEMedia - 24.09.2023 12:17

What they may fail to understand is the out-of-staters can't just go to Texas with their left-wing or centre-left ways, they'll have to convert to Texas' familiar brand of conservative, Christian ideas in order to survive. Sure you've got money and a job but can you comply with the culture down there, that'll get you kicked out in a heartbeat?

@jamalnambouri9171 - 30.10.2023 06:50

As a Texan Austin is less Texas more California that is the reason i don't like it that much but the landscape and city looks great

@js6131979 - 22.05.2024 23:51

Austin, Texas has been my home since DAY ONE.
City and Highways were
smaller than today.
I can remember grass
fields where there was
Riverside was Clubs and Markets.
Montopolis was Fields
and drive in movie.
SAME for Ben White.
Del Valle was full Country.
