Monster Path = KRAKEN PATH......... | Raid: Shadow Legends

Monster Path = KRAKEN PATH......... | Raid: Shadow Legends

Nub Raids

5 месяцев назад

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Today I'm breaking down the absolutely brutal Monster Hunter events in Raid: Shadow Legends...

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@ronc.belden157 - 29.01.2024 17:19

I’ve stopped wasting money on this game because of crap like this

@johnhayden8666 - 25.01.2024 18:52

People just don't understand what content is made for Everyone and what content is geared towards Whales/Endgame players. Plarium must do certain things to keep the whales interested. These 5 star soul events are for the latter. Fusion/Frag events are for everyone else. I am getting Alatreon with souls saved up from Hydra and Event/Tourney rewards plus a bit of heavy grinding leveling champs. Also a big chunk of my hoarded gems from the daily gem pack. This is after doing the Zinogre frag event.

@cashoutlyfestyle66 - 25.01.2024 18:47

I don’t get the community anymore yes plarium screws us but cum on we complained about $40zena but these are way worst I’d rather a new battlepass for new champs then a complete rss waste over and over again or split it up multiple times champ battle pass vs this

@TheGreatAmarant72 - 25.01.2024 02:40

The summoning pool is the best way to summon. It’s still hellishly expensive but raid is absurd… I got every legendary bar Nergigante….the only one I actually wanted…. I don’t know how much I spent….i don’t want to know how much I spent….

@timvandongen85 - 24.01.2024 16:36

They should have added shards points for the monster Path.

@M1Y4MUS4SH1 - 23.01.2024 17:31

the problem is...worth to ruin all epic faction guardians for that lego ???..we have almost 150 champs there alrdy 4 stars(lets say sacrifice as chickens)..+many others in inventory(thanks to this stupid game i have alot x 5 times dupes)...

@gangstagummybear3432 - 23.01.2024 10:24

Good luck having enough energy for it as FTP

@LakeCycle - 23.01.2024 10:13

They should just introduce bank account checks and if you don‘t have over 10k you are no longer allowed to play 😂

@chicken_monkey - 23.01.2024 08:56

Only $350 to buy all the coins for the Monster Path event. ;)

@vulturnuszan - 23.01.2024 08:00

plarium basically expecting people to do near a year worth of leveling over a few days mid week?

@redcapitalist - 23.01.2024 05:58

this is easy. HH showed us you can get 17,700 points upgrading one 3 star champ to 6 star. just repeat it like 6x. won't even dent the 15,000 brews total i have across all 4 affinities.

@zetarat9710 - 23.01.2024 05:57

I don't care about money, I'm big fan of monster hunter, I'm going to get it........

In my dreams 😢

@damonpugh4402 - 23.01.2024 05:47

Thx for the analysis. Easy skip.

@diegoperez-ej8zj - 23.01.2024 04:59

A different perspective in terms of monitary value is that in terms of champion training running campaign its about 105$ worth of energy.

@devongulias9020 - 23.01.2024 04:14

I think that this champion training event costs about as much energy as a fusion to get the champion but you only have 4 days instead of two weeks so I think that I am going to get this champion and than skip the next fusion so I can have 6 weeks off of events.

@MillerKing51 - 23.01.2024 04:04

Lucked out and pulled archer and oella from 10 shards... was alittle bumbed i was gonna miss zinogre by 30 points but this makes up for it

@Blueflame213 - 23.01.2024 03:53

Imagine pulling 26 Eternals and on the 26th eternal you pull the 5 star soul for Alatreon.

@michelle.k9trainer - 23.01.2024 03:28

Events like this make you want to quit! What a joke!!

@user-iv1ug6mk6e - 23.01.2024 02:25

Does anyone know for sure if all leggos are equally likely to be pulled? Or are the odds of pulling some higher than others. I've searched everywhere and seen a lot of hyperbole but no confirmation.

@ShadowLord-ej4bt - 23.01.2024 02:16

Before I watched this video, I skipped all events and tournaments even if the rewards are good but the only time, I decide to do one (Monster path) It turns out to be basically only for krakens and I'm a mid-game F2P player.

@leedunning1825 - 23.01.2024 01:39

Silly me read that 70,000 as a much lower number. I merrily used up all of my soul stones ('ve been saving them diligently in anticipation of using them for a path event) and made it up through the Mythical Chaos Ore before sanity set in. I have about 6,000 Monster Coins now and I'm just collecting them through training to see how many I can accumulate before time runs out. I doubt I'll make it to the 70K. Maybe I'll be able to pick up a decent number of Lunar Points. At least I was able to awaken and/or improve some of my champs with the souls I acquired.

@dd_zzero6827 - 23.01.2024 01:36

100% will not be doing this insane, idiotic event. WTF is Plarium thinking? I am getting so tired of the one step forward, two steps back with this company. They are run my complete morons!

@NickolaiSchmidt - 23.01.2024 00:33

Pulled 100$ worth and did get nothing. Pulled 50 more and got lucky and got the archer.

@loucypher3914 - 23.01.2024 00:24

Thanks man. Helps a lot.

@donphan8309 - 23.01.2024 00:21

When will the champ release end and game content start? This game is more and more like collecting pokemon. Raid?? What are you raiding? All your doing is leveling champ left and right to fight the same boring so call bosses that does nothing. Grats, you manage to collect all the champs for you acc, and then??? You top all arena, grats ..and then?? Wow you down anus ...awesome!! ...and then?? There is no skill involve in this game, buy top tier gear and slab it on any champ and they became s tier. Give a common 8k atk and 350 crit dmg on savage set and itll 1 shot for you! Grats now you own a $500,000 acc 😂

@wolfster2287 - 23.01.2024 00:13

I’m confused on what you calculating with the prism shards. There is no mercy system for the prism shards. It’s always 5% right?

@Cheeeroke - 22.01.2024 23:59

You get one of the most known games of all time and collab with them, which would give you so many new players, and you completely ruin it like this. Only plarium knows how to do it best.

@otrovakruf - 22.01.2024 23:45

Nub Raids it right, just skip all of the events... I'm completly free to play. They will never get my money.

@HaydenHiebert - 22.01.2024 23:12

I was wondering how Plarium would pi$$ away the community’s good will after SilverSinkCity. Didn’t take long.

@skippiks23 - 22.01.2024 23:02

Easy skip on all these events. As F2P, I was able to get everything in December (Blizaar, Tormin, and the owl) after skipping 2 of the 3 fusions before that, and I was able to complete Jan fusion too. Now is a great time to catchup on mino and figure out the last few FWs.

@veng- - 22.01.2024 22:49

RSL is the only game I know of where the content creators bash their updates basically 95% of the time (for good reason). Occasionally they'll have a good update/event that everyone praises... but the vast majority are just a slap in the face. How is it possible that they receive CONSTANT negative feedback from not only the community but their CONTENT CREATORS and they still don't change?

@lordvader6058 - 22.01.2024 22:49

Honestly: Best advice is to skip these events altogether and go do/play something else. Certaily what I am going to do.

@barbararowley6077 - 22.01.2024 22:39

Talk about aggressive monetisation. Yikes!

@austinionhammons - 22.01.2024 22:24

It's impossible. I am a level 76 player and I am giving up on all fusion events and fragment events because they're impossible. I don't know why they make everything so hard. I play for like 6 hours a day and I only have 20 zinogre fragments so far. It just makes me want to give up. I love the game but if you're going to have these ridiculous amounts of points needed then you should give us like 2 months or something to complete it. It's a game it's supposed to be fun not a total headache pain in the butt.

@Lord_Mangoat - 22.01.2024 22:20

I really want all of the Monster Hunter champs, but I spent way more than I should have over the weekend, trying to get the void champ. Also spent money on the 1st event for the archer, which I wasn't able to get that one either. I'm tapped out on spending, I think, but I'll try to see how far I can get down on the Monster Path. Doubtful that I'll get him either. This entire colab with one of my favorite franchises has been very depressing.

@maciekwar - 22.01.2024 22:15

nice colorful vage :) I'm skipping everything :) F that :)

@user-ux3sl3ih1g - 22.01.2024 21:58

Lmbo..."UBER KRAKEN"!! 😂😂😂

@ConnorCoultrup - 22.01.2024 21:38

Not even attempting this event. Don't stand a chance to finish it, so not going to bother.

@robertsparrock7930 - 22.01.2024 21:37

The math appears to be $120 for 20 pulls - using two $49.99 and one $19.99 offer that give 210 + 210 +80 = 500. For 500 you get 20 pulls - So $120 on average give 19 X 4 star chicken/Epic and one of 6 Lego - some of which will be dupe. Not a good deal

@Migeeek - 22.01.2024 21:34

They absolutly ruined the collab with these events

@Raindeerman - 22.01.2024 21:27

Prism event is a scam. Did 41 summons and got 0 legendaries. I highly urge every player to not make my mistake. DON'T SPEND ANY MONEY! I am now a completely f2p player and will never again give plarium any money.

@JGmann - 22.01.2024 21:17

You know its bad when its a kraken event and not even involving shards :(

@JGmann - 22.01.2024 21:13

It's a decent (relative ofc) prism event considerd the cost for the summon rates :)

@bawbq5305 - 22.01.2024 21:09

What makes it even more pathetic is that they just had a summoning event for this champion. Aquarium needs to get with the times. Their game is still in 2018 but they’re trying to add new things and use the same strategies.

@martinchofarias - 22.01.2024 21:01

As always plarium thinking about ftp, good event but the implementation sucks because things like this make me want to quit the game more every day

@ActualArcher - 22.01.2024 20:59

I think one of the worst parts of this other than the cost is that if you do that third option to just get the titan points, you lock yourself out of the rest of the rewards from it. So if you want to do more after committing to that, you can't.

@chasepeterson1696 - 22.01.2024 20:14

Nope not doing either of these. Might get a few lunar titan event points by accident... there is no way I'm coming up with 200k points for the hero path, and requiring points from the hero path to complete the titan event just shows how this event is going to go... points deep into summoning events, points involved with pure spending events, then they'll hit you with the really bad ones at the end when you're already really invested.

@xcptbanana8943 - 22.01.2024 20:12

Oh nice another event with cool champs that would really help newer players that newer players have no chance of getting
