Fix Setup Incomplete Because of a Metered Connection Error in Windows 11 [Solution]

Fix Setup Incomplete Because of a Metered Connection Error in Windows 11 [Solution]


55 лет назад

69,394 Просмотров

Fix Setup Incomplete Because of a Metered Connection Error in Windows 11 [Solution]

This issue will arise if you are using (or trying to use) a Bluetooth device while connected to a metered connection on Windows 11. When trying to connect to a Bluetooth device, you will see the Bluetooth manger showing the message “Setup incomplete because of a metered connection”. This problem will, obviously, prevent you from using your Bluetooth devices.

Issues addressed in this tutorial:
setup incomplete because of a metered connection Bluetooth windows 11
setup incomplete because of a metered connection printer
setup incomplete because of a metered connection error in windows 11 fix
setup incomplete because of a metered connection Bluetooth
setup incomplete because of a metered connection windows 11
setup incomplete because of a metered connection printer windows 11
setup incomplete because of a metered connection USB
setup incomplete because of a metered connection windows 10
setup incomplete because of a metered connection for printer
setup incomplete because of a metered connection HP printer
printer setup incomplete because of a metered connection
setup incomplete because of a metered connection external hard drive

Some Windows 11 users are experiencing an error when they try to connect a Bluetooth device, they see “Setup incomplete because of a metered connection“. Because of this, you won’t be able to use your Bluetooth device. In this tutorial, we are going to fix the error.

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 11 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Huawei and Samsung.


#dell #hp #acer #lenovo #tablet #laptop #windows_11 #windows_11_home #windows_11_pro #windows_11_acer #setup_incomplete_because_of_a_metered_connection_Bluetooth_windows_11 #setup_incomplete_because_of_a_metered_connection_printer #setup_incomplete_because_of_a_metered_connection_error_in_windows_11_fix #setup_incomplete_because_of_a_metered_connection_Bluetooth #setup_incomplete_because_of_a_metered_connection_windows_11 #setup_incomplete_because_of_a_metered_connection_printer_windows_11
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