Corsair SP vs HD RGB Fans - Which has the Best RGB

Corsair SP vs HD RGB Fans - Which has the Best RGB

We Do Tech

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@pheellotsolo5864 - 28.07.2017 21:35

Thanks, I didn't even know the difference.

@redjstudios7036 - 28.07.2017 22:12


@stupidkid7276 - 28.07.2017 23:47

Bruh I honest;y don't see how this channel is sponsored by Corsair already so this guy must be hella good at what he does lmao. Plus how is this channel not verified yet even though it's still a small channel.

@obriantomlinson2776 - 25.08.2017 17:00

So are those 2 140mm HD fans at the top? And 1 140 mmm HD fan at the back?

@faulball67 - 16.09.2017 00:11

SP120 is controllable, just not pwm. The corsair commander is capable of controlling dc fan voltage.

@The_Blind_Gamer - 17.09.2017 02:12

how is it that you managed to top mount your radiator and have corsair vengeance rgb ram ???? I have ht 460x and the h100i v2 and there is just not enough clearance.

@KamiL1Bojar - 27.09.2017 18:53

i have sp120 becouse leds are hiden for me its better good video

@Demon09-_- - 11.10.2017 02:42

lol theres no way the sp120 are fixed at 1400 they will range to they just may be 3 pin fans vs 4 pin? as there operating voltage is 7V - 13.2V so they will run at different speeds. at more then half the price unless you need the rgb 19.99 vs 49.99... the hd120's are insanely expensive

@wigglecat122111 - 16.10.2017 00:37

do you need the commander pro to have extra lighting effects on the HD;s? Or can you just use the corsair Link software?

@danielpajkic9798 - 17.10.2017 22:06

I wanna buy this case and 6 HD fans and remove the 3 SP fans. My question is can i control the hd fans (color/light effect) with the pre istalled controller of the case? thank you

@louiem5985 - 12.12.2017 09:56

Question when you connected the commander pro how did you connect the SP and HD together? At the moment I'm having trouble turning the LED light on for the SP ones. The fans are spinning but no light. Do you have some kind of tutorial on how to connect them?

@adrianborinsky2989 - 14.01.2018 19:30

The default effect on the HD120's are a pure shame, either get the Lightning Node pro or an Arduino Kit, it will make a huge difference

@TechBrosGamingChannel - 25.08.2018 22:02

Clean your dust filter lol

@Arshia.G - 26.04.2019 00:41

Do you get more lighting modes through the commander pro?

@Shane-zo4mg - 03.01.2020 07:28

There are two rgb led hubs. One on Amazon for $60 (HD/SP) and one on Corsair website for $10. The one on Corsair website has absolutely no specifications. Should I assume the $10 hub is SP only?
