Rwanda: Africa's success story or authoritarian state? - UpFront (Headliner)

Rwanda: Africa's success story or authoritarian state? - UpFront (Headliner)

Al Jazeera English

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@Ikundabayojamvier54 - 14.10.2023 16:34

Great legacy you will leave how awesome it is i want my kids to be like you they will be told what you have said what you have done from there they will do the less

@aliyarehussein226 - 06.09.2023 03:35

DEMOCRACY also entails handing over the POWER PEACEFULLY.

Rwandans should never be proud of a President who clings on to power at end of his terms.

@SaintCharbelMiracleworker - 20.08.2023 02:28

Who is this obnoxious low IQ journalist?

@guidokamanzi7920 - 15.08.2023 09:07

A stupid journalist for sure he was bribed and they loaded him with papers to read there. What does human rights tell us as Rwandans? when the genocide was happening , the so-called human rights people were standing there watching and should all be ashamed.

@rutha.3169 - 09.08.2023 08:46

Rwanda is a much safer country than the streets of London, Rwanda is not starving, clean its people live and work safely after being thrown by Europeans manipulation in tribal conflicts close to millions people died the western countries didn’t even care to interfere. Today Rwanda is a magnificent country recently even the British government was asking to send middle eastern refugees to be send to Rwanda. The Rwandan government unlike the weak Ethiopian government standing up against the interference of the western countries. European are known in Africa for being manipulation and looting no African will trust the evil British stay away from African internal affairs.
Why is it a sudden interest in Rwandan internal politics? There’s countries devastatingly poor and starving while their resources looted by France Niger, Mali a looming ethnic war in Ethiopia this are all the countries the west heavily involved. Anyone reject the western interference in their politics is doing great from Kenya to South Africa. It’s a signal anytime the west criticize is those are the country that standup for their freedom!

@Yahvid - 26.07.2023 23:44

Why do Africans leaders go do interviews with these people? The whole interview has no facts, with a sellout interviewer.

@sylvereb4171 - 28.06.2023 05:49

She has wise reply but she was not a good candidate as Franchophon Boss..

@individualviewer - 02.06.2023 04:04

Oh well, we had Andrew Jackson (D) in U.S. so...

@mangcaloy2324 - 31.05.2023 08:21

This man is a rat dog raskal dog

@malination884 - 10.04.2023 07:44

I lost any respect I had for this guy. His question were ridiculous to say the least. And gave this lady no chance of answering his questions

@malination884 - 10.04.2023 07:40

Why don’t you let her speak?

@douglaswong6975 - 11.03.2023 12:14

Human rights groups never care about the everyday life of Rwanda, they have no right to comment on and or judge the people of Rwanda

The interviewer seemed to have a different agenda, instead of letting the person who is interviewed express and answer the questions, he put words into the person being interviewed.
He should just speak up for himself rather than doing an interview, what a waste of time for the foreign minister of Rwanda

@otisjacobs706 - 25.02.2023 17:21

These reporters love to talk over who they are speaking to. Paul Kegamo told one of them in a interview he will have to do the interview by himself if he doesn't want to listen also Malima told one of them d same thing.

@TheFixer693 - 04.02.2023 16:25

This is not an interviewer! He is a mess

@TheFixer693 - 04.02.2023 16:24

Maybe this Journalist should have an interview with himself if he doesn't want her to answer the questions

@mkerengajames - 01.02.2023 11:45

It amazing whow foreigners seem to pretend they know other people's countries than the indigenous.

@kudaktaru4467 - 22.01.2023 21:07

A government of Killers indeed

@arnoldgilalong9976 - 16.01.2023 12:25

Definitely a success. Human right is Health education etc. Freedom of speech is not human right

@rederatv - 15.01.2023 09:05

Horrible journalism. This man is loud, brush and abnoxious.

@Worldaffairslover - 14.01.2023 14:54

She completely ignored what he said at the beginning 😂😂 no opposition and dissent allowed

@mb74091 - 11.01.2023 16:54

He spreads evil words can he listening to himself ?

@moisekasasa2759 - 06.01.2023 10:19

I think Kagame should not expose himself by being too open. What he says points at killing Karegyeya and Mihigo.

@nashyvan6667 - 02.01.2023 01:51

I love how he says America said that RWANDA did some bad secretive stuff even though America has alot of secretive killings

@nashyvan6667 - 02.01.2023 01:47

Haters gon hate we gon still love our country and it's leaders

@ialibupena3965 - 01.01.2023 18:10

Whatever Decision The Rwanda Government Makes in the best interest of its people is non of other countries Business, also what action they take regarding the safety and security of their country is for the good of Rwanda.

Why is Us so interested in Rwanda, Rwanda never questioned Us when they invaded Afghanistan or Iraq, they said it was for the security of Us, so why asking too much questions when Rwanda does one or two moves for the security of its Nation...

I see no offense done here..


@dianamincher6479 - 30.12.2022 03:00

With respect, Rwanda is not ready to accept thousands of British asylum seekers! Its just not fair to impose further stress on Rwanda!

@janksh9739 - 28.12.2022 18:15

The badgering has to stop. Let her speak.

@walusunguzimba7739 - 27.12.2022 08:44

The interviewer is not genius. He has a poor questioning strategy. The interview almost turned into a quarrel.

@tanpaul2899 - 21.12.2022 20:13

Bravo to the brave lady defending her country.💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏

@Kandatwitter - 16.12.2022 12:34

All these Rwandan leaders re sellouts and corrupted, insecure of the small size of Rwanda and you want to steal Congo, I dont think Congo need Rwanda

@ramadhanizigama6381 - 14.12.2022 15:25

This journalist is an imbecile, you ask qn for someone answer and he's interapting.
If you betray a country or a treason you die, whether USA or Britain.

@majestykingYHWH - 10.12.2022 22:23

This western media and their allies are just a bunch of hypocritical thwarts. Any African country doing well for themselves and gradually weaning themselves from western dependency then they start throwing this umbrella name call human rights. The things he mentions as human rights issues are prevalent in his own country. People are shot on the streets of England and America almost every day, missiles are thrown and bombing of innocent children and women who they described as enemies of their country and then they overlook all that and accuse the government of a country chatting a good path for his people.

@testtesttest1278 - 07.12.2022 05:57

This journalist knows nothing about this country. Just reading, do you have first hand experience or information. This is the problem of journalism. Hypocracy....

@gauthierlohaka7235 - 05.12.2022 18:11

Rwanda is truly an authoritarian state.

@Valentine1714 - 03.12.2022 14:40

Firstly what it is human Right and where were that human right in Genocide?what was doing in that struggle in Rwanda?

@aayushkedia4170 - 30.11.2022 10:18

Mehdi hassan needs to learn so much...he has little experience...just book knowledge

@jacobslink6321 - 28.11.2022 18:40

Which genocide? Of the tustsi against Hutus or the Hutus against Tutsis?

@millahmills3705 - 15.11.2022 15:33

A bully with a Superiority complex. You do not dictate how we govern ourselves

@redfritz3356 - 13.11.2022 17:47

I didn't know Rwanda was a planet.

@redfritz3356 - 13.11.2022 17:39

That's great! You lock up opponents then there is no conflict. Genius!

@WandiaNjama - 06.11.2022 09:12

These journalist are annoying, why can't you let the lady answer the questions?

@humanfacts99 - 04.11.2022 06:10

Her last answer was the bomb. She indirectly said Rwanda don't mind what other countries do in their sovereign country. But we can't say the same for some countries *wink wink

@felpower1019 - 29.10.2022 18:46

Well spoken, she is such a great woman

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:20

She lower her class when she spend time talking to that Indian American reporter

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:17

That reporter should go back to India and go question the Indian president for stocking weapons of war while the Indian nations are living in slums

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:16

This man don't even spoke better to the lady he has no respect you can hear his voice and how he sooke

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:13

America don't give African aid America owes Africa

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:12

That guy is picking simple like a child so small minded journalist maybe this lady too soft for this psychology journalist and who is America to make report

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:10

It happened in America and Jamaica also even in England

@iyaman6681 - 23.10.2022 14:09

Why don't human rights don't deal with the ms13, bloods and crips gang in America.
