20 Hours Later... You NEED to Play No Rest for the Wicked! (Gameplay Review & Early Access)

20 Hours Later... You NEED to Play No Rest for the Wicked! (Gameplay Review & Early Access)


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@kwiekadrian4 - 20.04.2024 16:46

Looks awesome, I'm glad I watched it. I would waste money on another soulslike...

@HighLanderPonyYT - 20.04.2024 02:19

And you NEED to stop clickbaiting. And you also NEED to pay me 40€ so I can afford the game.

@ThePancakeChef - 19.04.2024 23:00

Bought the game and installing it right now. one question though. is it ALWAYS raining in this game?

@ajoydas-Watch-It - 19.04.2024 20:29

Loved the Outro lol sub well diserved.

@AeSkone - 19.04.2024 18:53

Its just sad that another game hides its beautiful art behind a f****d up game system.
I have to quit it. Just have no progression and feel no learning curve no matter what I change in my playstyle.
I dont get it.
Sorry. Yeah "git good". I understand but somehow I love to have a curve in getting good.
But so far its just wasted 35 bucks.
And thats sad. Atmosphere is superb.

@benwil6048 - 19.04.2024 18:46

Does this do coop like soulsborne games?

@antiHUMANDesigns - 19.04.2024 16:11

I completely disagree with the graphic style.
It's like they took normal visuals, put a bunch of bloom on it, and increased the contrast by 500%.
It's basically annoying to look at.

@LyleMead - 19.04.2024 14:32

Don't know what game you guys are playing, but the movement and combat make the game almost unplayable. Very disappointed in gameplay in it's current format.

@alchkosac - 19.04.2024 13:17

0 informations and so many blah

@ace142 - 19.04.2024 13:09

Looks kinda jank, and not that soulful like jank. Also steam reviews are filled with botlike comments that makes me very weary about this game.

@kyrax9462 - 19.04.2024 12:46

game looks fine, but it's only the art direction, graphically it's subpar most games, and for the performance it demands of your pc? terrible. but hey, go ahead and give them 40 usd for this crap.

@anorkhil7158 - 19.04.2024 12:35


@shagaru1234 - 19.04.2024 11:31

You even make obnoxious thumbnails when your sponsored

@bocheduszko - 19.04.2024 11:17

Not enough cash to repair gear = No gear.
It takes few death to loose the gear.
The game has made some rly bad decisions.

@lynxxi8831 - 19.04.2024 10:11

It's great but way too hard for me. Not sure if I can get to 20 hours 🤣

@brei.z - 19.04.2024 08:19

Game looks great! Thanks for the info in an entertaining video. All the best!

@nunofernandes5981 - 19.04.2024 07:57

I just got the game today thank for the discount

@rekktt7952 - 19.04.2024 07:30

Nice sponsored review clown

@zinobe4305 - 19.04.2024 07:12

Is this a 1and done situation?

@INTROSPEKTRAL - 19.04.2024 05:21

we want third person view!

@Warsign01 - 19.04.2024 05:19

It's fucking hard. I love it.

@Neonmirrorblack - 19.04.2024 04:54

Funny how the streamers that got paid by Take Two are giving nothing but gushing praise for this, while on Steam it's now sitting at 58%. Run, jump and dodge are all tied to a single button and is horrible to use, and the durability system in the game is worse than the bugged durability in Dark Souls 2 on PC before that was finally fixed. Maybe in the future they will fix these issues, but right now they're egregious.

Here's one of the reviews mentioning these very issues:

"I'm not too far into the game but my first impressions are negative. For one, "context sensitive" exploration is incredibly rough, having your dodge button also be your sprint button which is also your climb button barely works when there's no exploration, but when there's a focus on poking your nose in the environment and a fixed camera, not having a specific button tied to jumping or sprinting or what have you is incredibly frustrating.

Then there's the combat, which feels like someone learned the wrong lessons from other stamina combat games. Lotsa enemy groups which attack in staggered patterns, and don't flinch from your attacks unless they are one of the weapon abilities (which require a resource), or via parry. This means dodging isn't nearly as useful as it is in other stamina games, since avoiding an attack doesn't open up your target as another enemy is now swinging at you as well. Parrying also doesn't feel gratifying as it doesn't really open up anything particularly good, since another enemy can just attack while you're performing it.

So what that leads you to is incredibly tedious crowd management where you circle the crowd, wait for all enemies in question to sorta get stuck on eachother or initiate an attack, which leaves you open to actually attack them, and then immediately retreat. Repeat this process until you have enough energy for a special weapon attack to do actual damage or until you slowly whittle down the enemy group.

Or the other option, which is just to cook a lot of healing items, and slam your face into combat and just facetank damage while you spam into enemies while they spam at you, but at that point then you're just playing an old ARPG wearing the skin of a new one.

Long and short of it: the combat lacks any satisfying impact, the exploration is unrewarding and frustrating due to contextual movement controls, and the game is... technically proficient in terms of art production but the character design is seemingly intentionally hideous which is... fine I guess? Just a strange choice that isn't my bag."

@JohrnyReport - 19.04.2024 04:33

Game performs like absolute trash on 1060. Why is a game like this sooooooo demanding performance wise?

@Zetler - 19.04.2024 04:27

There are too many good games to care about early access.

@jacklawin - 19.04.2024 04:18

Nice narrative you got me. ❤

@sirbonobo3907 - 19.04.2024 03:37

The question is how much DEI and SBI and BRIDGE is in this game?

@GerBear76 - 19.04.2024 03:29

Wtf is wrong with the way you talk?

@climax7592 - 19.04.2024 02:07

i play and it's just 😍

@pegeta - 19.04.2024 01:55

game as crazy performance issues across many different specs, if your rig isn't 1 or 2 years old stay clear for a couple of months, game also has no DLSS support yet too.

@mattarsenault9113 - 19.04.2024 01:19

Did you use their trailer footage to prove that the gameplay is great? You are bad at being a paid shill.

@tayronwilliams4233 - 19.04.2024 00:49

-______- Bloodbuurne...

@imemoje2949 - 19.04.2024 00:29

This dude is super scummy.
The game is utter trash.

@ukaszpodolski6410 - 19.04.2024 00:15

zastanawiam sie czy wydać na to 160zł...hmmm

@quernesvoice7507 - 18.04.2024 23:26

Don´t bother without a controller, no keyboard rebind atm. And the default is borderline unplayable.

@samseed666 - 18.04.2024 23:21

Stop bitching about how u were paid and just show the game. We dont care.

@thelandlocksurfer - 18.04.2024 22:48

Downloading it right now we'll see what's it's about

@crazedxfighter - 18.04.2024 22:28

From what is sounds like it's pretty plain Jane boring. I guess for 30$ might be worth it. But don't go thinking you'll play it for the next 20 years like d2

@ryanharte5400 - 18.04.2024 22:26

You all remember Landstalker for the Sega Genesis? Reminds me of that with the isometric view just upgraded with modern tech.

@solarprophet5439 - 18.04.2024 22:06

Aaaand, reviews on Steam ain't looking so hot. Consensus is that while the game looks gorgeous, performance is spotty, movement controls are contextual and wonky, and the combat, especially against multiple opponents, is pretty bad. Definitely going to wait on this one.

@letsgobrandon6545 - 18.04.2024 21:37

poor console port, ez refund

@caleob9725 - 18.04.2024 21:13

I’m going to try it on the deck

@kiekeyz - 18.04.2024 21:05

they absolutely cooked with Ori, now they're taking things to a whole new dimension with NRFTW

@kermkerm - 18.04.2024 21:04

Does this game have an ending or not since it’s early access

@OBIONEBARRONI - 18.04.2024 20:59

I just refunded the game on steam. My computer is about 7 years old with no RTX so the games runs slow. On top of that I didn't like the combat system. 6/10

@MooseMeus - 18.04.2024 20:59

isntant buy. never heard of it. bored as hell. see it in top selling. thank the gods. my retired ass is going to dive in

@nibelungvalesti - 18.04.2024 20:58

40 bucks for an alpha game, pretty balsy. Looks like it's worth 10 at most in current state.
