#9.3 Android Recycler View with Card View example. Material Design | Flexible ListView

#9.3 Android Recycler View with Card View example. Material Design | Flexible ListView


8 лет назад

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@batru2515 - 03.02.2017 19:01

your voice is funny :D

@jackmanjls - 03.03.2017 17:05

As usual...the Smartherd videos are excellent. I've watched the majority of the Samrtherd vids and I can honestly say there's not a single one that wasn't filled with applicable information.

@revansiddappakalshetty4827 - 17.03.2017 23:28

nice information, thank you

@beingquantum - 12.09.2017 12:24

Dear Annapurna, You have awesomely simplified complex topics with your extensive observation of the subject. I just loved the series. Wish it could not have ended earlier.

@ShubhamBhosale2791996 - 21.10.2017 06:46

You have made difficult topic like recycler view so easy to approach thq.

@avinashtripathi6659 - 10.03.2018 17:52

Hello. The video are best. But i have slightly a problem with my app, the images are not being loaded and app crashes, on commenting setImageResource line app works perfectly. Also one more issue the app isn't working smoothly i mean its like a heavy thing being loaded(cards) i.e. There is a slight delay in scrolling the cards..... Plz help quickly as i am working on a project to be submitted shortly!!!

@rajeevkalangi2472 - 04.01.2020 12:54

Superb explanation Ma'am, Pls continue ur work for poor guys like me.
