Flutter Tutorial - Flutter Dark Mode Switch - Light & Dark Theme For Android & iOS

Flutter Tutorial - Flutter Dark Mode Switch - Light & Dark Theme For Android & iOS


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@ReyRendryo - 01.11.2023 13:48

how to make the switch off for first open the apps?

@phosepio. - 23.09.2023 18:02

dunno if anyone would see this but is there a way to change the switch into a button?

@JassimSays - 28.08.2023 23:26

Thank you!

@erick-boh - 28.06.2023 01:00

Awesome! Thank you!

@MusiGod - 31.05.2023 02:12

one issue i am facing when restarting the app the theme reset

@peacefulnaturalworld8964 - 03.03.2023 10:12

Hello I'm using this code after watch video. I like code but if you use with shared prefrences for your code, It will be better.

@mariagromova2119 - 26.01.2023 22:42

Thank you 🙏

@fikreamlak - 16.01.2023 15:31

Your tutorial is awesome. Thank you so much!

@barzyyasin2467 - 14.11.2022 05:41

Thanks Johannes, another victory as expected ✌

@xluzka - 08.11.2022 01:17

Hi Johannes, greetings from Brazil! I want to create a custom navbar, just like yours. Is there any video you're teaching how to make it?

@amanuelgulilat2733 - 31.10.2022 18:37

anyone who knows how to i persist theme data in my phone.

@davalien7358 - 16.10.2022 20:11

How do i chantge automatically all icons when changing to dark theme

@naushadhusain443 - 12.10.2022 19:15

very nice explanation

@mahmoudmakled5685 - 07.10.2022 16:47

your channel has motivated me to take this course

@ftfmusic7182 - 03.10.2022 17:56

you really don't know about flutter too much like a professional to teach. you just google it and copy past codes here. you even don't have enough experience with flutter. you are not theming like a professional. thanks god there is someone who is worse enough in flutter than me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@adamhowley8037 - 23.09.2022 10:59

I have watched this so many times and compared to everyone else it is simple and clearly explained. Thank you! 🎉

@ScottKFraley - 15.09.2022 01:44

Great tutorial kind Sir! My question is, how do I change all the colors, etc. if my app does NOT have a theme switch, but only goes by the system settings? Thanks!

@anasyousuf485 - 02.09.2022 23:44

I have used custom colors in my app like one container having a certain color and then another container having a different one (same goes with text widget), so doing a theme like this way maybe won't solve it. so do I have to use ternary for it everywhere? or is there a better solution?

@hwwinn25 - 25.08.2022 06:20

Wonderful Video, i was wondering, is there any way how i can save the state? when hot reloading the theme returns from dark to light ?

@rexarvind-in - 10.08.2022 11:07

do you have a course on Udemy, I'd love to buy.
we all would buy 🎉, you are good teacher.

@ilwsl - 27.07.2022 04:21

I want to change the theme with a dropdownmenu, some can help?

@hanahusein5860 - 25.07.2022 09:01

That was amazing, thank you

@angadcheema - 12.07.2022 10:39

and i thought kotlin was difficult

@kickart7517 - 12.07.2022 06:14

man your a really mvp for flutter developers, you even let us thing what actually missing in some of your video on which is good for our critical thinking. i have a question when i change the theme inside the app and close it, it return to its default theme which is system themes? how can i stay it in the dark mode after i close the app and the system theme was light mode?

@reemaahuja8397 - 27.06.2022 17:19

Always helpful.
Keep up the good work♥️👍🏻

@lbm5444 - 23.06.2022 18:23

For MultipleProviders use the context from the builder method and not the one MaterialApp is using.

Widget build(BuildContext notThisContext) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [ ...],
builder: (useThisContext, child) {
return MaterialApp(
themeMode: Provider.of<ThemeProvider>(useThisContext).themeMode,

@caleboruta4850 - 18.06.2022 21:51

Very lovely video, simple and easy to implement. How do I have the theme chosen to flutter storage they don't get the default system theme after choosing a theme

@eddielicea3740 - 07.06.2022 22:18

So in the bonus section, you set theme mode to ThemeMode.system; when I change display to darkmode and start my app, the switch isn't toggled on automatically, I have to click it twice. can you help me with this?

@deepjyotibaishya7576 - 01.05.2022 20:11

i am not able to access changenotifier provider On tap Navigation material page route .

@Munchalope - 28.04.2022 17:51

Anyone know of a way to implement this in the settings_ui tutorial? Whenever I toggle the switch on the settings page, it bounces me out to the homepage. I'd like for the toggle to work but keep me in the settings page. Any ideas?

@behnamjafari2731 - 20.04.2022 21:37

Well done brother

@mrwalkan - 15.04.2022 10:52

How to change the system navbar color based on light and dark mode

@popbob4780 - 13.04.2022 20:53

Wie geht es das bei der NavigationBar kein Rand darum ist bei mir ist wegen der margin immer ein rand?

@tnd_ - 01.04.2022 22:58

Hi Johannes, thank you for your great tutorials! I have a question: I want to change a variable (different assets for dark and light) in my home.dart based on whether dark mode is activated or not. Do you know how/if that is possible?

@mobihen - 02.03.2022 23:21

You are so well informative! Thanks ! your videos are very much fun :) 🤩

@putrabahriantararamadhan6970 - 18.02.2022 02:28

how do dark mode stay active when user closes app and revisits app?

@spoiled_kitten - 05.02.2022 11:41

Might be a dumb question. But does this save upon restarting the app? Also does it save across different pages?

@MuhammadUmair001 - 30.12.2021 07:47

thank you

@alperbayata2877 - 25.12.2021 12:57

How to save theme in local?

@ranatr - 15.11.2021 12:23

Great video...I need this kind of navigationbar

@dominatingtrend5872 - 05.11.2021 19:54

bro, thanks for the video, it was really easy to understand. but I have a question what about selected icon theme?

@ARTPROGRAMS - 11.10.2021 22:04

Thanks! Great video! )

@harysuryanto - 09.10.2021 16:55

Thank you!

@e.b.a2523 - 11.09.2021 00:49

God bless u man
