用手機,10分鐘申請國際車牌,實拍全過程,有甚麼要預備?要多久才收到?想即日取證有無方法?#國際車牌 #iamsmart #智方便

用手機,10分鐘申請國際車牌,實拍全過程,有甚麼要預備?要多久才收到?想即日取證有無方法?#國際車牌 #iamsmart #智方便


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@bb454 - 15.05.2024 09:22

只係想提一提你, 呢個唔係國際車牌, 唔可以當正式車牌用, 呢個正確叫做國際駕駛許可証, 記得外遊要帶埋香港車牌, 否則人地有權唔租車比你亦都有權罰你無牌駕駛, 祝旅遊愉快!!

@uriyau1 - 10.06.2024 10:55

This is merely a translation of your driver's license. Hong Kong and Taiwan (not the PRC) are two of the 150-odd countries that signed up under some Geneva international ordinance. This document helps to interpret your domestic government-issued driver's permit, valid for car rental and insurance in many countries. IDL gives motorists traveling in foreign countries an advantage by allowing them to drive in different territories without experiencing language barriers. Many developed countries like the US and Canada don’t even look at it when you rent a car. Happy travel.

@yukjoe9100 - 21.05.2024 16:38

請問証件照係未要自己影証件照做jpg. 定係可以就咁影張相就得?

@benlamllp - 20.05.2024 05:12

正, 黎緊都要自駕遊, Thanks
