Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run (Official Video)

Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run (Official Video)

Bruce Springsteen

14 лет назад

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texasgirl - 28.10.2023 02:26

Hell no but may be. Im from black. Bruce bad company called me so your little. Paul rogers thanks

texasgirl - 28.10.2023 02:19

Bruce its me enough said

SP Moran
SP Moran - 26.10.2023 13:33

I love male deep rock vocals . He is one of the Kings of this . And the energy in this song. Just makes me want to dance .

W C - 26.10.2023 02:51

❤❤❤me Wendy

Frank Schiavone
Frank Schiavone - 25.10.2023 06:27


KGB officer
KGB officer - 23.10.2023 23:11

Not a massive Springsteen fan but the first minute of this song is near perfect

Alan Colin
Alan Colin - 23.10.2023 18:07

Booooo 🎉😂❤

C M - 21.10.2023 14:56

I can think of 1 who sure didn't win
Your Super Model wife... member her?
Left that lady for the nasty "I'll change Springsteen baby diapers in your face & where I please!
Whatever happened to that gracious lady?
I hope happy somewhere you duckies mo!!

Dina Parker
Dina Parker - 21.10.2023 13:20

The best I’ve ever seen!

Anthony Young
Anthony Young - 20.10.2023 02:32

You are the boss rock on brother

Philip O'Connor
Philip O'Connor - 19.10.2023 14:01

"Nobody wins unless everyone wins.". ❤❤❤

John Powell
John Powell - 15.10.2023 17:49

I remember in college my boss at the news center I worked at went to see Bruce in 1991. She said it was the most amazing concert shed ever been to

KLW1971 - 15.10.2023 02:41

Frankie Goes To Hollywood were chuffed that Bruce covered their song. Not as good as their version, but a decent stab at it. Fair play to the kid.

ken liddell
ken liddell - 14.10.2023 22:24

love what max weinberg does with just a stripped down, basic drum kit.

Irene Imanil
Irene Imanil - 12.10.2023 03:18

October 11, 2023

Mr. Bruce Springstein:

I am Irene Imanil and I learned that you are seriously involved in DNA sequence of individuals somewhere in the United States. How many people have you sequenced thus far? Who is your standard reference point for genomic sequence? Are the sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA the same. The Machine is Orlando right working in an automotive shop in the Philippines fixing cars. That's not enough! It's airplane that is the ultimate design of Machine, because airplane flies up in the air under higher pressure, but the cabin is pressurized to remain cruising above ground like cars, but altitude and speed are different from cars.

Back in 1992, my blood was withdrawn from my vein at Quincy Health Center when I walked in for some treatment of flu. That blood was also the source of DNA sequence separate from Clark, AFB and England in the '70s? The technological advancement of Boston x-rayed me from above using lights? Why I saw a woman/employee in front of computer looking at the images of my brain for some sinusitis evaluation. I thought I saw a red dot. They got it right? and it was de classified to selected few. And guess what they did? They placed scanner and x-ray machine in the airports, court houses, federal buildings decades later or 9/11 bombing? What is it?

My identity and intellect today (forget all results of standardized test score for graduate studies) could be a source of contentious. Believe me I have no invention to claim yet because there is nothing new to discover anyway, but the name of an academic service provider known as TUTOR TIME "Partner of Academic Success" is a source of contentious between Mark Zuckerberg and his woman from GU, and some attorneys without me. Some are trying to design new currency of little $ using the logo color of green and orange.

Ok, I have multiple sublaxation at Cervical (C), Thoracic (T), Lumbar (L) vertebrae that is caught on x-ray. No one today is going to believe that I am alive because I am poor from stolen identity? Fuck this. Military is going to be greatly affected for budget crisis. I need to create disruption in HI and one way to do that is for me to leave so the sons and daughters of Lau are not Laca Imanil out of Laca Imanil bloodline. Kill Lau's generations from Gloria Casupang Calimlim. Get me a ticket ASAP to leave HI so US gov't can bomb the compound of Lau. Mark Lau is Orlando Ferrer Imanil and could not give up the name, but pass it on to his children.

Alright, Boston got it. Not enough again because this Patrick Kennedy breached the military gridline when he's not supposed to. That is, it is a highly classified act to view wiretap of citizens of the land governed, but this illiterate un schooled bastard couldn't control his action and maybe didn't listen to the colonels and generals when they said "Don't do it" What did he get today? Frogs, baby frogs and more baby frogs!

He should have known that privilege is not extended to the masses, but he did and excluded the royal bloodline sought for by many others.

Organize an action to rally the removal of machine (scanner, x-ray) from the airport when passengers enter the gate. Why x-ray airline passengers, and why scan boarding passes? Sooner or later paying travellers are stranded at the airport for the machine's inability to read boarding passes, worse than the movie "Taken".

This happened to me in 2018 when I boarded a flight from WA state to Seoul, South Korea. The communication of machine, i.e network of computer linked together is controlled by people to de humanized other people could make the machine decline swiped cards, tapped passes.

Chantal Costa
Chantal Costa - 11.10.2023 19:44

Je l écoute toujours france octobre 2023

Carlos A Pineda
Carlos A Pineda - 11.10.2023 06:00

Esta fue la última canción que se transmitió por última vez VH1 Clássics para las señales de Europa y america latina para ser lanzado al nuevo canal MTV 80s ocurrido el 5 de octubre del 2020

Nadia Dowton
Nadia Dowton - 07.10.2023 16:25

The only Americana I pay. Whooh!! Something about his enigine?😊

jeff Bowden
jeff Bowden - 05.10.2023 03:51

baby we were born to run god is here he knows wat you sad policemen are doing
