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Shikabane 🐉 Lynn
Shikabane 🐉 Lynn - 11.09.2023 08:39

I have this combo

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri - 26.07.2023 06:12

"When there is an orientation of blame".... yes.
BPD is often causes blame to erupt...towards others, towards self...and does NOT heal anything.
Blame is an attempt to avoid self and seeing others as worth hearing out. However, it is a huge barricade to connection, which ironically is what a person with BPD claws for, yet sabotages.

However, the experts I know in the CPTSD field, have agreed that the DSM-5 would turn into a small booklet, if CPTSD was fully understood.
BPD does NOT exist without CPTSD. I think this therapist is great, generally....but she's highly misinformed with this.
Trauma isn't only the thing that happened, but it includes the unique sensitivity of that person, as to whether they interpret something as "trauma" or not. Also, not receiving something that is needed, iex, consistent emotional availability...IS very traumatic to many (think of the still face experiment). If someone has an infection and doesn't get antibiotics, that is traumatic (in a way), bleeding out and doesn't get a transfusion... ongoing lack, of things needed, is trauma at the level of CPTSD. It seems this therapist is seeing trauma and CPTSD through a more narrow (and likely very biased) lens, vs seeing the complexities, spectrums and nuance included for both definitions.
It funny, because those in psychology and psychiatry, are very aware of limiting beliefs, cognitive distortions, and people wanting things clearly, easily defined and's not how it works!

Mrs kamath
Mrs kamath - 21.07.2023 06:25

This is truly ruining my life with or without meds ..

Lurking Linnet
Lurking Linnet - 07.07.2023 02:20

This was so good! Just spot on! Thank you, it was very comforting as well. Really means a lot, Thank You❤

Alexandra Golovenko
Alexandra Golovenko - 26.05.2023 20:26

I don’t know why but BPD CPSD and vulnerable narcissism is very similar and has a ton of overlap. It’s no wonder that children raised by Narcissists will likely adapt narcissistic traits that can present as CPSD or BPD.

Bob A. Ganesh Monyet Veterinarian
Bob A. Ganesh Monyet Veterinarian - 13.05.2023 22:48

I’ve never been clinically diagnosed so I guess everything is fine.

Tyler G.
Tyler G. - 20.04.2023 08:40

OK. I just going to be transparent. Dr. Jacob you are so beautiful! Inside and out. I admire your compassion for others. I am mesmerized. Just had to say it. I am a former clinician. I married while still very young… I haven’t given up. But I am now wondering if someday I might meet someone like you who shares a passion for helping others.

Mo.Jo.MTB_101 - 16.03.2023 12:48

@BorderlineNotes First and foremost thank you for this video and for all the amazing content you put out!!!! I find it really helpful!!! THX!!!! <3
But I also do have a few questions that I was hoping you or any of you people out there might be able to shed some light on/share your opinion... (Triggerwarning)


I was diagnosed with BPD (with childhood trauma) about 10 years ago at the age of 26... About 2 years ago I moved out of a shared apartment after the situation became unbearable... My flatmate had been steeling from me and had been violent in the past but I always find it difficult to move out of any relations even if the are toxic... Only after he had beaten me up rather a lot (broken nose, cheekbone, cuts, etc.) I (with the persuasion of some friends) was able to get out of there... After that I had my 3rd inpatient psychotherapy... I do feel a lot better again but my symptoms have changed since the Flatmate incidents... I have a lot more flashbacks and intrusions then before that...
So my question is can you develop a PTSD in addition to BPD?
Thanks again for all the work you do and all the best and hugs to all you guys and girls out there!!!

Zzendaw G
Zzendaw G - 10.03.2023 23:19

I so appreciate this channel and the maker of these videos! This one in particular with Dr. Karen Jacob is great. I’m a therapist and learn so much from this content. Thank you

JMO8A Veda
JMO8A Veda - 14.02.2023 07:11

Sometimes people go at me for the same things so many times i could buy it over and over again and theyll come back like im bad person for having needs .

JMO8A Veda
JMO8A Veda - 14.02.2023 07:07

Modern art isnt offending our iq its just not blandness depressing

sonny rubalcaba
sonny rubalcaba - 13.11.2022 03:47

I have been diagnosed with ptsd bipolar disorder and multi personality disorder, I'm not sure what to do from here, I'm open to any suggestions. If anyone can help please do.

Micki - 04.10.2022 05:28

I had to stop your video halfway in when the person on the right with a black shirt, said you would dissuade people from diagnosing themselves when in reality, I’ve been in therapy and had many many many therapists all my life. I’ve gotten every diagnosis in the book I’ve taken all the medication’s there are to take and now I’m diagnosing myself because it fits like a glove in all ways so I’m diagnosing myself because nobody else could do it and when you go to find a therapist, they all say they specialize in a huge laundry list of things, and it turns out to be bullshit. They can’t even handle counter transference

I have given up on therapy. I’ve given up on medication. I’ve given up on therapists. You can all rot in hell.

so there.

cybercab - 19.09.2022 19:10

Very interesting!

aparently here
aparently here - 12.09.2022 05:20

Comment sectoin good but no offence cannot hear anything clear in this talk

VLOG and musings of Daniel B. Sabo
VLOG and musings of Daniel B. Sabo - 16.07.2022 21:07

OK so I have a question for Doc Jacob or any other therapist who works with BPD patients and their family members, loved ones etc. She says in the vid that we should not place blame onto those who contribute to or trigger BPD harm. And she goes on to say that it does not make it OK – for those that are harmed by BPD – whether the harm was directed from patient to others, or vice versa. She is correct on both points I agree with her. Don’t blame but that does not mean harm is OK.

So if a client comes in to see a therapist – a client who has BPD and is trying to own his or her own S***, and had been mis diagnosed for years previous AND who was treated in a hostile manner by previous therapy via breaches of professional ethics in some way – how does a client – like me – or anyone - try to re gain trust of the profession? And trust any therapeutic relationship? Is any possibility of getting help forever lost – if the baggage a client has combined with past screw ups in therapy – just too large to overcome? I am wondering what thoughts professionals have on that idea…

The other side of that coin – what about any particular therapist who is a BPD specialist or expert - if a client vents to a therapist about both their BPD symptoms AND past harm caused by therapy – does that not affect the objectivity of the therapist to the point that he or she can not become objective with the patient, even to the point of not wanting to help people harmed by previous therapy?

Would a client have to completely forgive past therapists and past therapeutic relationships before moving on to something like TFP? And would a therapist require that before starting with such a client?

I guess what I am fishing for here, since I have decided to TRY AGAIN with TFP or whatever – and do my best to trust the process - is how are several negative experiences with past therapy going to affect that therapeutic relationship with a BPD specialist – IF bad past therapy is triggering to the current BPD situation?

I have this idea that no Psychotherapist wants to repair the damage of previous therapy…or bother taking a client like me on – when there are other clients who have never had therapy and are not so jaded about the process. Would therapists pick the easy clients - and leave the damaged behind?

My aim today is not to BLAME anyone WHILE taking therapy - I am just wondering how all this would affect the theraputic relationship or alliance. Affect both me and any therapist I pick to work with. I guess I'm talking about Counter-Transference issues...

And here is the other problem she raises in the vid. She dissuades people from self-diagnosing and I agree and am TRYING to find a TFP PSYCHOLOGIST for that diag. They are as rare as hens’ teeth where I live here in Michigan. So not only do folks in my state wanting help with BPD have to contend with the symptoms, it’s also extremely difficult to FIND anyone skilled in working in this specialty. PLUS we often have to fight with our insurance companies to get a special case agreemet set up if TFP is not normall covered. So as helpful as these vids are – sometimes I feel like it’s just false hope. I found two specialists (in one firm) in the state that practice this – so far. I am sure they are extremely busy. So it truly appears to be a service limited to wealthier areas, and the people who need this kind of treatment the most - get left behind.

Sophia L
Sophia L - 13.04.2022 12:03

You guys are interpreting this the wrong way. She is simply saying, you can have a BPD diagnosis without trauma, trauma is not necessary to be diagnosed with BPD. She also says that, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have experienced trauma. And she even says that you can have both a PTSD diagnosis and a BPD diagnosis.

CC Lee
CC Lee - 29.03.2022 18:54

I'm sorry but if you've had uBPD then stating "I've never hurt anyone" is wild. It seems like you might be in denial of how your actions affect others. I used to think the same until I was actually able to see my relationship history clearly. Abuse is not just hitting people and calling them names. Abuse comes in many forms and although the stigma might not help it is there for a reason. Pushing your partner or friends away, telling them that they don't love you and treat you right just to beg for them to stay and not abandon you is abuse. Love bombing every new relationship you get into just to devalue that person and no longer see any good in them is abuse. Any time you are suicidal or going through moodswings that is pressure on your partner and your relationship. If you are putting this kind of pressure on them constantly and not seeking professional help, that too is abuse. The people who are on the receiving end of this kind of abuse deserve to know that what they're experiencing is not normal. Holding yourself accountable is the only way to truly limit the amount of pain you cause in other people's lives. Handle yourself and those around you with love and compassion. I know it's hard, I just hope it gets better.

yazzi - 29.03.2022 01:04

My parents were awful mom bpd dad antisocial personality disorder. They gaslight, deny, manipulate, physical abuse and have no remorse. They escape the law alot as well.

mac - 11.03.2022 23:53

Gee golly wiz I never had ctpsd u til gay ma was around work called my home up as a joke .....then he acted out bad. I do not try to change people he told me to not get bulemia is in full force I've tried to be kind .but e.ough ...he never wanted to be kind
He knows that
