You Have NEVER Seen Such Beautifully EVIL Jungle Pathing...  | The S+ Shaco Jungle Carry Build

You Have NEVER Seen Such Beautifully EVIL Jungle Pathing... | The S+ Shaco Jungle Carry Build

Virkayu Gameplay

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@daviddavidson7747 - 09.01.2024 22:03

Wait wait wait, you sell jungle guides but you watch/use other junglers for your examples? Would you learn to play an instrument from someone that just shows you videos of someone else playing and explains what they are doing but doesnt play themselves?

I guess i gotta give you credit for being honest but IMO people paying you money expecting to hit masters like you are is uhm interesting. Your knowledge PLUS your skill got you to masters. Other people can acquire that knowledge but either have the skill or dont is the hard truth and the knowledge you can pass on will be a hinderance in the long run if they have the skill to go above masters.

@danielnguyen4869 - 24.12.2023 10:33

3 prio lanes...

@SilentGe42 - 22.12.2023 14:29

As a shaco main i can just give it a like. If you play against a low elo jungler that cant adapt his mindset he will just be useless.

@gigos2 - 19.12.2023 05:40

So let me understand something: This is a very high elo game, yet the viego is going back to his red side when CLEARLY he has nothing to do there AND he can't fight the shaco... Hmmm... Yea... I have no idea why I'm stuck at plat when junglers at gm and above are playing like this viego.
When this happens to me, I straight up go to shaco's red side, because clearly he started there and his camps are up there and even gank bot or do first drake.
He ruined his own gameplay because he has the worst jungle decision making in the world, yet this viego is either gm or low challenger.
And I, for some unknown reason, am plat.

@Kyle-nm1kh - 15.12.2023 10:49

Yeah i would play shaco but i dislike his ultimate so i dont bother. I main kha zix instead who has weaker earlier game and stronger later game and is actually fun to play

@stilli4986 - 15.12.2023 04:20

Is there more pathings than Raptors into Red for Shaco ? Or are they way less efficient to do ?
