Principle Series 2a - Biblical Proof that Lucifer had Sex With Eve

Principle Series 2a - Biblical Proof that Lucifer had Sex With Eve

The Advent

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@bojanpostic8289 - 23.07.2024 15:35

Satan enter in serpant who was like human but more beutiful and seduce eve. She concive from thet act and she told her husband Adam and Adam took her and had sex with her. She concive half twins kain and abel. Kain was son of serpent and Abel was son of Adam.
Thet is medical posible to two babys is stomak have two difrent fathers. Women in usa gave birth to white and black child and her husband was white , she told thet she had sex with black man.

So let continue , we have two seeds , one was abel son of adam son of God.

Second was kain son of Satan

What did kain do ? He kill his brother and adam and eve got second son Seth. In in seth blood line they begen to call up on the name of Lord . Kain blood line was busy building citys and they were smart but seth sons was simple God fearing man and women.

After some while seth sons begen to see how beutiful kain daughters was and they took them as wifes. From mixing two seeds they produce giants. Like lion and tiger when they mix there ofspirning is almost two time bigger.

@onlygoodvibes6807 - 24.07.2024 14:44

liar ,!!

@StoryTime-tunes - 25.07.2024 22:20

This is a very interesting point of view…but had this been the case I do believe we would be a lot worse off then we are

@donovanbrown6596 - 27.07.2024 06:00

This makes sense if the apple is a metaphor as Eve would be committing adultery and Adam then would be committing homosexuality. This would make sense as to why women would be attracted to the bad boy archetype. However, I do not know for certain.

@What-he5pr - 02.08.2024 18:47

If true Adam should have corrected the situation at the first opportunity.

@Shanlandra - 03.08.2024 16:11

Forbidden fruit is snake seaman. Fishers of men he also gay and had a cane with eve! She still inside him that's how he can move with a skeleton inside him but she dead

@ray_dorian888 - 04.08.2024 05:14

Sorry, neither angels nor demons can procreate. This is an abomination.

@rikooseyomon - 04.08.2024 19:04

Dis story is a big lie. LIE from d pit of hell!!

@Kepi_Kei - 05.08.2024 18:35

This is not about food OR sex! It is about Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Afterwards, God drove them out of the garden in a merciful act. If they had eaten from the Tree of Life after, they would still suffer the consequences of sin except death. They would live forever with cancer, painful infections, all manner of diseases but they would not be able to die. Sex with Satan...ridiculous.

@FasterPATH - 12.08.2024 17:49


@digginginwithtamara1414 - 12.08.2024 18:07

The perverse mind cannot leave the gutter and cannot acquire true knowledge because it is of the darkness.

@aulibarri05 - 13.08.2024 20:57

It would be physical then not spiritual! Because nephlims also bred with humans! N then cane was of the devil and then came Abel from Adam! Can’t conceive spiritual right?

@michelemoneywell8765 - 14.08.2024 20:25

Close, but no banana. It was physical sex that Eve had with the Serpent (Satan). (Maybe the Serpent than sodomized Adam, hence much later Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed. Maybe not. It's irrelevant to the story.) Eve than had sex with Adam. She got pregnant with TWINS. Cain's father was the Serpent. His descendants are Serpent Seed. They are still among us. In Gen 6, other fallen angels and probably Satan again had sex with human women. Their offspring were called Nephilim, and they were giants. Humans with Serpent or Nephilim Seed can be saved, but most won't because they don't love our Heavenly Father nor accept his Son.

Cain's twin brother was Abel. Abel's father was Adam. Later Adam and Eve had Seth and other children. They are the Adamic Seed.

@FernandoTarifa-vm4og - 16.08.2024 17:30

It's ah big lie contradict in torah

@canisgraffias199 - 21.08.2024 03:40

It appears that it might be so. Some biblical references, mentions the story of a woman eating a fruit, and it symbolizing enjoyment with her lover. There's also a mention of Jesus warning the church about the possibility of being led astray, similar to how the serpent deceived Eve. That he Intended a virgin bride for her groom. Warns them not to let them be decived. Additionally, God tells Cain that he is a murderer like his father before him.
Lastly, there's a mention of enmity between the seed of a woman and seed of satan. possibly explaining why Cain killed Abel.

@adamlavine1823 - 23.08.2024 16:09

This theory IS A FACT. Which is why cain the ABOMINATION SON killed his GOD ORDAINED BROTHER, also explains why cain looked so different than any other humans of the time due to the angelic genetics aka WHITE/CAUCASIAN. Also explains how when ANY HUMAN once they have had sex for the first time it changes their mind and the way they think and precieve the world, girls start wearing makeup and worry about their weight and boys start worrying about their acne and muscles, DUH, and anyone who denies the truth is a sheep being misled to the slaughter. Keep listening to that preacher only on sundays and giving your measley tithes to a building and not christ, lmao, and the rest of us ACTUAL CHRISTIANS will continue to spread REAL TRUTH and receive ACTUAL CHRISTIANS not poppy christians looking for the "best" church for comfortability and kid programs to be "fun" for their entitled kids.

@regeriivillanueva3897 - 25.08.2024 23:02

stop perverting the Words of God. you are being used by satan

@regeriivillanueva3897 - 25.08.2024 23:04

i will report this content as fraud

@lilzae4848 - 25.08.2024 23:32

That where white culture comes from Lucifer and his fallen angels who wanted the black woman. Lucifer had a child with Eve as well that child was Kane. Earth is hell where the Devil and his fallen angels have rewriting history for the white culture and Erase African History because Lucifer was God's favorite Angel until he realized Lucifer wanted God position and he banished him from Heaven for sleeping with Eve. And through History its crazy that the way are Black leaders has fallen from weak houses Negros that wanted there position and will sell there souls for money power success respect don't matter the coast. Lucifer wanted God position so he cast out to earth and from throughout times what culture did the European had to take down before rewriting history because African built the world so why did the Europeans have to slave the black culture if the black culture wasn't here? And if God wasn't Black why was it so much pressure to make history believe that the white culture are the human race but what culture can't survive in Mother Land Africa without sunscreen lotion?

@higherlunacy - 27.08.2024 05:24

Turns out the forbidden "fruit" was a banana.

@tomdesouza3702 - 27.08.2024 10:21

This sight is a joke.

@JohnDoe-po8ei - 30.08.2024 06:16

This video is a good example of how we get perversions of the scriptures.

@orlandojohnson5742 - 31.08.2024 07:24

No where in my Bible does it say the Serpent had sex with Eve!!!!
We can be hypothetical all day! Doesn’t make it a fact!
You are playing with your Soul having itching ears!
Read Galatians Chapter 1 “Let him be accursed!”

@mayvergara3732 - 31.08.2024 07:56

The scripture do not say that. Therefore, plainly, the DEVIL'S LIE. Scheme to tell you that he is in control. In Jesus name. do not be instrument of the devil's lie.

@WilliamBarrett-e5y - 01.09.2024 06:03

Adam had sex as well that is why homosexuality is such problem in these last days.

@marilynb2643 - 01.09.2024 21:24

Yeah which makes Him the Christ 🐉 His Fell was caused by a women so also his Rising again must come from a Real Woman... born of a Virgin... Raised up by a Virgin Father only a Mother to become the Father ♾️

@yogainfo - 03.09.2024 19:14

Thousands of years ago a guy named Lucifer had sex with a woman called Eve.
And thousands of years later we are still debating it.
What is it that keeps humans obsessed with sex.
And we are all born from sex.
And yet we spend a whole lifetime talking about it.
Give them a break.
I am sure they had a very good time.
And I'm sure that if you found a very beautiful woman that you were attracted to, you would also do the same thing to her that Lucifer did to Eve.
I know that I definitely would.

@gilbertigabe7331 - 06.09.2024 19:02

The fact that the bible describes sex and all that with fruits is astounding. It's saying something.

@gilbertigabe7331 - 06.09.2024 19:04

Lucifer must have been the first Angel to have sex with a Human. His greatest plan was to kill the seed of Adam.

@RothKholum - 06.09.2024 21:08

Everything you talked about in this video is all about a heretic account which had entered into your rotten brain. Don't ever twist the word of God. Nothing can be added to or nothing can be taken away from the word of God. You will surely pay for adulterating the word of God. Fear God and repent before the coming of God's judgement upon you.

@Speaks-v4f - 09.09.2024 00:00

A Fig Fruit

@Speaks-v4f - 09.09.2024 00:07

The Fall was not following a direct order From God..

@jamesmoore2143 - 09.09.2024 20:45

Cain and Abel were twins and Kane was the devil's seed

@shadowreveled5107 - 10.09.2024 22:09

Let's get it right it was not Lucifer who slept with Eve it was God who slept with Eve.
Eve was the forbidden fruit to Adam because Lilith was supposed to be his

@Exactamundo - 13.09.2024 23:16

Eve had eaten the fruit and then had sex with the satan then ....because after eating , she had knowledge and wisdom and knew evil and good. She lost her virginity to the Satan. Hence why child bearing pain is her punishment. Adam ate the fruit and then his punishments is sweating to provide food for himself and family. The punishment is always related to the sin committed.
Another thing Is God said he would put enmity between seed of satan and seed of the woman . All of a sudden, Satan has seed (cain) and his descendants. Till now there are seed of satan among us (nephilim and their hosts )
So cain was nephilim .
Eve aka Hawah was later led astray by Gadreel when the watchers aka fallen angels came in time of Jared meaning worshipping demons as God. In enoch 1 , it says women of the angels( women who had sex with fallen angels) became sirens. So she became a siren and that's why nothing is mentioned about her after she conceived Seth.

@TranslatedMusicLyrics - 18.09.2024 08:45

Just to add a lil more to the theory

John 8:44

Jesus calls the those who he was talking to sons of the first murder which ties in with cane & able ,

If eve had sex with satan and later with adam , ( she would bare 2 children in a process called "heteropaternal superfecundation" ) because its sorta implied able & cane are twins.
Genesis 4:2

cain = the first murderer ( and the son of the serpent who speaks lies ) cane had offsprings who had offsprings

Jesus being from seth , seth being from Adam luke 3:23

@GalacticChron - 18.09.2024 19:25

You know deception creeps in when you question, "Could it be?" The moment you elevate teachings above the Word of God, it becomes false doctrine. This is a message that opposes the gospel of Christ. Satan’s sole intention was to divert Eve from following God’s command. Had Satan engaged with her physically, he would be bound like the fallen angels, unable to wander the earth. Without the Holy Spirit, the true meaning of the Bible remains hidden. The gospel of Christ is the only Truth, as declared in Scripture.

@Lalasbest9427 - 19.09.2024 16:55

Let's respect where we come from, they are not celebrities to make an issue, fear God for what you say to holy people, even if they sinned, God forgave them, they are our origin.

@Constantinos-Cy - 29.09.2024 22:32

Nope Christ NEVER touch a woman..

@alphoncezai5974 - 03.10.2024 19:32

This fruit was not an apple but it could as well be a fig. Why should this disobedience of God's commandment be associated with sex?

@alphoncezai5974 - 03.10.2024 19:35

Whoever thinks our Matriarch had sex with Lucifer is making a disparaging remark. Read the book of Enoch or The book of Jubilees to understand the truth. Alphonce

@GayleRoland - 08.10.2024 03:07

This is the biggest bunch of blasphemous baloney I've ever tried to read.

@KarunanithiNramachandran-qw8xi - 08.10.2024 15:01

The tree in the midst of the garden produces fruit and Eve is a tree that produces fruit , her children .
Let's not forget that sex tastes really good .
But satan definitely did not have sex with Eve as Heavenly beings are sexless and can't reproduce and man once he has gained immortality also doesn't marry and have sex in Heaven .
Satan possessed the serpent , which was an upright beast and could interbreed with humans ( it is the missing link between man and ape in God's creation ) , and made it have sex with Eve .
The serpent being the most subtle beast in the garden deceived Eve .
It couldn't have deceived Adam as he was of the original creation and was therefore perfect but Eve was a byproduct and sin came through her .

@brotherjason8635 - 08.10.2024 21:34

Genesis genealogy says seth was in Adams likeness and his image. Why not cain or able, I questioned it myself.
Women! It's all your fault. Today it's the one eye serpent ye worship and don't get me started on feminism.
Women today sleep with their husband with another man in their mind.
Adam was silly to follow eve, he should have just gave up another rib 🙄🤣
