How Did Ancient Civilizations Begin Mapping The Globe? | Face Of The World | Odyssey

How Did Ancient Civilizations Begin Mapping The Globe? | Face Of The World | Odyssey

Odyssey - Ancient History Documentaries

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tabasco - 09.11.2023 01:06

Pure Heliocentric Globe Propaganda.
Did anyone count how many times he says 'globe' or 'global' ?

Lyubomir Ikonomov
Lyubomir Ikonomov - 08.11.2023 23:56

- How ominous and prevailing you want that main theme to be?
- Yes.

Hooibeest2D - 08.11.2023 15:59

Sure, cool whatever you think professor!!
I've got my own version of this history of mapping.
And since you forgot so much in your not so accurate version.
Here's some additional info.
The Roman empire was followed up by the church and obviously they had might through half of Europe and thus maps.
The Vikings went around Europe and had Cristian maps of Britain and Mediterranean maps. That's logical.
You forgot about the scientific findings of the Muslim world. They were pretty advanced in math and mapping.
Even the Egyptians and Romans knew the world was round, mathematician also knew. Since there have been several accounts of measuring shadows at noon in ancient Egypt, Rome etc.
The Hanze coastal maps??
James Cook was inspired by the Dutch. Who discovered Australia, Tasmania, new Sealand, Easter Island, mapped the Hudson etc etc.
The Dutch inventions like the Mercator's projection on maps and globes. From Gerard Mercator?
The first atlases produced by Willem Blaeu, who were used by James Cook??
The Danish Tycho Brahe??
If this professor is still alive can someone teach him this stuff?? Thanks! I'm a gardener so I'm too busy with important things.

brent hall
brent hall - 08.11.2023 09:49

I wonder about the "Pierre Reice"(a Turkish admiral fom the 1500s)map,these people do not go far enough,back. My opinion. Someone riddle me "polygonal stonework" worldwide?

Louis Prinsloo
Louis Prinsloo - 08.11.2023 05:06

All the excavated historical and archeological places that is fit for human settlement, should be rebuilt as close to the original structures. Then the chosen inhabitants that can give life to that settlements, could provide an even more intertaining experience to tourists coming to see the places. It would help in job creation world wide. Most importantly, the chosen i habitants should be willing to live of gridd, with solar. There are many archeological places across the planet, thus it's important to also learn people how to live self sustainable in all conditions.

Colin Fitzgerald
Colin Fitzgerald - 07.11.2023 11:58

Clearly, the writer of this script hates God (or the idea of God).....especially Catholics...which he mistakenly calls Christians.

Aaron Wisch
Aaron Wisch - 07.11.2023 07:38


Milos Bhat
Milos Bhat - 07.11.2023 00:47

Very eurocentric.
Almost centuries of ancient world, from Assyria to Medes and Persians, who built roads connecting far east to west fully overlooked.

But apparently even Homo erectes traveled far without maps but they sure had some geographical knowledge.

The Egyptian and Phoenician deserve more detailed investigation. The Ming dynasty had the potential to map the world but they stopped at Africa. Not mention the use of compas.
South Indians built empires as far as Bali and Java.
Arabs had the most advanced cartography of their times.

But most of the what Europeans "discovered" were settled by other people, who had discovered them centuries or even thousands of years before the Europeans, such as Tasmania.

All "Unknown" to Europeans.
Think only of Easter Islands. Even Antartic is depicted in an middle east copy of an very ancient map.

It would have been more interesting, if they had stuck to a more chronological narrative intead of jumping dramatically haphazardly through cultural or historical periods.

Johnie Williams
Johnie Williams - 06.11.2023 16:50

It never cease that they continue to spread misinformation. Knowing that if human life began in Afrika. Then it only understandable that Afrikans were the first navigators. Sailing around the globe using the stars as a means of navigation. If you intend to rewrite history. You must include the Afrikan.

Ron Jahn
Ron Jahn - 06.11.2023 14:14

Glad the sound improved. ❤

Ron Jahn
Ron Jahn - 06.11.2023 14:04

Can't hear the narrator.

Ned the Mumbler
Ned the Mumbler - 06.11.2023 06:50

They used Google earth

wes knitter
wes knitter - 05.11.2023 08:05


Samuel Morgan
Samuel Morgan - 05.11.2023 07:59

Europeans "discover the world" wtf?

Ori - 04.11.2023 20:59

How did the best navy ever not know what lied directly “west” of them?

marty trueblood
marty trueblood - 04.11.2023 17:36

Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:(ursa major big dipper points to north star)
for it is the number of a man; (ie humanity or reason or science and math)
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (ie the artic circle or polar region or boreal tree line or aurora borealis northern lights magnetic energy)
or in other words...
the Arctic Polar Circle
The polar circles are located near the poles of the earth, at 66.6° N and S latitude.
These are called the Arctic Polar Circle and the Antarctic Polar Circle
6 6 6
the number or hue man or reason or enlightenment or illumination of man or 'Anthropos' or 'age of man'
Man knows north though...hence a true north hand or read hand or compass hand
Anthropocene or 'age of man' ..his homo 'sapience' has reason in other words or long calendar or time clock work universe ..
He is 'higher man' or 'humanity' or 'reason' or 'enlightenment' or 'Vitruvius man' or true man of life in other words
First Contact with First Nations brought on the age of reason
(Orbis spike 1610 or 'Columbian' change or Colombia the joker harlequin harlot of Columbus merchants or exploitation of 'man bear pig')
Columbina (in Italian Colombina, meaning "little dove"; in French and English Colombine) is a stock character in the commedia dell'arte. She is Harlequin's mistress, a comic servant playing the tricky slave type, and wife of Pierrot. Rudlin and Crick use the Italian spelling Colombina in Commedia dell'arte: A Handbook for Troupes

the Medicine wheel is 'medium sign' of the true north axis mundi..
first nation mapped the long calendar and earth axis ...
