The Problem With American Education

The Problem With American Education

Second Thought

3 года назад

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@davidresig8679 - 18.12.2023 07:32

What did I you mean when you said most of us are still waiting for the vaccine at the end

@ijeomaihebinandu5997 - 17.12.2023 19:18

can we just vote on the curriculem we want

@sinistrell - 17.12.2023 19:10

To be fair, the current bizarre marxist indoctrination and anti-western nonsense being taught in schools is extremely worrying. As much as an overly conservative slant is undesirable, so is an overly liberal slant, and the latter seems to have entirely taken over. This in turn will then produce a backlash.
I'm of the conviction that education should be as neutral as possible. It should center around raising responsible citizens who can critically think and make up their own minds. Putting a white supremacist in front a classroom doesn't help that, and neither does putting a blue haired they/them with a nose ring and a chip on their shoulder in front of young kids. Currently, an adjustment to the right is needed, but let's not overshoot that target. Teach kids why living in America can be blessing. Stop teaching them they're any kind of victim. Teach them to be resilient and teach them the world can also be a dark place, but that they all have agency and can steer their lives if they work hard at it. Teach them asking for help is okay, and how to build up a support network. Teach them that learning is a life long endeavour and that self improvement never stops. Teach them taking a break is okay, and that falling behind on their peers isn't the end of the world, so long as they pick themselves up after they have taken the time needed to recoup.
And yes, a system like Montessori or Dalton is great. I loved it (Dalton) where we had one hour per day that we could pick any class we wanted, be it out of interest or out of necessity. And our school days ended at 2pm, 3pm or 4pm, which meant on some days a lot of the afternoon could be spent working on a project, learning, or sports or leisure as desired or required. I think it was a brilliant way to run a school.
We always were subject focused though. There was no mention of "whiteness" or "the patriarchy", and economics and maths, or physics and biology were untainted by political agendas. We all got along. Nobody hated each other or took part in any real groupthink. And all viewpoints on any subject were discussable without immediate branding. It fostered an open environment that created understanding between people. They were better days.

@madmonkmathias6732 - 14.12.2023 20:50

The sad truth is that Americans hate their children. I worked retail for many years. The most common 2 questions I got were, are you married/ have children? I say no, they say good for you, don't ever do it. Every time, but once. I never wanted to hug a dude more. 17 years, and only 1 out of hundreds were happy to have kids. I'm not exaggerating, 1 guy. Just one. America has 1 greedy God. The Individual. Self worship. Children are a burden in America 😢

@anitacox918 - 14.12.2023 00:00

All of this can be fixed by funding schools and democratizing schools for students and teacher.

@craigconway4093 - 13.12.2023 19:37

See also John Taylor Gatto

@learnerm3120 - 13.12.2023 05:21

I don't think teachers have that much power. They can barely control the classroom in order to create a learning environment

@summerrose791 - 12.12.2023 00:19

As someone who had a private school education it was just an expensive public schools and teachers were paid less than they would have been paid in public schools…two of our teachers weren’t even certified . Also you had to literally pay for everything food,sports,choir etc . All that money for a subpar education .

@user-nw2fd1is4d - 11.12.2023 05:22

Knowledge is the most important tool a person can utilize in any situation! That's why people aren't taught actual knowledge...

@cathyrivas5573 - 10.12.2023 00:00

Also, children in our country does not value education. They have been given everything. They can put all the money they want, but until parents start raising their children right, and children start try harder, nothing will be solved.

@michaelbullington3182 - 09.12.2023 19:41

What is this? I have taught for over 15 years, and my experiences have not been like this. The causality here should be questioned.

@whendarknessfalls6969 - 09.12.2023 02:39

Europe isn't any better my friend.

@luisalbertomartinezjimenez6249 - 05.12.2023 08:18

This is so true. Unfortunately, time goes by, and it gets worse. Basically, school is not what used to be. Even so, it is only making more competitive jobs or career markets. It is badly funded because it is based on how good the students do in school, meaning their grades. Good grades will mean good money for the school. On the contrary, this is bad for school in general. Teachers spend their money on school supplies for students. That is how bad it gets or even worse. For low income students, they can't afford utilities. I believe that school and teachers should get better money funded and better salaries. And not based on how good students do. 90 percent we learn is not used in the real world. Is life we are set up to fail literally in the real world. The question here is why the education system is doing it on purpose. If it is a lose loss. The student loses, and society does, too. Go figure 🤔.

@Jedi_Judo19 - 04.12.2023 10:29

I would be a teacher in the US but kicked out. Also I make way lower wages than the average US teacher.

@femboyz3 - 03.12.2023 09:41

To this day nothing from highschool has helped me ever, I forgot almost everything once I was free because it was useless

@BpGregorynazianzuselder - 02.12.2023 05:54

Keep 'em dumb and you can them anything and they'll believe.

@TheHomeman - 26.11.2023 15:13

I have a few supervisors who went to private schools and they are not very bright and they are very disrespectful towards most workers especially the ones who were there the longest.
They refuse simple conclusions and try a bunch of dumb shit that doesn't work.
They also go by the idea that everyone should take responsibility except them

@TheHomeman - 26.11.2023 15:08

I have a relative who's children benefited from charter schools but I couldn't get her to see the problem with it.
Her children are now in college, 1 is in a n ivy league caliber school. She decided to wait for graduate school for yale or Columbia.
So it worked for them but it excluded so many more.
The charter school led to a boarding school for one and catholic high school for the other and decent catholic college for the other

@CorbinGiles-cq3ew - 24.11.2023 15:58

I wished i watched these videos back in 9th grade so i could prepare for the real world instead of trusting the system. Now, i am in 12th and slapping a plan together with ducktape and hope.

@pogers625 - 23.11.2023 10:11

You know I would expect you would believe in this the main difference between public and private schools is private schools teach Conformity and train you to be a good worker now on the other hand private schools provide a not so structured education that teaches you how the rule over workers

@pogers625 - 23.11.2023 10:06

Funny enough the reason hospitals charge such outlandish rates is because they're sanctioned by the government so there's no competition between hospitals to lower prices and get more customers because they're not treated as businesses there can only be a limited amount in a region so they can gouge the f*** out of you however if they were completely private not funded by the government and rather private investors they would actually be cheaper also just a little bonus if you have above 30% body fat content smoke cigarettes drink alcohol etcetera you don't want government controlled healthcare because once the government pays for healthcare with your money mind you it's their business on how healthy you are also if everybody pays a fixed tax for healthcare unhealthy people benefit and healthy people suffer because they have to pay the same for Less

@robertcampoverde8689 - 20.11.2023 05:22

Go to the bottom for the TLDR

Moved to South America and realized how easy school was in the states, in tests that weren’t math they practically gave you the answers and all you had to do was memorize them, never had less than 80 in any test except math. Over here in South America they not only have way harder and more advanced subjects, but at the end of every marking period they make you take a test that’s worth 50% of you’re grade and takes absolutely EVERYTHING that you have learned so far, multiple test every day, back to back for a week giving you half a day to study, they have the same thing in the states but it basically pointless because it’s worth so little that You’ll have people just speed running the test without checking anything just to finish and play cool math games or something. TLDR: South America smart, USA dumb.

@Beanmachine91 - 18.11.2023 23:43

there is a school to prison pipeline

@majstter7420 - 18.11.2023 11:12

It happens to me a lot when I meet some American person, that they dont know what is Slovakia and where it is and possibly they have silly questions. I am from Slovakia so I dont like to explain it and we European people know where the American states are or at least we know they exist and they are in America. Last time I met a guy from Tennessee on a holiday in Azores islands, so I had to ask him whether Tennessee is in Africa and whether they know the washing machine, you should have seen that face 😂

@freyashipley6556 - 10.11.2023 21:44

Also, the US education system is located in a wider culture that doesn't value education or critical thinking skills. Americans often see ignorance as a strange kind of virtue, something to be proud of.

@EneEri - 05.11.2023 16:12

I am a former teacher from the Florida Public School System. I relocated from Marion county to Alachua County to join ACPS, specifically Metcalfe Elementary, and it was a complete nightmare in just two months (sorry for the length, it’s been one hell of a ride). I am sharing my recent public school teaching experience with you as I am trying every way I can to raise awareness on this district’s “lawlessness” (the ACEA Union president’s description). The local newspaper, Gainesville Sun, is currently the only resource actually attempting to pursue my publicly reporting my concerns at this time. I’ve contacted FLDOE, DeSantis’s office, Keith Perry’s office (apparently out of jurisdiction so I have to reach out to the democrat senator who already hasn’t responded in 5 business days), and a handful of district officials. Having been pursuing this for a month now, it definitely feels like it is being swept under the rug. 

  I worked at Metcalfe Elementary School in Gainesville, Florida (100% economically disadvantaged; primarily Black student population) and the biggest conflicts were: (all proven via public record media/emails; my principal was really dumb and sent a lot of her errors/law violations via email). Anything illegal is bolder font. 
 - no flags in classroom 
- no pledge of allegiance
 - no state motto plaque
 - no moment of silence

^^^ All of these Florida state statute violations have been occurring for at least 2 YEARS unchecked despite frequent district official walkthroughs (and possibly longer but that’s as far as I know). All of these are being blamed on a fancy, inefficient school remodel that occurred 2 years ago despite the legal requirement for daily implementation. ^^^

 - fire drill was pushed back 4 weeks in a row and completed out of compliance date…legally required to be within the first 10 days of school

 - no access to IEPS until September; legal documents that teachers are required to implement into the classroom. IDEA Act, parents could sue. It is important to note that during a conference, the ACEA Union President notified my husband and I that she attempted to negotiate direct teacher access yet the district declined. So the delegated campus case managers were supposed to provide the plans to us teachers and did not do so in a timely manner. 

- building with student classrooms unlocked during school hours. All homeroom classrooms K-5 are present in that building. There was supposed to be employee key fob use to unlock the building but the building remained unsecured for anyone to access throughout the day. The student classroom themselves were actively locked at all times with key fob access. 

 - no morning announcements; actually random announcements during the day concerning various irrelevant PBIS promotions and often disrupting instruction.

- sexual harassment and intimidation by a veteran custodial employee on campus who had been reported previously and not removed from campus until an undisclosed event and my report occurred on the same day (according to my former principal). Reported September 18th; my principal replied in email that we would meet “tomorrow” to document it appropriately and there was no follow-up. HR also didn’t interview me. I resigned October 20th.

- something that really bothered me was the fact that they had a “Donuts with Dad” event on campus which in my opinion felt extremely tone-deaf to the community we were serving? That was personally probably one of the cringiest experiences I had during my teaching career. In my class alone I had a third of my students openly express their perceived ostracism having not had their dad in their lives. Many mothers were reaching out to see if they could come or a male relative in place of the father. I could totally see us agreeing to disagree on this, but the event just felt really out of touch and unnecessarily unfortunate. 

The ACPS district response was very evasive. Despite the serious ethical and legal concerns, they actually refused to transfer me because apparently this district will not transfer a teacher from a turnaround school until after 3 years serving that campus. I was informed of this policy indirectly (through private discussion with my husband) by the district equity and outreach director who happened to be an acquaintance and revealed he was never even informed of my concerns despite many of the concerns having addressed student civil/educational rights and equity. Instead, they wanted me to either go on unpaid personal leave applying to the other few open positions in the district or have a remediation conference with my principal in hopes of returning to the campus. I chose the latter and the conference flopped miserably due to continued evasiveness and blatant contradictions to the documented reality of working on the campus. 

Additionally, the superintendent has yet to respond directly at all to my concerns despite the FLDOE stating the report was out of their jurisdiction and handing the report over to the superintendent and school board officials. This report transfer was done two weeks prior to my resignation as I received notice on October 6th, the same day my principal sent out an email stating that the campus would begin implementing the pledge of allegiance and moment of silence daily while morning announcements were not yet ready to begin (like I said, she is really incompetent). With that said, my former colleagues notified me that during the time I was on leave (October 6-October 17), the pledge and moment of silence were only done 3 times so it was STILL not being done in compliance with the law. I informed the superintendent and HR executive director of this and the HR director said they “have been implemented”. Complete disregard.

In the end, my ultimate goal is to raise awareness because the parents, locally and nationally, need to know what kinds of atrocities are occurring in public school beyond  what the media loves to cover. Public school is absolutely collapsing on itself. You would think this is the type of story they’d be crazy over having all the aspects of inequity towards minorities—in a liberal city at that—but I’ve been feeling like I’m crazy or something instead to be one of the only people concerned by all of this. 

I would appreciate if you helped me sound the alarm on this district. I know it was a huge load of information, my apologies. I’d be willing to provide further information if requested.

 Thank you for your time.

@brentbutler4554 - 01.11.2023 00:03

While I 100% agree that public school in America is awful (12 years of English classes, not counting college courses that cover THE EXACT SAME THING as a jr. high/high school class, and I still don’t know where commas belong in a sentence) I don’t think private & homeschool is the problem. Yes, there are homeschoolers & private schoolers that were not taught well, I don’t think that’s the norm, at least, not anymore. I get that using public funds for private/homeschool is an issue, however. There are plenty of homeschooler families who have no religious affiliation at all. I think it’s telling that colleges like Harvard and Yale tend to prefer homeschooled students.

@harrysilverman5086 - 28.10.2023 22:36

Me who went to a private school that was liberal and very diverse😮

@gidalyasilstaf6136 - 22.10.2023 23:54

This is a presentation of illogic.

@XvonPocalypse - 20.10.2023 15:58

Teachers union run by a Marxist lesbian Wrecking America is not a problem for her

@XvonPocalypse - 20.10.2023 15:55

American education is an oxymoron

@engineerahmed7248 - 20.10.2023 13:39

Different teaching methodologies is a valid argument & the privatization wins again, as different private institutes may have different teaching method. U send kid to the school whose teaching method s/he prefers

@engineerahmed7248 - 20.10.2023 13:34

Which divine intervention said free market ideology is wrong but socialism r8? With socialism we already encountering ssevere Dr Engr shortage exponentially increasing wait times, bcz no extra incentive to become one

@engineerahmed7248 - 20.10.2023 13:27

Again with online & distance learning modern methods 1 teacher must take on 10 times bigger student strength.

@engineerahmed7248 - 20.10.2023 13:07

When WOMEN EXCLUSIVE INSTITUTION ok then y WHITE ONLY INSTITUTIONS not ok? Y female supremicism ok but white supremicism not ok?

@engineerahmed7248 - 20.10.2023 13:05

Y your lies PATRIOTISM & MERITOCRACY = RACISM is desirable & prageru videos undesirable? Your garbage isn't mathematically optimized or divine either

@user-lt4tp1lu8d - 19.10.2023 23:44


@Phi1618033 - 11.10.2023 18:25

Most education systems are designed to sift "A students" from "C students". The "A students" are then supposed to become the "leaders of tomorrow", while the "C students" are supposed to become the workers of the future. This system is a legacy of the 19th century, where societies were divided between the ownership-class and the working-class (or as a Marxist would say, between "bourgeois capitalists" and "proletarian labor"). Education was never really about giving each and every student the best possible education, so that they could become the best possible versions of themselves and the best possible citizens who can participate in their own government and society.

@MichaelMayo-yl3in - 11.10.2023 01:13

Low performance schooling 🇺🇸🇺🇸😂😂..

@MichaelMayo-yl3in - 11.10.2023 01:11

Lol when u have mostly section 8 homes & rent areas lol . Low property taxes lol. Wtf u think is gonna happen lol .

@MichaelMayo-yl3in - 11.10.2023 01:09

Abolish the Teachers union & watch the parents Rejoice

@survivingthetimes - 02.10.2023 04:12

You're nuts.

@alsoknownas875 - 28.09.2023 00:25

The problem with American education is on full display in this biased video, which cannot be bothered to fully explore the depth and complexity of the problem, and instead rails against free market principles and conservatism in a way that appeals to people who are as naive as the video's producer.

@andrejones4696 - 27.09.2023 15:29

Jesus did not preach inclusion on the way you are making it sound and the values that Jesus lived and also preached was very much conservative rather than Liberal. Perhaps liberal for its time but in todays context…very conservative.

@aubriethegreat8175 - 25.09.2023 02:02

School, especially public school, in the U.S. SUCKS. I graduated from high school in the U.S. a bit over a year ago and let me tell you, that left me with mental scars so obvious I feel like Zuko. I started out loving school. For all of Elementary school I felt happy and smart. Once I got to middle school, everything changed. More... EVERYTHING. More students, teachers, things to learn, tests to take, assignments to do, homework to complete, academic and social pressure, stress, sleep deprivation, mental health struggles, and more advanced and confusing lessons. It was too much all at once and where I was once proud and one of the smartest students in my classes, my grades plummeted with my self esteem. I couldn't keep up anymore. Turns out I had (and have) undiagnosed ADHD and autism which the school system never cot (can't remember how to spell it, English spelling is confusing). I had to figure it out all on my own and suffer through all of my school years with no help or accommodations, feeling like a burden and a pathetic failure. Really it was the school system that failed me, and so many others. So many useless classes forcing information down our throats that we will never use after graduation. Insane amounts of homework, stupid end of year tests, the attempted step-by-step squashing of individuality, creativity, and independent thinking. Zero tolerance bullying policies that punish the victims. Sexist school dress codes. Biases towards teaching Christian and republican beliefs rather than plain facts. Getting mad at students for being tired or falling asleep in class even though the school is the reason they are tired because they made them get up so early even though many studies have shown that teenagers naturally have circadian rhythms that are shifted later. Forcing teens to get up so early even makes it more dangerous and irresponsible to give them no choice but to drive to school. Being car centric is wrong in SO many ways. And so many other things. I graduated extremely burnt out, barely passing, depressed, anxious, traumatized, and with my identity and love for learning and curiosity barely intact. The school system needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from scratch because THIS, is not working. No one should have to go through this cruel and unusual torture they call education. I only liked ONE of my high school classes, Financial Literature, because it was the only one that I felt like would actually be useful after I graduated. That class was the only reason I could get myself to go to school many days.

@ayedee7104 - 22.09.2023 21:08

I think a big problem is getting shot in school.

@pushaengunasinghe2728 - 20.09.2023 23:12

This is true. Education should be changed.

@avemp314 - 20.09.2023 21:15

I love this video, literally tackles everything I experienced as a child. It’s not about learning. Never was. We need change.
