Review Very Popular Seiko 5 Sports Automatic SNXS73 men's Watch How to SRPE53 SRPD51 SRPE77 SBSA093

Review Very Popular Seiko 5 Sports Automatic SNXS73 men's Watch How to SRPE53 SRPD51 SRPE77 SBSA093


4 года назад

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A Comprehensive Review of the Seiko 5 Sports Automatic SNXS73 Watch We show how to opperate the watch. Similar models are: SRPE53 SRPD51 SRPE77 SBSA093

Demoncrats are attacking Christians. We as Republicans / Christians voted. The election was stolen by Satan and his friends.

Personally, I've never once met a person who votes democrat who is missions minded. Missions only comes from a heart for Jesus. Also, I've never once met a person who courageously lived and spoke in favor of Jesus who was not a republican. We as republicans need to share the Good News of Jesus.

Although, all humans have been very evil towards Jesus, He does not want anyone to go to hell. We are to love our enemies. We need to continue to tell demoncrats about who Jesus is and the God-fearing life He commands us to live. They need to know that although they currently hate Jesus, He is still willing to save them. All people need to turn from sin. We need to turn our direction toward the will of Jesus. We need to make Him the shepherd / Lord of our lives. We need to believe He was tempted but never once sinned. He was sinless and died in our stead. If we believe God raised Him from the dead and we trust in Him to save us we will go to heaven to be with him. The Bible says that as the world becomes increasingly evil, like it was before the Great Flood, the people who love Jesus will be persecuted and killed. For thousands of years, true believers have been tortured and killed. Christians in the United States and in all nations will be hated and killed for being loyal to Jesus. Then Jesus will return and the Christians who are still alive will be brought to heaven to join their martyred fellow believers.

[All the nonbelievers who lived before the Great Flood, during the Time of Noah, were killed off by haters of God until only Noah and his eight member family still remained loyal. Then God raptured Noah and His family from the surface of the ground. After all the corpses of the democrat type of people of that day were turned into coal, oil, natural gas, fossils and fertilizer the earth was cleansed from sin. It took the death of all the ungodly to make the earth pleasing in God's site. It has been estimated that while Noah entered the ark there were 500 million or more people upon the earth. Out of millions only eight people loved the God who made them. All the others had turned away from God to sin]

After the elect are in heaven Jesus will return to the earth to relinquish His righteous wrath upon all those who killed crucified Him and all the murderers of true believers through the ages. It is extremely hard to love people who hate Jesus. Jesus is our example. He loves democrats. We also must love them and pray for their salvation. Very soon, possibly 7-10 years or sooner, all the pagans who do not repent will be cooked by God like marshmallows on a camp fire. The entire earth will become a giant fire. We as Christian will be martyred for our faith but we will spend eternity in heaven. The people who do not accept Jesus' love and mercy will be eternally punished for their sins. Jesus came to save the perishing. He lived a perfect life so that sinners could be covered by His merit. He left heaven to come to earth. Why? He did this so that He could live a life without sin. The first human was Adam. Due to his sin, all generations were placed under a curse from God. Jesus came to remove the curse from the souls of the redeemed. All those who love Jesus and seek to have Him direct their lives will be saved from the eternal curse. Jesus is eternal and one member of the Trinity. Although He is far far more than being a human, the Bible refers to Him as being the second Adam. The first Adam was not God. He was just a man. Jesus the Christ (Christ means Messiah) was fully God and fully man. Adam had a choice of either sinning or not sinning. Likewise, Jesus had a choice of sinning or not sinning. The first adam chose to sin. Jesus, the second Adam, chose not to sin. Jesus then was tortured and then murdered. He was the blood sacrifice. Through His sacrifice and resurrection all those who turn to Him will be saved from eternal punishment.

Demoncrats of this modern time hate God. Christians, please try hard to not let them intimidate you. They threaten Christians on a regular basis. We need to pray for each other.

The people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah were haters of God and perverts. According to the Bible, all those people are now in hell. Genesis chapter 19. Matthew 10:15. Luke 17:29. Please turn to Jesus. He wants you to go to heaven. Jesus loves everyone but not all people are forgiven. Not all are saved.


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