The Profound Potential of DMT

The Profound Potential of DMT

Institute of Human Anatomy

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Eddie Howes
Eddie Howes - 27.11.2023 04:02

Psilocybin containing mushrooms, DMT and LSD are just amazing with so many health benefits. Psilocybin mushrooms treatment saved my life honestly from ADHD and severe depression. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

Wesley - 27.11.2023 03:21

So i did acid and DMT yesterday and it literally had no effect on me cry😢😢.

Everyone else was flipping out around me but nothing happened to me...

I was very upset, why did it have no effect on me? I wanted to be tripping 😢

Mirjana Puđa
Mirjana Puđa - 26.11.2023 23:15


Reality & Consiences
Reality & Consiences - 26.11.2023 01:04

is a band drug not for the safety of the people, but for the safety of the ones in control of our lives.

GoldenGlobs710 - 25.11.2023 13:43

Is it really that hard to believe that there is a chemically substance that exists that is responsible for why we talk and think every possible thought that we have ever had in existence? There has to be a chemical that is able to make sense of this natural process that is life. That’s why you see all of your ancestors and all life inside you’re being of consciousness. Because the chemical is helping you make sense of bigger situations amongst your own self that actually exist!

GoldenGlobs710 - 25.11.2023 13:18

Why is this illegal? Why can’t we do this as fully grown adults???

Lisa Romano
Lisa Romano - 25.11.2023 09:24

I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxietyNot until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms

Scat Flores
Scat Flores - 24.11.2023 21:41

To clarify EEGs do not measure the activity of neurons. Instead EEG measures to cumulative or gross effects of neurons firing. The situation is very complex and brain waves are mere representations. Brain waves are not definitive, rather they are abstractions and are used to try to understand. They help us talk and raise questions but do not provide answers.

Every Body Yoga Studio
Every Body Yoga Studio - 24.11.2023 11:28

DMY IS Fabulous! I felt blissfully content for a full week following my first trip*_^.

Sophie's Tarot A.
Sophie's Tarot A. - 24.11.2023 09:23

It drives me nuts that we would go through all of this when we can just trust our ancestors who obviously had good reasons for using it for thousands of years. Why do we need this so called scientific proof of everything, to be able to quantify things that just really sometimes can't be quantified?

bcpitch5 - 23.11.2023 22:34

It's funny how DMT is illegal but yet everybody is holdin...just shows you how our "Government" makes complete sense...

adinserter - 22.11.2023 19:30

I was later told that because I never had marijuana before that that bite from a 500mg donut was to much and a smaller dose would have worked for pain relief.

Adams Carter
Adams Carter - 22.11.2023 10:52

Ever since my first trip, I stopped smoking and quit alcoholism
Pscilocybin mushrooms really saved my life

Lilian - 22.11.2023 06:05

Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

adinserter - 22.11.2023 05:46

It is amazing about the talk of those psychedelic views. I say this because I had such views twice in my life. The first time was when I got hit with 600 volts from a shortwave radio that I picked up the chassis that had no cover, also while plugged in and fingers touched the hotspot. I saw every shape, design and typewrite style keys , as it threw me away to the ground! The second time is when my daughter convince me that the many pains I have since being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, she made me take a bite of a marijuana donut! After about 45 minutes, I went on a psychedelic trip that scared me like crazy. I told her never again!

Eileen Kris
Eileen Kris - 22.11.2023 00:41

The handl ^ is a good plug for psychdelics, and more 🍄

Doge Pasta
Doge Pasta - 21.11.2023 23:52

Do you guys believe in determinism?

Japhilon - 21.11.2023 08:22

You know what, fricking screw it, ppl whom if they, find dis, before i execute my plans (or life happens fast yaneverkno), here's the tale, hidden in a yt comment; necissary background
1. Shit Father of whom worked day and night to get himself wealthier (and us with him) psychological manipulator throughout, intense isolation in childhood, social recoil from grades 4th to 10th was result, i was well hated out of confusion (and my unwellness, depressive, toxic, destructive awkwardness) at times i now believe were traumatically reflective (undiagnosed, unchecked but personally, in hindsight suspected) 'autism moments'
2. My thinking is in line with its best attempt at achieving an understanding of the True Reality and its journey went from development to streamlined-thought-patterns to religions to philosophies then back to religions, then i got distracted then took acid
3. i am an expirenced thinker of thoughts of all sorts mine or others, i believe i am a mimicker, inclined subtly to 'fit the mould' any way i can/want
4. I love old music and holy jesus, tripping to my playlist on my first tab after 2 prior shroom trips laying in my bed at night after listening for so long was NUTS, not only did i start to 'sink in my own mind' like this vid describes (this info is scarily on the nose to how it feel from my pov) i learned all those damn genius beautiful hippie musicians knew, that they too lived their lives on their own attempted to #2! in their own ways they ALL led to the same conclusion INFINITY!!!!!!! Like, among a billion examples, Journey's best album is called Infinity, Weezer's "Island in the sun" is about tripping and a trip to listen to (but you'll never feel it anymore)
EVERY song in the Magical Mystery Tour album emulates some trip emotion, it doesnt stop, theyre all queued in on the same experience and thats MYSTIFYING, but none of them saw the NBA logo in a million stars dunk a planet like me😎
anyways, cured the toxicity and pushed me on track to be normal, i havent tripped a bit before i moved and craving it is irritating, do NOT take consistently, peace, thank you for the ted talk.

Kryptonite 365
Kryptonite 365 - 20.11.2023 06:10

that's great. some people can't wait. i didn't

tyevans4646 - 20.11.2023 05:51

Just chilling around a bunch of corpses 😂

Observing System
Observing System - 19.11.2023 22:47


Craig - 19.11.2023 06:14

i’ve never had a breakthrough experience, i’ve had some pretty neat geometrical type patterns, but i’ve had 2 trips that have stood out.

1. I had set one song on that i enjoyed and hit the rig. closed my eyes and went barely comprehending the music. all of the sudden i hear “burger burger burger burger” constantly. it’s not freaky, but kinda funny but annoying. and the visuals went from pink green an d white triangular type patters to a yellow room with infinite sloshy tubes that lead to a yellow box that had windows like a front loader washer and it was sloshing around what i presumed to be hamburger meat. the tubes were mustard yellow and raw meat pink that lead into the yellow void

2. i had just smoked atleast .035. the highest i’ve ever done. i started to see green and black almost matrix style patterns. straight up and down lines of broken down green lines. it eventually spread out into a dome style pattern where as if i was laying on the floor in a circular stadium. all the sudden 2 red dots appear and 2 swirls. almost looked like the face of the saw character trying to poke through the dome and you could see the light through it.

Elijah T
Elijah T - 19.11.2023 00:47

Dude i littereally love your content you dont understand. Its ETEREMLY hard to learn this stuff online as there few simulation of parts of the body and even when there is its missing parts or only explains one facet of a multifaceted system. THANK U even describe opposing or similar systems that not directly related to the content

Ray Blackfeather
Ray Blackfeather - 18.11.2023 23:16

At least i don't feel suicidal after taken them. I only trip once a year. 🤗

Wireless λeon
Wireless λeon - 18.11.2023 20:38

All this DMT talk...
Where does one even go about in looking for a viable source??.. Asking for a friend

RosMyster - 18.11.2023 17:22

Next we would like to see psycocibin!

Noelia Copass
Noelia Copass - 17.11.2023 14:22

The handl ^ is a good plug for psychdelics, and more...

Lillie Mae
Lillie Mae - 17.11.2023 11:43

DMT for TBI be interesting 🤔

Sherman Lambert
Sherman Lambert - 17.11.2023 05:54

The last thing Americans need is another drug.

Massimo Z
Massimo Z - 16.11.2023 17:54

I live in switzerland, where i find the dmt in internet ?

Badbobby_fit - 16.11.2023 15:05

I’ve always thought synesthesia was a thing but never understood why. Watched a video where they put people under MRI while tripping and there was no increase in activity just the disconnection of the manager of all department of senses. That’s why we taste what we see touch what we smell etc. did anecdotal experiments on myself with high doses of acid and shrooms individually and in shrooms I could feel as if I was peeing my sweat and my body was just a vessel for my heart. I would cry randomly, laugh randomly, almost throw up, almost pee, almost poop it was insane the amount of free flow of everything. In acid I was mostly in tact but the visuals of the thoughts within my brain would come out visually and over time has always shown me what’s important to have and protect in my life. Being I’ve been down range and have some type of anger issues, it has completely healed me and the way I thought about drugs. I have yet to do dmt but it’s on my list to do. Acid was 300ug and shrooms was 4g. Not to mentions it’s helped me stay in a consistent relationship while removing the urge to be with other women. Trip safe trip hard! ❤

Jeremy Evans
Jeremy Evans - 16.11.2023 14:50

Ive actually uses this razor, 🪒 multiple times today. Now i know Youre thinking, Justin, you have a beard. But i actually can grow a full beard in 15 minutes

Manny Pena
Manny Pena - 16.11.2023 13:07

Dmt was scary but i had convinced myself just let it ride

Vivid Magic
Vivid Magic - 16.11.2023 01:55

Can someone tell me the difference between Salvia and DMT? I did the first wich was pretty hefty, but not the latter...

PAUL'S World
PAUL'S World - 15.11.2023 23:42

Besides doing over 125 Ayahuasca trips containing DMT, i did about 6 times pure DMT. DMT is the strongest entheogen on the planet. It's like instant anesthesia, in a nanosecond being catapulted into the highest dimension possible, the dimension of the creator of everything. I cannot describe it in human words. The world of what humans tend to call 'god'. Flying through the universe, leaving the universe and entering the multiverse, leaving the multiverse, and entering a completey white sphere, like in the film 'Lucy', at the end. Where every DMT trip was completely different. I have the hope and the belief, at the moment in the future i will die, my brain will produce lots of DMT, and will catapult me into this dimension forever, without a body. All these DMT experiences showed me something like death, doesn't exist...

John T Nguyen
John T Nguyen - 15.11.2023 14:15

My experience with DMT was incredible! I saw every mathematical equation that ever existed, I lived the life of every creature. I was a dinosaur with an elephant trunk that lived on a planet with a blue sun and red vegetation. I heard colors and saw sounds. It was truly magical.

Amarri Cheeks
Amarri Cheeks - 15.11.2023 10:49

So i dont need dmt i can increase these frequencies within myself and access different realms of the universe good info

NickAngelo - 15.11.2023 01:49

He had me until the reiteration against recreational use... I understand why it was included (and it's clear to me this person has done DMT recreationally, I see you) but people need to remember: Psychedelics, particularly the tryptamines and specifically DMT, are our birthright and DMT may be the molecule that can save each one of us at a time and all of us as a whole. To push that narrative forward there is no better reason to try DMT than simple, honest recreation. Not tripping ballz, not tiny sips, but true, intentioned recreation. There is something far above us, and in us right now, and dimethyl tryptamine is our direct line to the grandest, most joyous and absurd Knowing.

Darius - 14.11.2023 20:47

Dmt stem cells and axilotos and some green bio matter you need eras of evolution and development its time travel micro steps to seuture it

sportbikeguy - 14.11.2023 19:03

I love how he says "users describe" referring to a dose of DMT, acting like he hasn't done it before. We see the excitement on your face man, hope it was great ;)

Tanishq Hooda
Tanishq Hooda - 14.11.2023 18:59

Video on DMT Vs LSD?

Vivian - 14.11.2023 18:15

Psychedelic shrooms trips can be truly life-changing. It's amazing how they can bring about positive transformations and have a profound impact on our lives.

Klaus Sch.
Klaus Sch. - 14.11.2023 17:27

There ist No produktion of dmt in the pinael gland, because the pineal gland is calcified whit the Junk food WE consume.

One Love
One Love - 14.11.2023 08:47

Research is great but I prefer shit to exist in the underground. Govt is evil, lets go stateless.

Mckenna Rep

One Love
One Love - 14.11.2023 08:31

My mental health was best when I smoked dmt every day (slightly excessive, non blast off doses usually)

Max T
Max T - 14.11.2023 07:13

My friend with major anxiety smoked small hits of DMT and immediately became extremely relaxed and calm. He loved it

S J - 13.11.2023 09:53

Not cool at all

R J - 13.11.2023 09:20

Interesting how we use our brain to discover things that our brains are already automatically doing
