Top 5 Most Useless Things In Snowrunner

Top 5 Most Useless Things In Snowrunner


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SnprMk7 - 10.09.2023 11:29

Trucks with small beds are either something like the 805, which is monstrously powerful for its small size so it's nice when you don't want to be super weighed down; they're not optimal, but they're far from useless. (Also nicer than using a scout 1 slot trailer, since you can Recover)

The fact the Loadstar 1700 gets a crane is astounding, anything BUT useless! It's a scout truck with a full size truck engine, so it's an amazing scout-sized rescuer, and the crane lets it rescue in different ways, as well as load cargo for trucks. It's something I pull when I just need to recover another truck's cargo and don't need a full ass truck to do that.

James Bennett
James Bennett - 10.08.2023 09:24

GMC 9500 is good. I still use it in Taymyr amd Yukon.

FISH SAUCER - 15.06.2023 00:22

I still use my Navistar 5000 as its still an amazing truck with an extremely powerful engine, despite the high fuel consumption

M G - 15.06.2023 00:19

For the cat forklift if they would have made it so that the cargo would snap to to the forks like how the cargo snaps when you pack it to a truck or better yet if they would have given the forks a winch point I think that would greatly improve The usefulness of it... And for the cat 770 truck if they would have given it AWG that would definitely increase its versatility, I know for myself I would use the cat 770 every time I needed to recover a large stuck vehicle.... I don't know for sure or not but I heard that the cat licensing deal required snowrunner to make the vehicles as realistic as possible which in my opinion greatly hurts caterpillars marketing. Snowrunner should have just design these vehicles and made their own changes to them like having different add-ons or roof racks but not put the cat logo on these vehicles so they can do what they want to them, That's how FS22 pretty much gets around some of the licensing issues

Dawid Wiśniowski
Dawid Wiśniowski - 11.06.2023 19:49

Actually I find 1-slot beds useful in Kola, since there are a couple of missions which require only 1 unit of cargo. TUZ 16 Actaeon was my go-to there.

Paweł Szymański
Paweł Szymański - 10.06.2023 16:05

What was the second truck in small bed category in that wideo.

Wujek Matrix
Wujek Matrix - 22.05.2023 07:26

Azov sprinter

Jan Nowak
Jan Nowak - 21.05.2023 12:08

Make subtitles. I don`t understand your eastern accent

Nuc1ear F1ame
Nuc1ear F1ame - 18.05.2023 22:40

i feel like there where suppose to be missions to repair the main roads and that would have made the highway trucks much more usable. but those missions may have been cut

grimmriffer - 13.05.2023 21:17

The way to "fix" highway trucks is not to make them better offroad, but to have some highways in the game. Not sure I'd find that much fun though...

Dustin Shadle
Dustin Shadle - 11.05.2023 21:38

Western star is a good truck. I'll they are popular in logging and oil fields because they do come with a low range and all wheel drive. I have a friend who has one that he uses as a service truck. On board welder, generator and compressor. He's had it in mud up to the step and it still powers through

jse martin perez rivera
jse martin perez rivera - 05.05.2023 15:21


OnePoleLeft - 25.04.2023 08:42

I think the highway GMC truck should be in the offroad section because if you unlock all the upgrades or just AWD and Raised for it, it becomes very good after those addons so me personally I think the highway GMC should be in the Offroad truck section.

HASHIM FAMILY - 19.04.2023 04:47


Brenten Smith
Brenten Smith - 28.03.2023 18:23

It's not called highway trucks for nothing. Still, a a simple mod of suspension and tiress will do the trick. Swapping highway tires for off road and raising suspension would work. If that is even available.

J03lW4RN - 26.03.2023 23:59

Cats are just troll vehicles lol

Cigars, Guns and Gasoline
Cigars, Guns and Gasoline - 24.03.2023 21:09

For the 770G... I would have LOVED for the devs to make you have to LOAD those trailers somewhere before taking them to their final destination... and maybe a couple missions, not ONE!

S C - 22.03.2023 13:35


XGNsharpshot21 gaming
XGNsharpshot21 gaming - 21.03.2023 22:09

You killed me with the dead axle 😂 its not a dead axle its called a drop axle and it for distributing a heavy load and is supposed to give a bit more traction. I used to drive dump trucks irl and those drop axles would lower automatically depending on how much weight the loaded onto my truck roughly it would lower at 3 to 5 tons in bed

Aaron Morgan
Aaron Morgan - 20.03.2023 19:44

I think this video is entirly bullshit not one point u have made is valid, concider all player types befote making some bullshit content just to get your name out there

blocky_ gamer08
blocky_ gamer08 - 14.03.2023 14:02

all cargos with the blue pallets can lift without problems with the forklift. Just like the steal bars are a problem for it.

Crow tje
Crow tje - 13.03.2023 16:23

With the lightcrane add-on and dead axels I have to agree with you,.. but for the rest not so much.
The CAT TH357 might not be the best at loading, but it's a very good scout, powerfull enough to pull trucks and trailers out, highly maneuverable, good off-road and high fuel economy!
Some highway trucks like the GMC9500 are just a beast and good off-roaders, others you need to stick to the better roads,.. still in Alaska, Smitsville Dam towards Drummond or Drownedlands to Zimnegorsk they are very usefull.
The single cargo beds are also still handy combined with a two slot trailer, there are enogh missions requiring you to deliver an odd number of cargo.

JOE KING - 13.03.2023 09:37

forklift is absolutely useless (posted to soon) YES i agree 100% highway trucks are extremely useless and to be honest they shouldnt even be in the game at all ... pretty sure you would never see a zikz 605r on the highway carrying food and general freight
so why the hell do we have highway trucks doing off road jobs? seems kinda retarded

DBCSgaming - 12.03.2023 17:15

You mist off the quick winch and the winch in general

Schazmen Rassir
Schazmen Rassir - 12.03.2023 11:32

I agree with most of what you said. I've found plenty of use for the Small Beds.
But I completely disagree with Highway Trucks being useless. Especially the GMC after getting its upgrades. The others, maybe not the best, but the 4070A has the strongest power-to-weight ratio in the game, as far as I know. I've had no problems with them, but obviously, not every vehicle is suitable for every environment and every task anyway, so eh...

ElJefeDe Texas
ElJefeDe Texas - 12.03.2023 07:57

I like the GMC, great for beginners and when properly upgraded it can do a little more better than some heavy trucks

Tank42 HSC
Tank42 HSC - 11.03.2023 15:59

There should be specific maps for each truck type why there's no highway road between maps so you can use the highway trucks to transport stuff quicker or even trains

Justin Lynch
Justin Lynch - 11.03.2023 08:46

5) Small beds aren't useless. There are a fair number of 1-slot cargo missions throughout the game. I guess you could do these with 2-slot truck to but eh, I enjoy often trying to fit the vehicle to the task. It's fun taking one of the 1-slot trucks on a 1-slot mission.

4) I just leave the dead axle up and they rarely cause issues. I use the CT681 & 49X combo for short logs and they go everywhere. I have the WS with dual dead axles setup as my American large crane truck. Dunno if it helps but I always drop the axles along with putting the crane legs out for max stability when using the crane.

3) The forklift is great. It's one my main scouts (though I actually use scouts to scout, I don't like using trucks to scout). The mud grip the forklift has is insane and it's very easy on fuel, remove the boom and it's also quite stable. Sure it's not very fast and it can't do water, but most times you can get around water.

2) I use the 770G as a fuel truck. I've made all my RWD trucks into fuel trucks. A lot people might use the 745C but I have that setup for medium logs, not fuel.

1) The Highway trucks are pretty decent for what they are. Go back and play MudRunner, something like the Kodiak was basically stuck as soon as you took them on dirt. In SnowRunner they aren't as capable of offroad trucks, but they can actually get places.

VCN - 11.03.2023 01:14

Cat 770G is not useless. I love this truck and I am using it as mobile petrol station crossed with heavy rescue tractor at almost every single map since season 2. There is no thing that this monster can't move. I can only wish for high saddle addon

Max power
Max power - 09.03.2023 06:31

I wouldn't call the highway trucks "useless" . The thing is, they were put in the game mainly to be used in the first 2 regions the original game came with. 2 of them are available from the start, and the best one (at the time) was found right away in the second map, and then unlocked at lvl6...IE the Transtar. When the game launched, if a truck didnt have AWD and difflock, I wouldn't even take it out of the garage. I was relying purely on those stats to judge the trucks, and that was an uneducated mistake. The highway trucks are designed to pull heavy trailers, and they do it very well. You need to keep weight on those back wheels or else you lose the amazing traction they have. They 4070A has so much power that it if you load it right, you can basically complete Island lake using this truck only, and it will not let you down. Yes they are very limited in their use, but if you learn to use them early and smartly in Michigan and then Alaska, you will be surprised by how cheap and powerful they are. Remember that when Focus designed those trucks, we didnt have maps like Amur or Maine or Yukon, they are adapted to what the game had at launch and for that, I now think that they did a very good job.

Daniel Douglas Clemens
Daniel Douglas Clemens - 08.03.2023 19:12

I totally agree that highway trucks need more love. But this would mean fixing the underlying physics engine. As it hasn't been done up until now I don't hold my breath for a fix. Even looking at past installments of the game (Spintires/Mudrunner) show the same issues.

Ghost of Cerberus
Ghost of Cerberus - 08.03.2023 10:12

small beds are for the masochists.

Greg Pascal
Greg Pascal - 07.03.2023 22:48

Highway trucks aren't even useful on the highway. You can run some off-road trucks that do a better job than any of the Highway trucks on the highway. Totally useless. Even if you play like I do and have only 1 of every truck in the game, I still don't use highway trucks for anything, since everything is better than them at almost every task.

However, I'd say the Sprinter is more useless than everything else. It can barely do its own task that it was made to do.

Dustin - 07.03.2023 21:20

What happened to invalid rednecks mods on console? Like the red charger and bronco?

TheTankTeacher - 07.03.2023 09:22

Great video! Love seeing new Snowrunner channels popping up. Also a great video idea. I would suggest you look into the audio recording in your recording software since it is a bit low even at max volume. Overall, I thought this was great and I wish you the best for this channel!

cool guy
cool guy - 07.03.2023 00:20

I’m just glad the modders made the non AWD trucks with added all wheel drive and permanent all wheel drive

Lars Sæter
Lars Sæter - 05.03.2023 21:06

my guy does know the gmc highway truck has awd and diff-lock right?

Helloworld 616
Helloworld 616 - 05.03.2023 13:55

yo make a video about the king of snow runner and why it is th king

AsiAzzy - 05.03.2023 13:06

on hardmode any truck is useful. My transtar is zipping here and there with fuel addon and service trailer all over michigan. Even in alaska it can use the chains for the icy roads. If the transtar needs to go somewhere it can't, any other truck can help. Managing fuel in hardmode is very important and you need dedicated fuel trucks with addons that will not be able to remove without losing the fuel. So basicly you asign a truck to be a fuel truck and nothing else.

TheJoePro - 05.03.2023 07:54

Good video bro

groov - 05.03.2023 07:43

5. Small Bed is probably for the 1 slot cargo missions, or for people who want a challenge on 2 slot cargo missions.
4. Dead Axles are a bit useful, they can prevent you to highcenter in certain places.
3. This CAT forklift can be used as a scout due to it's off-road capability. Remove the fork for scouting use.
2. This truck can be used as refueling truck, because it has a fuel carrier addon. Kinda struggles in off-road but it's ok.
1. (Special mention) Small cranes but no saddle, it can be fixed with hitch trailers.

Highway trucks are not useless in the game, still. But GMC is best among these. Obtainable AWD but not suited for beginners to get the AWD for it. The worst among these is Transtar, but as I said, highway trucks are not useless in this game. Transtar is for light off-road and no deep swamps. But over the Transtar Ford CLT performs better. WS 57X I really like the look of it, but it's almost useless since not much addons.

Дима Напреев
Дима Напреев - 05.03.2023 02:17

bruh, starting highway GMC after certain upgrades becomes a freaking beast, it beats most trucks in utility an capability
