You can't join the Enclave in the Frontier

You can't join the Enclave in the Frontier


3 года назад

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@PERMANENTLYB0RROWED - 22.01.2024 08:29

its fake

@superwatcher456 - 30.01.2024 17:24

Joining a faction in a video game is not wrong. There’s always a line to cross yes, but this is a role-playing game and there are worse factions out there surprisingly enough

@itsmrbigsmoke862 - 12.02.2024 05:32

People with eyes and a brain can see that the enclave was the best choice for the wasteland

@OutsideDontClear - 21.02.2024 05:45

The Courier and Arcades dynamic reminds me of Harrier Du Bois and Kim Kitsuragi

@ajschadow7409 - 08.03.2024 19:31

Now I wanna hear more sentence mixed fallout characters. Imagine hearing Caesar ask for dinner from Yes Man

@byzantinehoney3384 - 17.04.2024 05:33

Didn’t know arcade was Jewish

@farcy3insanitymeme - 17.04.2024 07:52

West coast Enclave: Kill Everyone who isn't us
East coast Enclave (colonel): I want to have the water
East coast Enclave (president): Kill Everyone who isn't us

@YamaikoHiro - 17.04.2024 09:59

Arcade Gannon? More like Arcade Reddit.

@BadassName17 - 17.04.2024 23:39

Not only has this made me want to join the Enclave, but this made me blow Gannon up after I got the remnants on my side and activated Archimedes.

@simple-commentator-not-rea7345 - 21.04.2024 18:40

From what I've heard, Frontier team had a serious grudge against the New California team? This legit sounds like a redditor complaining about us actually being able to join the Envlave in FNC

@afilthyweeb8684 - 23.04.2024 21:58

Wait, I thought this was a shit post but the comments make it seem like it's an actual mod that people worked hard on?

@Nechay. - 25.04.2024 17:17

And all of this telling Arcade.. your father would be disappointed in you!

@kieronsullivan9515 - 25.04.2024 22:46

I mean realistically the reason you can’t join them is because they are bad they hate anyone that’s not them but you know none of the mode developers decided to say that

@emsplushycam - 26.04.2024 19:40

This is the frounter mod? Gah damn this shit is mid asf

@ikrimsoni9472 - 28.04.2024 03:49

My favorite part of that quote is that the Enclave is neither racist nor paramilitary. They literally just threw in words they thought sounded evil

@Giofm - 29.04.2024 09:39

I love how fucking political the comments are, i just wanna a fallout 5 sort of game fixing all of the previous games before it including new vegas is that much to ask (it is)

@normanred9212 - 01.05.2024 17:25

Once you learn that all fascism means, when translated correctly, is Nationalism. Every single group in Fallout is fascismo, every single group in the game is absolutely the same they just wear different cloths. Id rather The Enclave than 2 shithoes and the techno cleptos

@BurgundyOfEurope2 - 02.05.2024 02:30

Sounds like brotherhood of tin cans propaganda

@theoutlander1411 - 02.05.2024 04:00

Player man bad >:(

@Luy22 - 04.05.2024 05:55

“We may be slavers who burn and crucify villages in the name of Ceasar but at LEAST WE’RE NOT FASCISTS.”

“We may raid caravans and murder innocent people but AT LEAST WE’RE NOT FASCISTS.”

“We may gaslight people onto our side, infiltrate other factions, making horrific machine men, but hey at least we aren’t fascists.”

Leftists are ruining writing and creativity. I don’t need a lecture, holy hell it’s FALLOUT. EVERYONE IS EVIL. Also it’s fictional omg.

@omeven5785 - 05.05.2024 00:37

The easier way to prevent the player from joining would be just saying "the enclave literally want you dead and think you're not human, how dumb are you ?"

@localdrugseller6431 - 06.05.2024 00:27

Based arcade. Fascism is ontologically evil.

@ishaqedrees5849 - 09.05.2024 20:48

Arent you an enclave

@heehoostockdude2338 - 09.05.2024 23:10

"Noooo Courier, bad courier! You can't join them, bad!"

@freedom-man - 10.05.2024 02:10

i was expecting him to say "Understandable have a nice day" to the cool armor

@chahleybrosfullsignal - 11.05.2024 11:23

Let's be real for a second, the way the writers should've handled this isn't "You can't join them because they're evil" but rather "They wouldn't let you join if you tried". Yes it's silly there's only one dialogue option regarding it, but it still could've be written smarter.

A bit long but:
As established in Fallout 2, The Enclave literally don't let people join. The Enclave is what's left of Jingoist America, believing anyone not part of their Shadow Gov't prior to the bombs falling to be their enemy, including any Vault Dwellers. Anyone working for them who wasn't born into the Enclave is never actually considered a member, just pawn. The only reason the Enclave accepts help from wastelanders is to gain an advantage to eventually wipe them out. In effect: anyone attempting to join them is literally committing suicide.
The only reason they don't kill you on sight at Navarro in FO2 is that they assume you're a soldier, since no one in California should know the Enclave is there. Depending on the clothes you wear when arriving, they open fire immediately without prompt. Even the East Coast Enclave in FO3 don't even humour the possibilty of you joining because in their eyes, all wastelanders are mutants, and all vault-dwellers are test subjects, and thus should all be killed. The East Coast Enclave literally kills you right after you help them

The only protagonist who even remotely had a chance of joining the Enclave was Nate from Fallout 4, as he's actually a U.S. Military vet who fought at Anchorage, but by the time he thawed out of Vault 111, the Enclave has already been eradicated.
The Courier meanwhile objectively has the least possible chance of even being humoured, since not only is Courier 6 a capital W wastelander, it's also implied he's an extremely durable mutant, having survived a gunshot to the head at point blank, breathing regularly with a hole in their head for upwards of an hour before Victor dug them up. It wouldn't even matter if Arcade or the Remnants vouched for you.

In short: The Enclave isn't evil because of any ideological differences or even morally ambiguous actions, they're evil because they want everything that isn't them erased.

frontier still sucks tho <(o-o<)

@thefiresworddragon927 - 11.05.2024 15:31

"The Enclave is a fascist paramilitary power fantasy."

Looks at the massive arsenal of vertibirds and howitzers and spaceships the NCR Exiles have.

@desertstorm67 - 12.05.2024 21:08

Yeah but you can own an underage sex slave in this mod, 😊truly America is evil and bad and communism is the superior form of government

@Jules-69lol - 12.05.2024 22:19

They really called the enclave fascist huh

@scottski02 - 12.05.2024 23:12

"Because they have really cool armor."
Arcade: "Understandable. Have a nice day."

@faithmystery4441 - 13.05.2024 04:46

Man some of these comments really dont understand the true humor of this.
Like the enclave won't let you join no matter what, and the mod Literally let's you have a teenage slave and lets you be a zoophile. Like I think the bad writing for this conversation isnt the whole issue this mod faces if it lets you be evil, but say the enclave is Too Bad for you to join anyways (which. Considering you can be the biggest asshole in the world in fallout.)

@Apenas_Derf - 13.05.2024 22:59

absolute cinema

@ZsoronZ - 13.05.2024 23:45

Lol, ¨Fascist¨
The Enclave is as fascist as the Third Reich was democratic.

@red6093 - 14.05.2024 01:59

Literally one of the biggest reasons i was excited for The Frontier was because I was excited to play more Legion faction quests and Enclave quests. Wasn't expecting a tumblr user's sexual fetishes and politics to be what we got. Too bad.

@user-th7nm3ug7k - 14.05.2024 02:11

If the enclave are bad, then why are they the only ones with real human DNA? Checkmate mutants.

@noimoshimu - 14.05.2024 09:28

: (

@abumuslimal-asiani2066 - 14.05.2024 10:03

cringecade gaynon

@GrishaPutin - 14.05.2024 14:09


@joefatso111 - 14.05.2024 16:03

'The enclave is bad. You are bad for helping them. Please stop'
Dang they hired the Fallout 4 writers for this one. Riveting stuff.

@velocity1852 - 14.05.2024 21:02

This feels like a friend telling another friend not to be edgy online

@lonecolamarine - 15.05.2024 01:50

This hits like that one Extra Credits video:

“Picture this, you’re just minding your own business, playing your favorite WW2 shooter, when suddenly- Bam! You’re a Nazi. You didn’t choose this, but the game forced it on you.”

@punishedwhispers1218 - 15.05.2024 03:25

Let me translate
Fascist: Right of Karl Marx
Paramilitary: Believes in basic human gun rights
Greatest Country in the World: Greatest Country in the World
Bad: Good

@Gonger02 - 15.05.2024 06:28

Reddit Gannon is dumb, The SNEEDCLAVE will thrive.

@Jose-xh5qb - 15.05.2024 15:20

But apparently you can have relations with a deathclaw.

@quicke5486 - 17.05.2024 01:44

The Enclave is bad, but, like jesus that conversation and argument in itself is insanely stupid.

@youraveragescotsman7119 - 17.05.2024 14:34

Wanna join the Enclave? Make a mod where you play as someone who was born into it. Because unless you do that the Enclave are gonna shoot the Player on-sight for being, in their eyes, a mutie. This has been their MO since FO2. They hate anything that isn't them and have tried to commit mass genocide against the surface twice.

Not that difficult. Make a mod, make up lore around the new player character, then unleash them into the world alongside Enclave-related quests.

@thejallenator5722 - 17.05.2024 17:25

Didn't realise Todd Howard made mods for New Vegas.

@Archedgar - 19.05.2024 11:45

FUN FACT: 'fascism' is just italian socialism, so basically socialism (Hardcore leftism). That's according to Mussolini & his crew, the guys who came up with it & put into practice.

'antifa' for instance, is by definition a fascist socialist organization, whether they like it or not. Remember that. fascism=socialism=leftism

@SergeantExtreme - 28.05.2024 04:49

It gets even better when you realize that the Enclave aren't even fascist; they're democratic.

@Rocket_Ninja - 03.06.2024 14:00

One dialogue choice...the less Fallout-friendly dialogue ever
