what ?????
ОтветитьWatch and we take hip hop to a higher ground...i know because of krs1
ОтветитьSimply ask yourself what is it keeping the body alive . We are not our bodies
ОтветитьThats called a thought... It isn't you
ОтветитьI say hip hop with my mind , didn t use my soul 😅
ОтветитьNo. It's just how our brain works. We don't need eyes and ears to imagine. That doesn mean it's anything more than just that. Your not Superman or some shit. There's no soul. It's just thoughts.
ОтветитьI saw krs1 in San Jose in 99 and dude was like—“whose been down since 86?”
ОтветитьBackground music?
ОтветитьI appreciate finding this video!
ОтветитьAll he describing is how brain function. Annd it recognises the image itself created. How can we be outside our brain? As far as I understand we cant be anyhing cause we need brain in first place to then generate logic and perceptions.
ОтветитьYou speak "I Am That I Am!" as evidence of your inner Divinity!
ОтветитьI’ve been listening to this man for many years. He is exactly correct.
ОтветитьI’ve been listening to this man for many years. He is exactly correct.
ОтветитьNow how about you find the difference between the lower and higher self.. hint: the higher self doesn't "fight"...
ОтветитьIts really interesting but you know 60% of people really dont have inner voice? Does that mean they dont have a soul? 🤔😅
Ответить💪 💪 ❤
ОтветитьThis explains everything in simple terms and instructs exactly how. This one book granted me freedom from this world of chaos. The Full Breath by James Francis.
ОтветитьThe definition of DUMMING IT DOWN
ОтветитьThis is awesome . I use to think abt this always ,it generally feels lyk we heard that sounds we say it within us ..
ОтветитьThe baby literally responded 😂
ОтветитьI heard Morgan Freeman
Ответитьthis sounds crazy but it's TRUE
ОтветитьBoring …..😂😂😂😂….and …yet there is Homeless….starvation…..slavery………………..🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺………talk talk talk talk talk ……😮😮😮😮
ОтветитьSays the guru souless a hole who supports bambaata. Step into a world where you matter still. What bboy summit is he at now. Shady dude.
Ответитьthe voice i heard was from the price is right
ОтветитьWow. This is an amazingly creative and deep. Respawning what was lost in memory. Opening the door of our image nation. Wow I'm blown away. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Ответить❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤, love this, made me cry
ОтветитьIs it not a thought? To vocalize a thought is to speak ya??? Hmmmm
ОтветитьSo many are deceived. No one can get to God except through JESUS!!! Without coming to Christ you will be influenced by demons. Please you all seek the kingdom FIRST
ОтветитьIt’s your consciousness.
ОтветитьWhy do t you be quiet, work on your inflated ego and stop regurgitating stuff and acting as you’re the author
ОтветитьAnd you know. And you know because of KRS-1…..thank you teacher!
ОтветитьYessir KRS1 That part
Blessings and abundance
Also ,why whisper on the recording , it’s annoying .And distracting not to mention disrespectful of Sitfu’s lessons
Good exercise but God is an unnecessary and extremely harmful delusion. I see those comments and to forfeit accountability is dangerous to your mind and everyone around you unless you choose to stay ignorant and complacent for your conscious experiences.
ОтветитьSpeaking truth
ОтветитьIn todays age, they estimate that 50%+ domt have this inner dialogue like this
I truly belive most of the world is souless/ empty vessels
Does this mean that all those without an internal monologue don't have a soul?
ОтветитьI consider KRS 1 a street profit. Thats who motivated the rap industry be later taken over by zionist Illumanatti record labels that glorify violence and promote drugs and degradation of women. In other words, its simply negative programming and no musical talent.
KRS1 was something much more. He was wise, brilliant, caring, not ego driven , not materialistic, he was real as fuck and he had so much to teach people! People on the streets idolized KRS1 on another level. He educsted ignorant inner city crowds on higher spirtuality in such a beautifull way.
KRS1 is one of greatest rappers of all time like Rakim, Public Enemy, Cl Smooth, Gangstar, Gza, and Nas.
"My body is time. My breath holds me to my body."
ОтветитьThis is some real ish nah forreal 😮 🤯
ОтветитьWe are not just this body and flesh therefore I think the body is a projection of ourselfs for KRS1 is not the soul KRS1 is just the body, WHT we really need to find is who the soul really is because it is very old for the fact that it has managed to regain it consciousness and see that the body is only a vessel know the soul needs to find out who it really was in the first place when it came to be so that it can regain back all it skills and power to help make life better for the body that it contained in for now
ОтветитьHip Hop was created by and only by BLACK AMERICANS