How To Fix ANY Muscle Imbalance (3 SIMPLE STEPS!)

How To Fix ANY Muscle Imbalance (3 SIMPLE STEPS!)

Ryan Humiston

3 года назад

509,242 Просмотров

As you can tell by the thumbnail today we're talking about muscle imbalances so if you're dealing with one then this will help you fix it!

This is one of those topics that really don't warrant a long drawn out video because to correct this is pretty simple. First thing is you have to start doing more unilateral work which will allow you to keep an eye on your form and correct any differences you identify between the left and right side of your body. Second, you have to add additional reps to your smaller/weaker side. That's going to allow it to catch up over time. Finally if it's really bad you need to dedicate time to train that body part on that side of your body on days it doesn't normally fall on. If you have a noticeable difference then you're going to need to make it a priority and really hammer on it.

whether you have uneven pecs or one arm is bigger than the other, it will only take you a short time before you even out those gains. Get after it!

- Ryan Humiston



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