Tiktok “How To Goth” Is NOT GOTH.

Tiktok “How To Goth” Is NOT GOTH.

Drama Kween

1 год назад

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amogus - 17.09.2023 04:29

yo quick question i listen to emo music, goth music (also read some goth poetry), and punk music, and bc of that what am i?? 😭


Megan Scribner
Megan Scribner - 16.09.2023 22:31

I am a Nu-Goth and I listen to metal,light rock,screamo,weird old stuff from the 1920's and techno rock. Hehe!

Willow Montgomery
Willow Montgomery - 15.09.2023 18:01

Well that's cool Im not allowed to be goth emo or alt or anything like that I used to be but im not allowed to anymore but I still listen to all the music so that's super cool I can still be considered goth because I listen to the music makes me super happy I love everything about the goth emo and scene culture especially the music it's my favorite type of music and style and it's cool that she mentioned u don't only need to listen to one type of music to be goth bc I listen to metal rock all that stuff but I also love indie music and sometimes pop and sometimes rap

🎧Paper.eggs.bacon⭐️ - 15.09.2023 16:50

“Music makes my brain….. cum” IM DIYING😭

Sunday Jones
Sunday Jones - 15.09.2023 11:32


Colette marie
Colette marie - 13.09.2023 09:53

in general i'd agree that being goth is less about the aesthetic and more about the mediums the subculture utilizes. however i don't think that has to just be music, unless we are going to start differentiating between goth and gothic. Im someone who got into the goth scene when I was middle school, at the time I mostly listened to grunge but i was obsessed with gothic literature. I think a person who has a passion for gothic literature, gothic paintings or even other mediums of art such as film are just as valid as "goths" as those who enjoy the music. Unless theres a term for people like that already besides goth that i'm unaware of.

Queenofcats - 13.09.2023 07:05

I’m not goth, but I do like some goth music. The main genre I listen to is Kpop. I have an Instagram account for Kpop and I’m actually very well known in the kpop community in my hometown because I sometimes MC events and I sell artwork. That being said, people have “called me out” for listening to other genres or sharing nonkpop songs in my story. Most of the people I get those kind of comments from are teenagers so I’m willing to excuse them, but I’ve gotten a few from people my age or older and it really annoys the heck out of me that they feel the need to tell me how to run my account

tzovinar - 11.09.2023 21:14

honestly i never label myself as goth even though i have been listening to goth music for half my life (im thirty), one of my all time fave band makes goth music. im just too lazy to even consider dress up like that so i look like a normie and im fine with that because at the end of the day, it's about the music. you either get it or don't

your bestfriend
your bestfriend - 11.09.2023 04:04


aofmdual - 10.09.2023 11:15

funny that people style themselves like how we grew up

Supersonic_saurapod - 10.09.2023 06:43

I listen to goth, punk, emo, etc etc music but I do not dress like those subcultures. when I tried to I just didn’t feel like myself, I didn’t see myself in that and that’s why I feel so upset when people say “you cant be goth if you don’t dress the part” like bro… it’s not fashion based it’s music based.

Bethany Harvey
Bethany Harvey - 07.09.2023 15:48

genuine question, can i dress similar to goth (i.e. darker clothes, bold makeup etc) and not listen to the music because i cant get behind it. i wouldnt ever call myseld a goth because i dont like the music but could i still dress similar to goths and not listen to zhe music?

Mike Oxmol
Mike Oxmol - 04.09.2023 18:16

What ive always understand was that the music/literature is the "voice" of its ascribed subculture. If you dont resonate with the "voice" of a subculture then how much can you really be into it?

Edith's Musique
Edith's Musique - 02.09.2023 21:18

"You are either stupid, or STUPID. And i am gonna take it YOUR STUPID"
never related to anything more

Dead_inside - 01.09.2023 00:01

I love how 99% of alt people really don't give a fuck, they just want to live their life, be alt and listen to their little songs.

Misaki - 31.08.2023 15:46

okay i just want to say that black metal isnt and will never be goth. no hate on the genre or any of the people featuring in this video though.

Giraffe Whiskers
Giraffe Whiskers - 27.08.2023 03:44

I’m a mix of kawaii and a mix of goth.. but mainly I wanna wear green

Max Garcia
Max Garcia - 26.08.2023 23:07

I saw a post talking about how you can't be a real goth unless you're a TERF and I was like.....what on earth? Goth and alternative styles in general are all about rejecting societal norms. Half the trans women I know are goth and are deeply passionate about the subculture. It's like trying to call yourself punk while being a nazi. THATS elitism, not saying you should listen to the music of a music based subculture.

aye - 25.08.2023 22:34

I listen to metal, emo, rock, goth.... but i also listen to billie eilish, eminem and 'normal music'

BlueYoon - 25.08.2023 09:00

I'm goth and I'm literally the biggest BTS fan you're ever gonna meet

Kerberos - 25.08.2023 02:21

I bet my playlist is better than yours

Hello I'm Weird.
Hello I'm Weird. - 24.08.2023 04:09

I'm not goth but I do ADORE the fashion style that comes with. I would love to mess around with dressing that way myself someday (when I can afford it. Life's expensive) but unless I start listening to the music I wouldn't claim to be goth. Just a gothic-influenced style.

Hello I'm Weird.
Hello I'm Weird. - 24.08.2023 04:07

...I just got an ad for an "anti-aging routine NOT CLICKBAIT"

This comment has nothing to do with the video I'm just sharing my disgust!? Excuse me internet I am a young teenager? What disgusting "anti aging" ideology are you trying to push on me and my peers? We're kids dude...

ZOMBIZII★ - 24.08.2023 01:07

I’m scene and some people say to be scene you have to listen to the music and be born in the 2000s It’s like gurl💀 I listen to the music and I like it but stop for serotyping the style and that goes of all especially goth 😔

Ellie - 20.08.2023 16:37

Sooo wtf are you supposed to call yourself if you like the fashion but not the music

GAYREFRIGERATOR - 19.08.2023 11:24

my god the gate/gothkeeping

bobo(ko) - 19.08.2023 02:38

I just wanna ask, is it ok to dress gothic but not listen to the music? Because I really like the dressing style and the physical appearance, but I'm not really into the music... obviously, I don't call myself a goth because I don't listen to the music, but I'd really want to dress like that cuz it's cool imo. Please let me know ^^

Yukinox - 17.08.2023 20:31

what do u think abt buying clothes on shein

Jezebel - 17.08.2023 10:22

listening to different genres is amazing, like why not listen to darkwave songs after some cumbias

Pinipy - 16.08.2023 10:25

Screaming at how good the algorithm is with this. The entirety of this week I've been attacked by people on Instagram after a 5 second video of me being silly in goth fashion blew up. I started getting awful comments along with a discussion about how I'm "not goth" because one side was assuming based on my appearance that I don't listen to goth music (I actually do!) and were trying to educate me on things I already knew about Goth being a music based subcultute, and then the other side of the same argument were people who don't know about the music subculture saying I'm not goth because I don't have black hair, lots of piercings and tattoos and wear extravagant black makeup designs (I wish i was that talented!) I think its super frustrating when after explaining that you do listen to goth music, there are these hordes of people who just keep going on and on and attacking anyway. I enjoy a variety of music alongside goth - same with fashion. I am quite diverse with what I wear. I wear goth most often these days but I also have a lot of colourful clothing, vintage and kawaii fashion. Its just so upsetting that people expect goth folk to look a certain way, and then there genuinely are these elitist people that will harass you if you don't LOOK like you listen to the music. Idk, I feel like elder goths didnf fight for years for goth to be normalised and not "weird" and judged, just for people in the goth community to attack one another. Also?? the amount of people that say goth = pale white skin. How incredibly racist??? I just can't.

Completely agree - its not gatekeeping to inform people that they have to listen to goth to be part of the community & subculture and label themselves as such. That is not gatekeeping or elitism at all.

Itz_no - 14.08.2023 11:06


Demise Arts
Demise Arts - 13.08.2023 15:12

A lot of them is also confusing being goth with being gothic, those things dont nessecarily go hand in hand, goth is solid music based, while gothic is the love for the literature, the funitures, the fashion etc.

Edit: Nvm....it even got mentioned in the video😂

채령 - 12.08.2023 18:55

i like the goth aesthetic, i’ve never heard “goth music”, is it just rock music?

Emma Low
Emma Low - 11.08.2023 12:58

How many times do we goths need to explain to AT LEAST listen to goth music?? Literally, if you don't dress as a goth, that's fine -- you can still be considered goth, the clothes and/or makeup doesn't matter as much as listening to the music to be considered goth. Like if you say "Oh, I'm goth." people are gonna start asking questions like "What's your favourite The Cure song?" etc. etc. and how do these (fake) goths answer? "Who's The Cure?" "Isn't goth just about makeup and piercings???" NO IT IS NOT. Coming from someone who is friends with goths and is a young goth, it is so triggering that people say they're goth but can't even name ONE band. Not even The Cure or Siouxsie and the Banshees. Like, there are TONS of Spotify playlists made by actual goths that you can listen to and hopefully become an ACTUAL goth.

TLDR: Just know that if you say you're part of a subculture, just know AT LEAST ONE song that's actually goth -- not Billie Eilish or Melanie Martinez. Actual goth music.

Kiwii🥝 - 11.08.2023 11:33

Goth is music based, the fashion is just a way to express yourself more :)

Eliza - 11.08.2023 02:06

I get a lot of my clothes and accessories from hot topic. I like wearing thick eyeliner and chokers. I love the color black. But, i also wear other colors. My style is probably grudge. But, idk for sure if that makes me goth, emo, or alt.

ElectricInhale - 10.08.2023 04:23

The vibe is immaculate here

KHALI-SAN - 09.08.2023 13:47

I'm a baby bat and I've been actively listening to goth music for about 6-7 months, and I had a lot of interest in goth before that. And you're so right on this whole hostility towards new goths. One thing that I've been seeing as well is how much hate there is towards very young people, mostly girls/fem-presenting people, there's a lot of negative comments on their videos about how "they're only doing it for attention" or "you're only goth because you watched Wednesday", so many people just being overly negative for no reason. These people make the goth community so hostile to be in if you're a beginner and it has honestly driven me away from the online goth community completely, I hate it

Joshua Odangga
Joshua Odangga - 09.08.2023 10:24

Goth borrowed punk subculture. Most of them listening to Death Metal.

I know everything about Goths, Metal heads, Skinheads, Punks and Hippies.

Tabby - 09.08.2023 04:59

My name is Tabitha and that threw me off 😅

Hare - 08.08.2023 21:54

i wonder what these people think of clowncore... do i need to listen to entry of the gladiators on repeat 😱😱😱

amelia 🫀
amelia 🫀 - 08.08.2023 12:45

as a baby bat who is yet to start branching out into more goth clothing/makeup (beyond just some basic black clothes) thank you for helping me feel like a goth even though I don't dress like one. i find it hard to fit into a community unless I'm the communities stereotype, so being reminded that I'm goth because I listen to the music (which I do, I love goth music sm omg btw my fav band is lebanon hanover if you haven't listened to them I highly recommend) really helps me feel better about everything.
however I definitely want to dress in a more goth style, but I currently have maybe $6 to my name :(

Jady_Vanity - 08.08.2023 06:36

Goth is based on the music
Emo is also based on the music. But if you don’t like to listen to the music but like the fashion style attached to it, then you’re just someone who enjoys the fashion style and that’s okay. I mean I think it’s nice and cool to see people experiment with the goth/emo fashion for fun. I just know they aren’t actually goth/emo if they don’t listen to the music. But to be goth/emo you have to know it’s more than it’s fashion style. The music was first before the fashion look. Even if you don’t look the part, I consider the person who doesn’t look goth/emo that listens to the music a emo/goth more likely than someone who just likes the fashion only but finds no interest in the music. Idk how that’s gatekeeping. Sometimes my friend likes to dress emo with me for fun. Difference is that I like the music and he doesn’t which is okay. He doesn’t like any of the music much. I think it’s nice that he likes my style but he knows he ain’t emo bc he knows it’s music based. Sometimes I dress scene or goth for fun when I’m at home and take selfies but I know for damn sure I’m not goth or scene xD I dress that way for fun to try it out and that’s fine too. I like to dress different styles for fun but I know I’m not it. I’m emo at heart bc I love to listen to music like rites of spring (80s) sunny day real estate and jawbreaker (90s) and some taking back Sunday and Thursday (2000s). I also love some underoath and Silverstein. I love emo history and how it came to be. I know goth and emo came from punk. Also some days, I don’t dress all emo like eyeliner and the swoop lol bc sometimes I’m lazy and just throw on jeans and a top but I know I’m still emo lmao. Also I love emo music but we are also allowed to enjoy other music too. I love me some good ol Britney Spears or some spice girls lol. It’s fun! There is just so much more to goth/ emo subculture rather than just looking the part. It’s the music and loving the history of its music. It’s all MUSIC! There was no style attached to emo when its genre started. It came from punk and punk was more political in lyrics and then some bands changed it up a bit adding in lyrics focusing on more personal issues.

cyberbugz ꩜
cyberbugz ꩜ - 07.08.2023 19:34

i'm sorry that it's not very relevant but "baby bats" is so cute 😭

pixie-o - 07.08.2023 18:06

i am a goth but i cant find the balancr between "looking" goth and being comfortable bc no matter how much I love goth clothes and makeup, i dont have any money and i hate being stared on on the streets. I listen to music n all while dressing like a 12 yo boy and it didnt make me less of a goth

basilXcore - 06.08.2023 23:45

It’s very simple. I don’t call myself goth because I don’t listen to goth music. Now I do like a lot of the goth aesthetic when it comes to decor and fashion, and I even choose to decorate myself and my things in that way sometimes, but I’m 100% a punk because I listen to punk music and stick to a specific ideology based in punk. Just because I have pointy eyebrows and platform boots doesn’t automatically make me goth. And I’m not at all hurt by that. Ppl are childish and annoying.

CanIGoBackToSleep - 06.08.2023 05:51

I guess I'm scene then I listen to A LOTTTT of scene music but I like the scene style so nice

Teya - 06.08.2023 00:31

That's a weird hill to die on (Goths don't have to listen to goth music). You don't have to listen to any particular style to wear the fashion. Remember Marilyn Manson? People seem to have many problems with him but I've never heard this is one of them.
