This Is Why Your New Year Resolutions Always FAIL

This Is Why Your New Year Resolutions Always FAIL

trainer winny

7 месяцев назад

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@coreym4979 - 01.07.2024 12:20

My strategy is instead of having goals, have a new year theme. It's easier to stick to when you repeat it. This year my theme was "Do the things you need to do" and here I am at the gym at 4 in the morning.

@datguy9408 - 06.06.2024 02:06

I’ve never been consistent more than three weeks,now I’ve been weightlifting more than two months and I’ve been making amazing progress.
I wanna keep it going 💪

@CezrDaPleazr - 20.03.2024 04:22

This is why we LOCK IN

@nelsonnico4947 - 06.03.2024 07:48

I'm interested to get this plan as a beginner - but is there like a sample on what it looks like? Since I don't really pay that much online. Thanks for answering though.

@Sonibablaa - 23.01.2024 01:03

Victim of own laziness for sure

@victormaes9766 - 22.01.2024 13:45

I just made 2 easy rules for myself:
1. Make goals that feel real to myself. Where do i struggle the most, and what does it to me? I made myself 7 goals on all aspects of my life i wanted to improve on (from this point on! Not temporary!).
2. Failure does not exist. The fact that you need to have a "clean streak" is ruining your motivation to work towards the goals. Once you fail to do a set rule or don't follow a goal exactly like you want, it can make you quit. Find fun in the way towards your goals! Celebrate your failures because you learn from them what not to do or what better to do next time! If you believe in yourself wanting to improve yourself your capable of everything, just believe in it! And in the end if you could not make the finishline that you made for yourself, enjoy the time on your path. You just believed in you way of being.
This helped me get out of my eternal loop :)

@mario56m - 18.01.2024 22:33

Bro is seriously motivational.

@kikiblipblop3047 - 16.01.2024 00:39

I decided I would learn to live without adhd (I can’t take them anymore bc of medical complications) and fix up my diet, organization, habits, mindfulness and get back to exercising and since I was in finals till the 22nd and then I was burnt out till January I only started like the 1st and I was like THIS IS NOT A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!!!!

@rockerboyka94 - 14.01.2024 12:32

The gym is starting to look empty again 🤔

@ssaammii - 13.01.2024 22:11

I started two weeks ago, i feel i am still not lifting as heavy as i could, and sometimes skip exercises, but just going to the the gym has made it wayy les uncomfortable, and i even met some old school friends there 😅 going to sleep after being uber tired from the gym is a super rewarding feeling, hopefully i can keep it going through the year

@MusicByAllonaMayost - 13.01.2024 21:59

I have been going to the gym regularly since the middle of July. I gained back some weight over the holidays,but I am back on track.

@shalalameowmeow3601 - 11.01.2024 18:10

It's mind over matter you just have to do it. You have to really want to change. A few years ago my new years resolutions too lose weight lasted the whole year because I just decided to commit no matter what.

@qm1174 - 11.01.2024 00:31

January is such a majestic month. Your gym is packed almost any hour, smells like pre workout mix and fresh gym shirts. You have group of teens that are doing the most random exercises, people scrolling facebook for 5 minutes between sets, old people testing every machines, yoga pants in every corner, you can't dry and brush your hair because people are flexing in front of mirrors, nobody cleans anything, the bench press is out of reach, plates and curls everywhere, people taking lots of spaces to film their fitness journey, showers smells like axe bodyspray and you have to park so far away it can be considered cardio.

And by the end of february, nature starts to recover. At 5pm it's as packed as 7am, you see your usual gym goers and have a chat on the bike, it's smells like cleaning product everywhere, you can do your routine without having to put your name on the list, newbies starts asking questions, you ask them "Son, do you like chicken ?" in return, the girls starts to smile and you can peacefully masturbate to daddy noel in the locker room.

Be strong fellas, the worst it's gonna be alright.

@sherryvt61 - 10.01.2024 21:55

Quick fixes don't last, just like crash diets.

@skylerhinman3108 - 10.01.2024 14:21

Thanks to this video im starting with walking around my neighborhod once a day and introducing new healthy foods first before i fully jump into the routine of exercising and fully dieting

@SeugeEsoj-iq9vv - 10.01.2024 07:22

I was going really intermittently to the gym from 2018 to 2023, having eating binges until the end of July when I realized I was eating my life away after binge eating an 8 piece KFC combo with Mac n cheese and a big soda.

I put an stop to that, I was weighting 241 pounds and today I’m at 211, targeting going to 175 lb while mentally focusing on changing careers as well.

Little by little, maybe not in the super perfect way, but doing the best I can every time.

@britneybij3997 - 09.01.2024 17:23

I find it easier to go to the gym after making a few changes;

1. I Dont spend too much time there. Before I thought I had to be in the gym for 2 hours for it to be worth something but now I focus on efficiency instead to do my workouts back to back with barely any breaks inbetween. So I end up finishing my main routine within an hour or even less sometimes. But ironically that made me feel as though I needed to do more and I would end up staying longer trying other workouts because I had the time. I stopped making my gym stays a required duration

2. I found a hobby to compensate what I hate doing at the gym. I am fine with weight lifting and all that, but I absolutely DESPISE Cardio and Aerobics. Its so boring and unlike with weight lifting you can increase the weights to make it more effective, Cardio is heavily time dependent. However, I got into rollerskating at my local roller rink and I absolutely love it because not only am I getting cardio in with just the regular motions, its like a party everytime! We can request music and I like most music the DJ plays. I see new people everytime. And its literally a party as I will be dancing while roller skating and I will be going at it like that for the whole session which is 2 hours and when its done I feel winded, Im sweating like crazy, and sometimes on the brink of a heat stroke cause I go that hard but I push myself because its just that fun and Im constantly improving.

3. Try to learn new skills that require your body to be more active/stronger. With rollerskating its a given that not only is it cardio, but alot of it is in the thighs and legs. So when I go to the gym I focus alot on my legs because if my legs is stronger I can do cooler tricks. But I also want to learn how to break dance and maybe parkour and I know that requires some flexibility and core strength. So I will put those more into my routine so I can get better at those too.

Youd be surprised how much more barable going to the gym can be when you insert hobbies into your life that requires a certain of lvl physical performance.

TLDR, what helped me the most: Find a hobby that the gym/physical activity compliments/enhances (rollerskating, breaking dancing, etc)

@unlock1EH - 09.01.2024 09:42

I never cared about this whole New Year’s resolution thing it’s a joke

@Chedring - 08.01.2024 20:44

I will say, my method of "No Soda for 20xx" tends to work because it is something I can just not do yet benefit from rather than something I have to do. Then I just keep saying it throughout the year, " no Soda 20xx". Getting into a routine to DO something is much harder. So I recommend just cutting bad habits first before you try to start habits.

@houcemfehri155 - 08.01.2024 16:13

I have no New Year’s resolutions just my old goals that I am currently working on.

Resolutions are overrated lmao.

@RainAdasi - 08.01.2024 15:25

I found out I got cheated on, on New Year’s Eve. 4 year relationship over. 2nd January I’ve joined a gym for first time in years. My whole focus is just getting in the gym. I don’t care right now about eating right or other bad habits. Developing discipline and harnessing that rage is my only concern right now.

@ilikevegetables9960 - 08.01.2024 11:25

U need more views, as in u deserve absolute success in this platform

@civicbuzzard1796 - 08.01.2024 00:54

I was able to change everything at once all it took was heartbreak

@Ricardo2.0 - 07.01.2024 21:58

2024 fr the filler year. Everything good and hyped for is coming inculding gta6
In 2025

@joaopedrogontijo6379 - 07.01.2024 08:20

Thank you so much for this video. I'm fighting smoking and sedentarism now. I made a good 2023 at the gym. I feel good for 2024. The time is now

@neosharkey7401 - 07.01.2024 04:40

My new year’s resolution to learn Japanese didn’t fail. I learned N5, all n4 grammar and 25% n4 vocab.

@user-wy7mm6ym7d - 06.01.2024 12:48

Started loosing fat

@GigachadJrfrfr - 06.01.2024 12:43

"new year new me" but the new you might be even worse than the old you.

@PedroMadureira25 - 05.01.2024 17:56

no. i will change everything at once

@22slawosz - 05.01.2024 17:24

se snazim ale nejde mi to

@Txkxi - 05.01.2024 12:49

Im working out as my goal from last month

@GlasiaVD23 - 05.01.2024 12:17

This is because you get literally said the A and F word if your year goal is small as "I want to improve in English class from a D to a C" with "you are a P word".

@PartTimeDragons - 05.01.2024 11:36

I watched this on first of january, LOL

@ShreddedSteel - 05.01.2024 11:23

Started Bramacarya, 5 years and 5 days ago
Quit smoking, 4 years and 5 days ago
Turned up to the gym every 3 days, 3 years and 5 days ago
Saved $500 every week, 2 years and 5 days ago
Cut out sugar, 1 Year and 5 days ago
Quit all fast foods, 5 days ago

If you can destroy your worst vice, The rest are fucking GARBAGE

@ZAND4TSU - 05.01.2024 06:54

Y'all are complicating this. Just exercise, do better, change and that's it.

@UnknownUser-fg3fs - 05.01.2024 04:15

Are you Arab? you sound just like one of my old Arab friends

@ColinTherac117 - 04.01.2024 21:54

Last year, I got medicated for my major depression disorder. I got therapy. I got a job. And I lost 40 pounds over the summer.

My new years resolution is to drop the rest of the way down to 200 pounds and under by the end of March. But I have already been practicing all the habits needed to do that last year. I just couldn't keep dropping over the fall and early winter because the temptation of free food in the office over the holidays kept me bouncing back up. Now that is over, and I will just say no to the fewer temptations to cheat on my diet. I have already lost 8 pounds in 4 days, but that is just my initial push to get back to the lowest weight I was last year.

My ultimate goal is to be fit enough to have the energy to play with my 2 year old niece at her energy level without being in pain and out of breath.

Wish me luck.

@redseven4040 - 04.01.2024 20:57

Here’s the secret to New Years resolution gym going: start in October of last year

@seishin5371 - 04.01.2024 20:49

Thank you winny

@LokiHades - 04.01.2024 20:48

I only found this today but have been making the changes that needed to happen. You are right that the problem is comfort, and how it makes your mind trick yourself. If you want to see change, just go. Just do it. And then do it consistently. 4 weeks in now, and I feel excited and happy when I go, and still feel happy with home workouts when I can't make the travel time. But just keep doing it.

And it applies to other things too:
Quit smoking a month ago. Waking up at 5am daily now after getting proper sleep at night. Hydrating properly, cooking my own meals.
Looking into what I need to learn to make my writing and game dev dreams come true, talking to the people who share those dreams but are too afraid to leave their comfort zone and slowly hyping them up into trying to chase the forgotten feelings of not just living life by the motions.

Thank you for the video, it reinforces my motivation and my hunger for life!

@thedude4840 - 04.01.2024 20:10

I started doing some gym work and healthy eating prior to the new year. The problem I have is that I work a job with long days and sliding schedule we could be on a 14 hour days for 13 days in a row for 3 months or we could be in 4 10s.
So the plan is get more protein (if I’m gonna snack it’s gonna be nuts and jerky) and I’m going to attempt to do simple exercises after work (I angle grind for a living so I’ll probably be exhausted but I figure I can try to do some dumbbell stuff and some core workouts.

@sethkang4410 - 04.01.2024 20:01

This why i take it easy and still do it consistently. 3momths going strong. Logging everything and fixing my diet.

@copingcarot1384 - 04.01.2024 19:47

“If you really wanted it you would start RIGHT NOW!” Yes sir. 2024 is going to be our greatest year yet.

@packerphan66 - 04.01.2024 19:37

Thanks for keeping it simple.

I went down the over complicated rabbit hole and spent more time nursing injuries (rotator cuff, groin pulls, etc) than I did working out last year.

@sammywoose - 04.01.2024 18:10

Going to the gym regularly naturally helps other unhealthy habits. If ive gone to the gym 3 times this week i cant bring myself to order takeout and waste all my work. But if ive been on the sofa all week ordering food is easy.

@charlottecunninghammtb - 04.01.2024 11:08

Thank you! I needed to hear this today. Great video 😁😁.

@zachcurylo4795 - 04.01.2024 04:25

Bros honestly, a W 😊

@UNhaN_hgag - 04.01.2024 01:56

I've lost my motviation for everything for like 6 months now but watching some videos gave me a huge boost of motivation and I will finally be consitent with my workouts and just my life in general

@yo_simpel - 04.01.2024 01:52

Thank you men for all of this advices :V
