Qlik Sense Tutorial | Qlik Sense Master Calendar | Resident Table | Inline Function | Qlikview Code

Qlik Sense Tutorial | Qlik Sense Master Calendar | Resident Table | Inline Function | Qlikview Code

Padips World

2 года назад

887 Просмотров

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Master calendar is a table in a QlikView/Qlik Sense data model which generally contains
date related column

1. Extract the Minimum and Maximum dates from a date column in the fact table. From the existing table, you create min and max.

Min(Date Field) as MinDate,
Max(Date Field) as MaxDate
Resident Table Name

2. Populate all the dates between the min and max dates using peek function.
Let vMinDate = Peek('MinDate',0,'Min_Max');
Let vMaxDate = Peek('MaxDate',0,'Min_Max');
Note: after that drop Min_Max temporary table.

3. Extract all the necessary date columns required for the dashboards
Pulling dates between Min date and MAx Date

Load *,
MonthName(DateField) as MonthName,
QuarterName(DateField) as QuarterName,
YearName(DateField) as YearName,
'Q'&Ceil(Month(DateField)/3) as Quarter,
Year(DateField) as Year,
Month(DateField) as Month,
WeekDay(DateField) as WeekDay;

4. Associate the date column in the fact table to the date column in the master calendar.

Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as DateField
AutoGenerate 1
While $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 lessthan= $(vMaxDate);

This is one of the processes for creating a master calendar.


#master_calendar_qlik_sense #master_calendar #master_calendar_in_qlik #business_intelligence #Resident_Table #Inline_Function #Inline_in_Tamil #Qlik_Script #Simple_Master_Calendar #Autogenerate #Peek_Function #Drop_Table #Delimeter #Star_Schema #Star_Model_in_Qlik #Data_Analytics_Free_Training #Qlik_vs_Power_BI #Qlik_Sense_Salary #qlikview_Salary #0_-1_in_Peek_Function #Syntax #Peek_Syntax #Inline_Syntax #Tamil #telugu #Malayalam #Hindi #Kanada #German #qlik_sense_interview_questions
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